The Death Knell

Chapter 3858 Reinforcements arrive

After deliberately wasting so much time and still not waiting for anyone to save Machine Head, it seems that Darkseid has really given up on him.

Will useless chess pieces be thrown away?

In other words, since the failure of Barry's kidnapping case planned by Machine Head, he has been classified as useless waste.

Forget it, forget it if you can't use him to fish, let's just focus on letting him show off the new power he got from Uncle Da.

It may not be comprehensive enough, but it would be good to provide some ideas from the side.

The key is to get his head and find out what the thing he secretly looked at at home before, the thing that would kill others if they saw it.

After breaking away from the shackles of the suit, Nito seemed to have become stronger, mainly because his aura had changed.

Wearing a brown-red battle suit before, he looked like a silly loser, but now he doesn't look so silly.

He floated in the corridor, took something out from behind him, and opened his mouth to eat the air like he was holding a ball of air in his hand.

Then, a gray light glowed on his body, as if the game character had entered the second stage and started to use new skills.

He used a skill similar to that of a lamp, ring, and item, and transformed himself into a new armor made of gray energy. The style of this armor was different from his previous designs, more like the edges and corners of Apokolips. Distinctive armor style.

Sure enough, he still prefers wearing armor. He feels incomplete without armor. Is this a habit?

Then he raised his hand and punched the top of his head.

There was a flash of gray light.


With one punch, all the cover above everyone's heads disappeared. Not to mention the rain forest, the original secret base turned into a big pit. Now there is only a blue sky full of black clouds above everyone's heads.

"What did he eat just now? Did you see clearly?" Superboy asked Deathstroke. He stood in front of everyone and used his body of steel to offset the shock wave caused by the explosion. Now things are getting a little interesting.

"Air? Nanomachine? The little man painted on the palm of his hand?" Su Ming used ten layers of barriers made of light rings to further protect everyone, but unfortunately those zombies were almost completely destroyed: "It doesn't matter, just twist off his head, and the information will be some."

"What's the tactic?" Superboy looked at the target that had risen into the sky. The opponent seemed to be planning to engage in aerial combat.

Taking off his hood and throwing it towards Alberta, so that she and Bobo could gain the ability to stay in the air and the necessary protection, Su Ming replied:

"You attack him head-on, and I'll look for opportunities to stab him in the back while others hinder his movement."

"Then it's settled! Let the fight begin!" Superboy squatted slightly on his knees, and then rushed into the sky with a whoosh, fighting head-on with the machine head that entered the second stage.

He knows that Deathstroke needs to observe the opponent's combat performance to find flaws, so he is happy to act as a vanguard, because doesn't this prove that he is strong.

This time, Superboy struck harder and harder. Every time he punched or kicked, there was a sound like breaking glass from the nearby space. Even all the light rings he rarely used were used. He now It can be said to be radiant.

This rainforest was completely destroyed. The moment the two sides fought, the plants on the surface seemed to have been swept away by a typhoon. They all fell down or were uprooted.

Darkseid didn't give Machine Head much technology, but he was very attentive to strengthening his body.

Also, since Nito has been transformed into the New God Clan, if it is too weak, won't it lower the prestige of the New God Clan?

Moreover, Uncle Da has now jumped outside the multiverse. He has entered a new level, and the things he bestows on his men must be better than before.

It is true that he is cruel and ruthless, and he can abandon or execute any of his subordinates except his own relatives; but he is also really generous when he is generous. When he is happy, he will reward some real people under his subordinates. This is probably the kingly way of a tyrant.

"Pay attention to the robot, Bobo." Su Ming reminded the orangutan, asking him, who had no combat mission, to pay attention to whether Ao Chong would appear. Then Deathstroke himself turned into a stream of light and flew into the sky to join the battle.

He is not alone, because there is always strangulation with him. The symbiote has strong restraint on flesh and blood. The primary goal of the current plan is to break the new turtle shell of the machine head.

Superboy and Machine Head were facing each other head-on, and neither side had very good fighting skills. It was like two lumberjacks cutting each other down like trees, relying solely on brute force.

So when Su Ming flew behind Nito, he couldn't get rid of Superboy's entanglement for a while.

The silent death knell struck out with a sword. There was no move name or a roar to cheer himself up, it was just a very quiet sword.

But the power of this sword is not small. In the process of falling, the black cloud above everyone's head has been cut in half like cutting a cake. Next, he is preparing to cut the machine head in half.

It doesn't matter if the target's brain is cut in half, you can still eat it by strangulation.

But at this moment, a gray beam of light suddenly shot from the sky. It could walk in a straight line, but it had to make several right-angled turns in the air. The target was the death knell who was about to chop the machine's head alive.

Su Ming had no intention of evading, even though his intuition and strangulation were warning him that he might be injured after being hit, but as a warrior with the ability to heal himself, it didn't matter if he lost some glory.

But perhaps sensing that Deathstroke had no intention of retreating, the light in the sky suddenly turned and hit the machine head, blowing him away from his fists and swords, and escaping with his life.

The guy who emitted mutated omega rays appeared. It was Ao Chong who had the same head as a fly. He caught the blown machine head and hugged Nito to his chest like a princess:

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" The robot's red compound eyes lit up with black light, and the light in its mouth also surged with the syllables.

The machine head patted the opponent's breastplate, seeming to have found support: "I'm fine, thank you."

"You're welcome, Nito, you are my maker, and I will never betray you." The robot said this, and a massive army of robots emerged from the horizon behind it, flying towards this side.

Apparently after receiving the request for help from the Machine Head, it came with its own Austrian Crash Legion.

Su Ming also moved closer to Superboy, a little speechless, and turned to ask Bobo, who was holding Alberta's thigh on the flying carpet behind him:

"Didn't I ask you to keep an eye on whether there are any robots disrupting the situation? Are you just looking at this?"

The orangutan detective looked aggrieved. He took off his green hat and scratched the black hair on his head, and said:

"I saw it and wanted to remind you, but it suddenly appeared from the darkness of the distant rainforest and flew too fast. I didn't have time to tell you."

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