The Death Knell

Chapter 3888 Dark Side War

A scarred man walked into a hotel. Although he was wearing a suit and tie, he seemed out of place with the others in the lobby.

People's eyes were focused on him. The men and women seemed to have their own thoughts, but they soon continued their own things as usual, as if they were accustomed to someone with blood walking into this place.

The man's unshaven face was expressionless, but the complex emotions of anger and sadness were clearly revealed in his eyes.

After passing through the brightly lit lobby, he came to the reception desk, fumbled in his pocket, took out a gold coin, slapped it on the table, and said in a hoarse, dry voice:

"Room, and doctor."

In his common sense, the hotel is safe and no one will break the league's rules and come here to kill people.

The front desk accepted the gold coins and handed him the room card. Then professional staff came to help him into the elevator and sent him to the room to enjoy room service.

This is the rule of the hotel. As long as you take out the gold coins, no one will ask any questions.

Taking off his coat, revealing the blood-stained bandages, he collapsed on the sofa, poured himself a glass of whiskey, and poured it into his mouth, trying to numb his nerves.

At this time, the doctor also opened the door and came in. The bald old man was carrying a first aid kit. He seemed to be very familiar with the injured. As he approached the sofa and prepared to start work, he asked his patient:

"Why did it happen like this again today?"

The man's fingers holding the cup tightened, and the veins on the back of his hand popped out. He didn't know whether it was because of the pain of removing the bullet without anesthesia, or because the pain in his heart made him feel angry. He grinned and growled:

"They killed my dog!"


"The penultimate jump is over. After one more world, you can see the end. Well, this is the world of 'take your life', Lex, do you find the problem?"

In the bridge of the Divinity, Deathstroke used the picture-finding question to test Luther. The surveillance screen showed a beautiful hotel with a very high-end exterior wall decoration and the use of many luxurious architectural elements.

The bald man doesn't know why Deathstroke calls this world 'take your life', but he can analyze intelligence.

"The surveillance rewinds to 14 seconds before you asked the question. I saw a familiar wing tip flash past on the hotel rooftop. It was a demonoid, right?"

Demonoids are the classic arms of Apokolips. Although they can be said to be the weakest among many troops, they are large in number, fly fast, and have low manufacturing costs. They often act as scouts and are the tentacles of Darkseid's power. .

They might have been humans originally, or they might have been some alien captives, but the Omega Effect and the power of the Anti-Life Equation transformed them into monsters that looked like flies but could smell the emotion of fear.

To put it simply, wherever they appear, it means that the vanguard of Apokolips may be coming, and it won't take long.

"That's right. It is indeed a demonoid that is collecting information on its own." Su Ming put his arm around the Sandman's shoulders, as if comforting him silently, but still talked to Luther: "This world is ordinary. It’s nothing surprising, but Darkseid’s tentacles have already spread here, and it’s not bad for him to start a new business after jumping out of our multidimensional world.”

"What I'm more concerned about is this." Luther raised his hand and clicked on the surveillance screen, shifted his perspective to somewhere on the outskirts of the city, zoomed in under the shadow of a barn, and paused at the same time: "What do you think of this?"

He knew that Deathstroke had dealt with this kind of thing before, so he should have experience.

It was a weird human figure, but where the head should have been was a red sea anemone, and the tentacles were still squirming. This monster was lurking in the shadows, not knowing what it was going to do.

"It's the evil powerful people, and the forces of the Hand of Nothingness have also appeared here." Su Ming let the screen play normally again, looking at the zombie-like creature: "It is also a mixed soldier among the mixed soldiers, this world has become so lively. "

"I have heard of the Hand of Nothingness, but I have never seen it with my own eyes." The bald head touched his chin, seemed to think for a short time, and then asked: "Do you think he will be Darkseid's new ally? ?”

When asking this question, Luther remained calm, as if he was asking what was for dinner.

Sometimes paranoia can be seen as an advantage. Once Luther has identified a target, he will not change his mind easily.

For him, he can clearly realize that this kind of monster is also an enemy. The only difference is, can the two groups of enemies be dealt with separately, or do they need to be dealt with at the same time?

What happened next left Deathstroke no need to answer. Just when the group of people on the bridge were watching the monster, it moved and climbed up the wooden barn like a ball of mud. It was usually in the attic. The hole in and out of the straw lurked, almost completely blending into darkness.

But within a few seconds, a demonoid flew out from the woods not far away. The big fly flapped its wings and made a buzzing sound as it headed towards the barn.

As a winged creature, its biggest characteristic is that it doesn't take the usual path. It won't go through the open barn door, but wants to get in through the small window high up.

And at this moment, the lurking zombie moved, and it suddenly pounced on the demonoid that had just landed on the ground and was still unsteady on its feet. The sea anemone on its head opened like a flower, revealing a circle of teeth, and suddenly Wrap the opponent's head inside.

As the sound of squeezing liquid came, the struggling demonoid soon became silent, while the zombie that had a hole in its chest from the counterattack staggered up and left slowly. The building seems to be going to the next place.

"Disgusting, it's really disgusting." Leopard Girl's face wrinkled, obviously disgusted with the predatory process of this unnatural creature.

The sound seemed to be ringing in several people's ears, with a sticky and slippery feeling that made the hair on her body stand up.

"This reminds me of the Space Demon Sunflower." Sinestro crossed his arms and commented calmly: "I have seen similar creatures on a planet. Indeed, it is not very elegant."

"This is good news for us, Slade." Lex Luthor squinted his eyes, and his fingers were turning the empty wine glass on the table, but he had no intention of taking another drink: "Darkseid and the Hand of Nothingness seem to be They are opposing each other and are conducting outpost wars with each other in the dark."

Deathstroke did not rush to judgment, but expanded the scope of the monitor to scan the entire earth.

Soon, he discovered that battles like this were happening in almost every unknown corner, repeating themselves in the darkness. Most of the time, they ended with the killing of demonoids, and occasionally they encountered demonoids. The team of zombies were annihilated in turn.

In the time it took just a few people to talk, the losses on both sides were already in the tens of thousands. Even if humans didn't even know what was happening on the dark side of their world, the war was actually around them.

"Uncle Da seemed to have been targeted by the Hand of Nothingness, and he was chased close to his new home, haha." Deathstroke let go of the Sandman, then touched the stubble on his chin: "We now have Two choices, Lex, whoever is smarter among you can write the plan in the palm of your hand and open it at the same time?"

But Luther obviously didn't know this joke. He just looked at Deathstroke with a speechless expression of "You're kidding me."

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