The Death Knell

Chapter 3881 The cat eating fish

"I've taken care of the stillbirth. Let's continue fishing at another time."

Deathstroke appeared on the rooftop in a burst of blue light. His teammates were looking at the sky in eager anticipation, while Superboy was still flying in the sky, and his huge gloves were trying to pinch the wound in the space.

Bobo noticed the change almost instantly. Others may not notice it, but he is a detective.

This death knell is slightly shorter than the previous one, and the fact that he does not take off his mask when he lands shows the problem. Slade will always light up a cigarette as soon as the battle is over, instead of eagerly reciting the mission.

This is Cindy, even though I don’t know where she got a piece of cake and a black cloak, she also played a trick game.

But the orangutan won't ask. He has already realized that this is Deathstroke's plan. Since he didn't say it before changing people, it proves that this is a plan to attract Darkseid's attention.

There is Superboy and Albella in the team. In fact, there is no shortage of fighting ability, and the fishing plan can continue.

After all, it is impossible for Darkseid to come in person, especially after seeing Perpetua fall into the death knell trap and die, it is even more impossible for him to act rashly.

"Oh, no problem. Which time do you think is better for us to go to? We now have Jesse and Reverse Flash who can take us into the Speed ​​Force plane." The orangutan held on to his pipe and climbed onto Deathstroke's shoulders very skillfully.

Deathstroke moved his neck, scanned the people present with his one-eyed goggles, and answered in a demonic tone changed by the voice changer:

"You all share your thoughts and seek out whether there is any record of the gray-and-white masked man in history, and try not to affect the timeline."

The orangutan bared his teeth secretly after hearing this. He was afraid that Cindy would betray him.

You must know that Slade always comes up with a plan by himself, explains it a little and lets everyone add to it, rather than taking a brainstorming approach.

"Hiccup, let's get going." The witch put down the wine bottle and wiped away the magic circle under her feet with the soles of her shoes. She only hiccupped and shook her head due to the sour gas in her stomach: "I'm probably a little averse to the faded black and white figures. I have the idea, but I still need some advice from Dr. Swann.”

"Oh? Haha, do you still have a chance for me to express my opinion?" Swann was happy. He clapped his hands, took a deep breath, and opened his arms: "Just ask, in order to dispel Darkseid's suspicion. Barry’s outrageous thoughts, and I’m happy to share my wisdom with everyone.”

Alberta was a little queasy. She didn't think Reverse Flash's so-called wisdom was so superb. Swann was a good scientist, but not a master tactician. His role in the team was just a database and bait.

But she still did not make trouble for others, but asked directly: "Doctor, do you still remember the color of the Speed ​​Force used by the 'Black Runner'?"

"Haha, of course, I said it, I remember everything about Barry. The Black Runner was Barry's new god form during the Apokolips War. I understand his lightning at that time. Ah, as a witch, you Really amazing, great advice.”

"It seems you agree with me?" The witch said with a crooked smile. Her pretty face paired with this exaggerated expression looked very cute in contrast.

"I agree, and it's a good idea." Swann raised his finger at Jesse, who didn't understand at all, and motioned for her to come over and he would explain the destination to her.

"The fact that you got mixed up with the Legion of Destruction is a bit beyond my expectation."

Arriving at the bridge of the spaceship, Daniel saw the Legion of Destruction at a glance. He didn't have any special reaction, he just scratched the death knell with words.

"Because this is a story that has never been written. Who would have thought that Cyborg could be in the same boat as the Legion of Destruction?" Su Ming took the time to ask the adjutant to send a big fish over, such as a space whale. This is a reward for the cat.

The big cat that came with Daniel had no name, because it was the dream of all cats. In dreams, it was called 'Cat'.

Of course, it can also be called Mimi, Xiaohua, or Claw. It will agree to any name that people use to call their cat pets, because it is their collective subconscious.

Luther smiled and nodded to Sandman. He was not afraid of the Endless Family, and added what Deathstroke said: "I like the word 'in the same boat'. It's very romantic to call Perpetua's supercarrier a boat." style."

"You're right, Lex. Okay, our mysterious side reinforcements are already in place." Su Ming caught the teleported space whale and placed the monster, which was more than 3,000 meters long, on the floor in front of the cat. , knocked it to death and said: "Although Daniel is not a sorcerer, he can do more things than ordinary sorcerers."

"Hmm, but I think you seem to value that cat more." Luther tilted his head and asked with a tentative smile: "What's different about it?"

"Please let me keep it a secret, haha. I often tell my other friends that secrets make men feel better."

Deathstroke told a cold joke, and also patted the obedient cat who was not protective of his food:

"Maybe some people don't agree with this sentence,...but when this secret cuts off their heads with my sword, they will realize that only those who survive are qualified to define what a man is."

After hearing this statement, Luther stopped delving into it. Anyway, he was now an ally with Deathstroke, and he didn't think that this cat would be used against him.

"Then we are ready to set sail. Brainiac, have you calculated the flight route?"

"Yes, Lex." The green-skinned bald robot still wore a simulated fake smile. He released a projection of green light. The long series of dots were connected by a path, looking like pearls. necklace.

Gorilla Grodd, Damian, and Cyborg all raised their heads and looked at the star map. They all looked thoughtful, but Leopard Girl was not. She had been looking at the cat eating the big fish. It seemed that There is also a bit of envy.

"Darkseid is in this universe now. Let's use these dim universes to cover our whereabouts and give him a sneak attack."

Holding down the light spot at the end position, Luther moved the projection to bring it closer to the death knell for easier viewing, and continued:

"But we don't know the specific situation of these 'road rest stops', so we have to rely on your intelligence to identify which ones have been occupied by Darkseid so that we don't get ambushed when we pass by. Because I can't provide With the huge energy of Perpetua’s own level, every time the spacecraft completes a multi-dimensional journey, the Divinity will need a period of time to recharge.”

"Well, without seeing the specific situation of these universes, I can't give you any guarantee." Su Ming took out a cigarette and lit it. In the smoke, he waved to Da Mi and told him to come and sit on his lap: " However, as long as you remember one rule and kill all witnesses, it will be a perfect infiltration." (To be continued.)

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