The Death Knell

Chapter 3883 Super Power

What the Divinity sees through the surveillance system is directly projected onto the bridge and displayed in front of everyone.

Su Ming thought this scene had the right flavor, but others obviously didn't think so.

"Isn't this nonsense?" Leopard Girl rubbed her face with both hands like a cat, bit her tail speechlessly, and made a sound from between her teeth: "Is this the Flash's wife in this world? This is my first time So sympathetic to Barry.”

Leopard Girl often fought against the Lightning family in the past, whether it was Barry, Wally, or even Bart, she was familiar with them.

In the past, Minerva didn't feel any regrets about scratching their leg arteries or biting their necks. After all, they fought on the battlefield.

But when she saw this scene today, she just felt... no one should suffer like this, even if that person was the Flash.

"It seems that I still don't understand the way humans think well enough to understand..."

Sinestro sat back in his seat, pinched the mustache on his chin and began to think.

He suspected that this human woman was an undercover agent of the Red Lantern Corps because she was influencing others with her unwarranted anger, and it was obvious that she was very good at it.

"Don't look at me either. I am a gorilla. I have mentally controlled many people, but I have never controlled a mentally ill person."

Grodd shook his head and covered his forehead. He said that although the skin color was similar, he could not understand the brain circuit of this Iris. If he could read the mind of such a crazy woman, he would probably go crazy too, right?

Sea Lord Orm was even more direct. He rolled his eyes and leaned back on his chair without saying a word. He was probably studying the Sandman who seemed to have fallen asleep standing up not far away.

Damian was quite calm, and just sighed a little, and was glad that there was no such person among his teammates, so much so that now when he looked at the silly Cyborg, he felt that he was full of advantages.

It's just that Luther, who raised the question, is indeed a ruthless person. He can endure what ordinary people cannot tolerate and has great perseverance.

He persisted and looked down for a while, and saw that the Flash in the picture was trying to please and act cute, and even offered his manly sex to kiss this fat black woman before they finally reconciled...

Then he finally couldn't help feeling sick and complained:

"What the hell kind of world is this? Slade, don't tell me this is the case in the CW multiverse."

Su Ming smiled calmly. Luther wanted information and she gave it to him. Wouldn't that be enough?

"That's right, it's actually because your perspective of observing things is not comprehensive enough, and you have a preconceived notion in your mind that The Flash is a person with superpowers and a strong man." Su Ming took a puff from his cigarette under the beam of light and flicked the ashes. Start the lesson for the team members.

"Could it be that this fat black woman is actually stronger than Barry?" Sea Lord had an idea, and he thought of his own situation.

Mela was stronger than Arthur, so her half-brother had always been a doormat. His family status was extremely low, even inferior to the killer whale that Mela raised and played with.

Thinking about it this way, maybe Deathstroke's previous proposal was better. If he got his sister-in-law, she was the one who was strong and he was weak. Then wouldn't he become a doormat?

Siren is better. From the photo, she looks like a pure and delicate beauty.

"That's right, Om, you've learned how to answer questions quickly."

Su Ming, who was pouring himself a drink, immediately extended a thumbs up and gave Hai Zhu a high-speed thumbs up with the sound of punching:

"Although you can't tell it now, this Iris is the most powerful person on Earth 1, known as Talk Girl. Not to mention a mere Barry, even if Superman and Green Arrow were together, they wouldn't be the same. Her opponent. After knowing this, do you think it's natural to see Barry fawning over her?"

"Well, that makes sense. It's a survival instinct to please the strong. That's understandable."

The gorilla immediately agreed, because this is the case in the orangutan country, only the strong have the right to speak and mate.

"Talking Woman...why do I feel so childish?" Luther was a little speechless. He pinched his eyebrows and closed his eyes tightly: "What is her super power?"

"It's the talk power. She has a 'talk power' that is stronger than the Speed ​​Force. Whenever she initiates a conversation request, the flow of time will be slowed down, and the target of the conversation will lose all IQ, and can't help but say all kinds of zz corrects. If you say so, you will be brainwashed and become her puppet."

With a serious expression on his face, Deathstroke informed everyone of this terrible thing, and the warning in his words was very obvious.

The villains were all stunned. They didn't want to believe that such nonsense power existed, but the fact was right in front of them, and it was hard not to admit it. The Flash in the picture was almost licking the toes of this black woman, and he looked obsessed. appearance.

Even the big cat that was eating the intestines of the whale couldn't help but turn around and take a look. The whole cat's face was stained red with blood and looked very cute. It was just curious.

However, as the embodiment of the 'dream', it immediately discovered that Deathstroke was making up nonsense, so the squinting cat showed a strange smile on its face and turned around to continue its work.

"Brainiac, how long does it take to recharge? I can't watch anymore."

Luther sat down in pain. He leaned on the back of the chair, lowered his head, and clenched his fists:

"Although I have realized that the end of science is metaphysics after going to Deathstroke's universe, but in front of me... we have to leave as soon as possible. No wonder Darkseid and the Hand of Nothingness can't do anything here."

The bald man obviously believed what Deathstroke said. He really thought that the power of talking existed, and he felt a sense of crisis because of it.

"Exactly half of the charging time has passed, which is one minute and thirty seconds."

Without emotion, he would naturally not be affected. At this time, the green-skinned bald head was the calmest person. Through the simulation program, he was still smiling inappropriately.

What follows is a day-long wait.

The good news is that until the Divinity was activated again, the Talking Woman did not notice anyone's presence, nor did she come to ask for a conversation.

When the surrounding scenery changed again and everyone entered the second multiverse, they all relaxed and took a breath silently.

"Chief, this is a strange world. It's your first time here. It's best to investigate and I'll make a record." The deputy's communication secretly sounded in Su Ming's mind, and he showed the omnipotent star map of the universe, and then A piece of the fog has been lifted.

"Okay, then I'll take a look. Anyway, the equipment of the Shenxing is not in vain. It's already here."

Su Ming answered her silently, and while Luther and the others were still debating whether or not to listen to the tour guide's explanation, he launched a peek from outside.


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