The Death Knell

Chapter 3908 Two Ducks

Ciri's expression was a little dazed. Even though she was ten thousand meters above the ground, surrounded by the black smoke left by the explosion of the spaceship, she was still immersed in her memories.

She thought about what happened when she was a child, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Deathstroke was right.

Not to mention anything else, when he was a teenager, He-Man and a few friends entered the fright zone as if they were shopping, passing through layers of defenses of millions of machine soldiers and biochemical monsters, and emerged unscathed. The thing about rescuing myself...

Could it be that Hordak let it slip on purpose?

She had been denying this conjecture in her heart, but her reason made her think about it in that direction. Recalling the past scenes, she began to feel that this was even a bit like a game between father and daughter.

Because Hordak's men are either robots or biochemical monsters, all produced on the factory assembly line. Every time they fight, he will lay out these troops for Ciri to take down, and then run away after a few passes, leaving King Hord's faction behind. To support his governor or herald...

"Ah! No, my mind is so messed up!" The princess began to shake her head. She suddenly felt that she could not understand the world.

In other words, he was confused by Deathstroke's nonsense.

Anyway, Su Ming's opinion is very simple and has nothing to do with feelings. Hordak's purpose can be summarized in just four words, that is - to raise the bandits to respect themselves.

King Hord sent his cronies here to supervise the army, but they were all tricked by Ciri when Hordak ran away.

He left Xi Rui, his adopted daughter, not to fight, and he was not in a hurry to destroy the rebels. He couldn't be doing a good deed, right? That is to gain benefits.

He lay on King Hod to suck blood, complained for help every three days, and asked the king to send resources from other planets or other worlds to 'quell the rebellion'. He did some tricks, made some ppts, and launched a symbolic attack. Encirclement and suppression.

Then throw away a lot of cannon fodder, report the failure to King Hod, and put all the blame on the dead commissioner, and so on.

King Hod will not kill him, no matter how useless he is.

Why? Because Hordak is actually the other party's younger brother, people who are not related by blood would not like to play like this.

An ordinary planetary governor would be shot if he failed in battle.

Maybe when Hordak accumulates enough strength, he will raise a flag to rebel, overthrow King Hord, become a multi-dimensional overlord himself, and directly give Ethilia to his adopted daughter as a 'reconciliation gift'. Ciri will definitely not reject.

On the one hand, she has some feelings for this adoptive father. On the other hand, she is a hero and will only choose the option that is best for the people.

The world will be complete in which no one is injured except King Hordak. If it comes to pass, Hordak will not only be able to rise to the rank of ruler of the top powers of multiple powers, but he will also be able to share the happiness of a family with his daughter. Wouldn't it be wonderful?

Anyway, if he were replaced by Su Ming, he would probably do this. Hordak's name also has "Dak" in it, and he is not a heartless person.

In fact, it doesn't matter whether this guess is correct or not.

If Hordak originally had this plan, then Deathstroke would directly discuss the operation with him; if he originally had no such plan, then Su Ming would suggest this strategy to him and then proceed according to his own design.

Of course, we need to discuss the details a little bit, such as letting him know about free trade and so on. The death knell is not a charity...

"Have you figured it out, my princess?" Su Ming urged Xirui, hoping that she could maintain her dazed state: "I know everything about your past, so now that we are at a high enough altitude, point out to me which ship The ship must be Hordak’s flagship.”

The princess didn't understand it at all. Her mind was confused and her heart was confused. One moment she was speculating on her adoptive father's thoughts, and the other moment she was recalling the past.

Such matters related to family relationships are best thought about alone in bed in the dead of night. You will not be able to figure them out in the chaos of the battlefield.

But the death knell urged her to show the way, and she didn't bother to think about it. She scanned the sky with her big eyes and searched silently.

Among the warships that were as dense as the dark clouds, it took her about two minutes to find the target, and she reached out and pointed into the distance:

"Over there, the ship with the red bat relief on the bow."

"Your adoptive father has good taste. Braised bat ranks 52nd on my menu." Su Ming made a cold joke, put his arms around Shunfeng Ma's neck, and stuffed a radish into its mouth: "Then, hold on tight. Got it!"

After saying that, he touched his cloak, and the magical sacred object instantly understood it and turned into a cloth roll propeller, pushing the two of them straight to their destination!

There was a flash of black light, and the light and shadow spanned nearly a hundred kilometers. They passed through the fleet defense line and landed on the front deck of the spacecraft behind the enemy's formation.

Looking up, you can see the Hod man, whose face is as pale as a bone, standing in the bridge with his hands behind his back, looking down at them in surprise.

"Strangle, dismantle the spaceship for me."

Without giving the other party any time to react, Su Ming silently sent his thoughts to the symbiote.

The next second, like a volcano erupting, a large amount of black slime spurted out from his body, forming countless tentacles and began to demolish the spacecraft.

Screws, unscrew them and throw them away; steel plates, bite them off and throw them away; naval guns, tear them apart and throw them away!

The entrance and exit of the robot, the laboratory for cultivating biochemical orcs, the weapons assembly line carried on the ship and other things, Strangler dismantled them all into parts in the blink of an eye, performing a celestial display on the spot.


There was a green-skinned Hod next to Hordak, who was probably the superior warlord who came with the reinforcements this time. Strangler dismantled his power armor, and the weirdo without protection or flying methods screamed and began. A free fall from an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Robot soldiers, biochemical monsters, lycanthropes with pig heads, the passengers on these ships fell one after another, like rain.

Hordak, who was slightly panicked, was in good condition. He was just shocked for a moment by the unknown warrior and the unseen method. Then he used magic to levitate in the air, and one of his arms transformed into a cannon barrel, pointing towards the death knell. Just hit an energy ball.

"Why do so many people like to turn their hands into cannon barrels?" Not only did Deathstroke not mean to dodge, he even smiled and chatted with the princess behind him: "That Cyborg in our team, that robot with the whole body shining, always uses This move is so weak."

"Look ahead!" Ciri quickly reminded him. She had never seen anyone be so dishonest in battle.

Before she could finish her words, she saw a flash of golden light in front of Deathstroke, and his strange weapon actually cut the energy ball in half, causing it to fall to the ground without even having time to explode.

And then the demonic hoarse voice of the death knell sounded again:

"Hordak, I'm here to negotiate terms."


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