The Death Knell

Chapter 3854 Locking Signal

"Adjutant, send this bad woman back to Sepurk and take care of her. It's best to feed her some good tobacco and wine made from mushrooms, so that she can be reformed and become sensible."

Since he is an innocent person, it is not appropriate to knock him unconscious and leave him in a wheat field. The corpses may spread over there at any time. Let the adjutant take him back for brainwashing first.

Whether it was to make her forget the existence of the machine head, or to make her suddenly understand the righteousness, Su Ming didn't care.

He only needs to knock people down, and his subordinates will naturally do the finishing work.

"Understood, Sheriff." The adjutant's projection showed a smile. She waved her hand, and the blue light wrapped in the big pepper disappeared: "Currently, I have locked the ten possible existences of the machine head through the specific energy release frequency when the boat reactor is running. Seven locations, do you need to drop Space Marines for an orbital assault?”

"Oh? It seems that the machine head is not completely brainless, and he also knows about the three cunning rabbit dens." Su Ming laughed, but still shook his head: "First mark these locations on the world map, and I will discuss it with the two detectives. "

The AI ​​girl naturally did as she was told, and in the emerald green wheat field with the gentle breeze, she projected a large world map and marked it with a corresponding number of red dots.

At the same time, she also marked a small black dot on the blue map projection, right in New York, which represents the spread area of ​​the nanovirus.

If the Sheriff doesn't plan to rescue anyone, just avoid this area.

"All marking points near the equator can be eliminated."

Bobo just took a look and gave his opinion. He stretched out his furry paw and clicked four times on the map:

"As a patient with severe burns, the machine head has a serious inferiority complex. These signal locations are all densely populated coastal scenic spots. If he sees handsome men and beautiful women with smooth skin and able to sweat freely in front of his eyes, he will bear it psychologically. No."

As a result of the deception, Bobo believed that these places should be traps. If everyone just went to investigate like this, the machine head would probably drop bombs or nano bugs in these densely populated areas.

After all, the equator revolves around the earth. If you really want to arrange a safe house, with the technology of the machine head, you can definitely find it on the bottom of the sea or on an uninhabited desert island. However, we chose four of the most popular tourist locations. Just think about it. There is a ghost.

Having said that, this machine is very clever. Maybe it just wants to put everyone in a moral dilemma in those places, right? Should he save people or continue to track him?

But he still didn't know enough about Deathstroke. Maybe he had heard that Deathstroke had helped the Justice League defeat the powerful enemies before, such as the Laughing Bat, Peppertua and the like, so he unilaterally believed that Deathstroke from another world was a superhero.

Obviously he was misled by the intelligence. This man is not a superhero, and is even darker than Deathstroke in other parallel worlds.

It is estimated that Jesse is the only one in the current team who has superhero ideas, and she has been fooled by Deathstroke.

"Psychologically? Well, it seems that the police chief thinks what you said makes sense. The human heart is really difficult to understand."

The adjutant first looked at the death knell, and after he nodded, he removed the display of the four light spots and spoke in an emotional tone.

She can analyze intelligence from massive data, and can also perform logical calculations based on various clues, but her foundation is a Cybertronian Autobot. Although she has undergone many transformations, she still dare not say that she can fully understand certain things. The thoughts of psychopathic humans.

The loading of the pain module allowed her to empathize with human suffering, but she was still slowly learning about mental illness.

"In that case, the two points at the North Pole and South Pole can also be excluded."

Alberta pinched the cigarette cartridge to remove the ashes. Halfway through her words, she took a sip of wine into her mouth before continuing:

"Whether it is extreme day or night, it will only worsen the condition of the mentally ill. If the machine head plans to do bad things, he will not let himself be on the edge of losing his mind. That is too unstable."

So the witch thinks this is still a trap. She is probably planning to use a false signal to trick everyone into coming, and then directly launch the nuclear bomb to say hello, right? Let's see if everyone chooses to survive on their own, or if they try to prevent the ice and snow at the poles from melting and the world sinking.

Of the seventeen locations, six have been eliminated, leaving eleven remaining.

These flashing red light spots are located all over the world, in cities and villages. The machine head is obviously hidden among the crowd, in one of these signal sources.

"Put the Alien Queen carrying the Stitch Virus into these locations and see which point moves."

Su Ming made the simplest decision, which was to use zombies to test the waters. If any of these light spots were machine heads, the zombies would smell his living scent and hunt him. If he didn't want to be bitten, He will inevitably move.

As long as Su Ming makes a move, he will notice that the little mouse is about to receive his lunch.

"The alien mother body has been released, and the suture monster virus has entered the transmission process. Among the first-generation local carriers, the virus with only the secondary reverse transcription ability has been implanted."

The zombie army used by Su Ming is a living corpse sewn with black light energy virus. It can be easily managed with a light ring, and there is no possibility of losing control.

It's okay to let the Emperor's Fists explore the way, but the cost of training a space warrior is much higher than that of a large group of zombies. If a few of them are killed by the machine head, it will be a loss. Even if your family is great, The emperor's currency should still be used wisely.

The mobilization of fleets and warships is a backup plan to prevent Darkseid from taking certain actions, not for Machine Head.

Superboy-Prime heard that Deathstroke was going to release the biochemical virus, and he was waiting to see the effect with great interest; Jesse also heard it, but she quickly made up a lot of things in her mind, and felt that Deathstroke must have other plans, she Just follow the instructions.

Everyone just stood in the wheat field, everyone looked at these flashing light spots. About thirty seconds later, one of them moved slightly.

The adjutant immediately zoomed in on the area in the South American rainforest. As the scale of the map changed, the light spots moved faster, almost as if they were flying.

"Found it. Alas, I really don't like fighting, but he actually built a safe house in the rainforest. This is too damaging to the environment. I can only be forced to eliminate him."

With a sigh, Superboy-Prime lifted up his cape and put his hands on his hips, raising his head slightly like a superhero.

He never forgot about whitewashing the documentary, so he naturally wanted to promote his agreement with the concept of environmental protection in front of the camera. This was a way to gain goodwill.

"To be precise, it should be underground in the rainforest. This chase scene was not captured by satellite images on the surface."

Looking at his teammates, Su Ming also prepared a set of death-matching packages belonging to the machine head. The mask seeped out from under his face like dew. The helmet covered his head, and the red diamond-shaped eyepiece suddenly lit up:

"Adjutant, teleport us over to block him. I want to see what good things Darkseid gave to Machine Head to make him so crazy."

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