The Death Knell

Chapter 3890 The Mutated World

"Cat, what do you want to say?"

After arranging Brainiac's work, Su Ming took Damian to talk to the two 'dreams', but he didn't want to ask Daniel's opinion at all. He valued Maomao more.

The big cat had almost finished the fish, leaving only the tail bone where it was licking and sucking the taste. After hearing the death knell's words, its head turned over as if there was no spinal cord involved:

"The last Sandman created a nightmare. You've been there before. I have nothing to say. We are the custodians of uncomposed poems, but not witnesses. Some people think they can foresee the future, but in fact they only see it. A certain fragment on the timeline, and pull the story in the direction you see."

"Is this what Darkseid is doing now? He created a nightmare? No, a nightmare timeline?"

After hearing the riddle, Su Ming raised an eyebrow and stroked the big cat a few times. The cat was quite lively, but it still sounded like a riddle cat when it spoke.

"Meow, meow, how can a story be so inconvenient? But you will always understand." The big cat laughed, still squinting, and swallowed the fish tail in one gulp. Smoke filled its mouth, like a fairyland, but Not ready to say anything more: "Okay, I'm ready to go."

The cat floated up like a puff of smoke, and soon shrunk down to the size of a finger. It landed on Daniel's head, where it settled comfortably, with the flames on its tail flickering.

But the Sandman himself is still sleepwalking, just following Deathstroke like a piece of wood.

To be honest, Su Ming actually liked the efficiency of the Legion of Destruction. If it were the Justice League, the meeting to discuss something would take a long time.

Unlike here, after he and Luthor had discussed it, everyone else just followed it without saying a word. Even Orm was very straightforward.

Cyborg, on the other hand, was coy and unwilling to sit next to the gorilla when he got on the flying carpet. Su Ming had no choice but to let him sit at the children's table, which meant sitting next to Damian.

As for the person sitting side by side with Deathstroke, of course it was Luther. Not only did he re-conquer the Legion of Destruction with three sentences, he also regained his leadership position.

Leaving Brainiac to take charge of the Divinity was probably considered an evacuation route. In short, everyone left the mothership and headed to the next world sitting on a piece of cloth.

"I've flown in Diana's invisible plane before, but this is the first time I've flown into the void of the universe with a cloak." Leopard Girl took the initiative to talk to Deathstroke. After learning that there was hope for her to return to human form, she began to This kind of show of kindness, at least compared to Grodd, is a lot of words.

"Her invisible plane." A picture appeared in Su Ming's mind. Diana and Leopard Girl were crouching one after another: "Since you like flying, when you turn back to a human, I will give it to you." How about finding a job? I can fly around the universe every day and continue archeology."

Minerva's yellow eyes rolled, and she licked the hair on the back of her hands: "If you change back to a human, you will need money to live. I haven't worn clothes in a long, long time, let alone bought a bag. Can you How much will you pay me for long-term employment?”

"If you don't cause trouble to Diana during your employment, I can give you something better than the equivalent of money, such as the most beautiful clothes, the most top-designed bags, and the most attractive perfume."

Deathstroke, who was well prepared, took out a tablet from his pocket and stuffed it into Leopard Girl's paw:

"Take a look, this is a catalog of high-end products, as well as market prices. These good things are top-notch luxuries sold in many universes. They are designed by absolute masters and have quark-level craftsmanship. You only have money but no power. If you do, you can’t even buy it.”

Just looking at "Hululu" made Minerva unable to take her eyes away, and even let out a low-frequency roar of pleasure.

It had been too long since she had lived a normal female human life. She was already vain at heart and was suddenly overwhelmed by the latest fashion trends.

Minerva used to long for power out of vanity and wanted to become a strong woman like Diana. However, when she stole the hunting dagger and prayed to the gods, she was still a mysterious novice and did not know the price. Suffering from the curse of lycanthropy.

She has become stronger and hairier. The unlucky person in a similar situation to her is the "Fallen Witch". That woman has been living in a mental hospital. She was cursed to the point of being neither human nor ghost, and her hair also grew crazily.

If Sinestro's weakness is emotion and Luther's weakness is arrogance, then hers is vanity.

Make good use of this, and Leopard Girl will be no different from a kitten.

The cloak led everyone into the multiverse selection interface, and a different universe system in the distance appeared in front of them like a soap bubble. This was a fantastic beauty that could not be seen when the Divinity jumped, and it was a colorful journey unique to the magician.

But there seems to be no road near it, and no other multi-system can be seen in the distance. Maybe there is some problem with the space, or maybe this is the enemy's way of blocking the road.

It feels a bit like a ghost punching a wall?

"I see emotions." Sinestro crossed his arms. He looked at those colorful bubbles and seemed to feel the emotions contained in them: "Someone is afraid of something. Yes, I can already smell it."

"It turns out this is here, no wonder that guy ran away." Su Ming smacked his lips, and he recognized this place: "If he had jumped in so blatantly before, I would have been tricked to death by him."

"Being tricked? Is it Constantine?" Luther seemed to have triggered the sensitive word setting in his brain. When he heard about things related to tricking people, he immediately thought of the one who was the best tricker among Deathstroke's acquaintances. .

The bubble in front of him was getting closer and closer, and Deathstroke drew his weapon and prepared to cut a hole in the world barrier and enter.

After hearing the bald man's guess, he nodded affirmatively:

"You answered again, and you answered correctly. Please let me give you a grand introduction, Lex. This is Constantine who came here before. After returning, he didn't get any valuable information. Did I pay more attention to it? The universe that I personally teleported here for the first time to investigate is Etania.”

As he spoke, the sword light flashed, and it was as if the wall of the world made of countless glass and mirrors cracked silently, revealing a small hole that could accommodate everyone.

The cloak was rolled up tightly, and the person got in through the hole, and then arrived at the edge of the dark planet in an instant.

Unlike the colorful bubble-like shell of the World Barrier, there is almost no light on this planet.

"The environment doesn't look very good." This is Luther's evaluation. Although he is a villain, he is a villain who loves the earth's environmental protection. He donates a large amount of money to greening projects every year and is enthusiastic about public welfare.

“It shouldn’t be like this”

Deathstroke voiced doubts. He looked at the dark planet:

"In my impression, although Etania is not picturesque with beautiful scenery, it can still be regarded as a normal earth-like planet. What did Darkseid do to this briquette now?"

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