The Death Knell

Chapter 3920 Tree God

The glass of wine was drained again, Luther refilled it, and his eyes fell on the big cat.

His bald head reflected the light in the yellow light of the carriage. After changing the subject, he asked Deathstroke again:

"Can you tell me about A Thousand Cats' Dream? I'm not Cyborg, so I can ask Batman if it's feasible."

"It's not that I don't want to say it, but you don't need to know too much about it, because it is just a dream, a very pure dream."

Deathstroke rubbed the cat's head, messing up the pictures on its body, but the big cat on his knees seemed very comfortable and purred, so he continued:

"You see it on my lap now, right? It's not actually here, and Daniel isn't here, but if you close your eyes, they're here at the same time."

The cat is a dream, and so is Daniel, but they cannot be equated, because there is only one Sandman, and there is only one person in the Endless family who is responsible for controlling dreams.

Luther frowned as if he had heard a riddle. He considered himself a top smart man and could not accept the fact that he could not understand.

So he did exactly what Deathstroke suggested.

But when he closed his eyes, there was only darkness in front of him.

He looked at Deathstroke again in confusion.

As if seeing his questions and thoughts, Su Ming spread his hands and gave an impeccable answer:

"No one can guarantee that they can dream every day, right? No matter how much money you have, how powerful your technology or magic is, you can't decide when you will dream, what you will dream about, and when you will wake up. Lex, come on When was the last time you had a dream?”

Luther pursed his lips and turned the cup in his hand:

"I never dream because I never sleep. Taking a nap occasionally has wasted my mind. This is irresponsible for the future of mankind."

"Hey~ I knew you were very confident in the past, but I didn't expect you to be so confident." Su Ming immediately laughed. He grabbed the big cat's tail and played with it, then used it to scratch the cat's ears: "What do you think? If you sleep for a while, it will affect the speed of human science and technology development, right? It’s really not like the earth will survive without everyone, it’s just a matter of speed of development.”

"Only true geniuses can change the times. Top scientists in your eyes are often just mediocre people in my eyes."

After hearing these words, Luther laughed to himself. He was not annoyed by Deathstroke's strange annoyance. He just raised his glass and invited everyone to drink together:

"So, I can't sleep at all when I think about the future scientific development direction of mankind that may fall into the hands of idiots, and when I think about the self-destructive tendency of human genes."

"Well, it's your loss." Su Ming pouted, and casually fed a small dried fish to the big cat holding his tail: "Lex, if you don't sleep since you can remember, then your dreams will be Without you, you will never understand the Sandman's power, am I right? Daniel."

Sandman: "ZzzZzz"

Apparently, the high-end sofa in the carriage was too comfortable, and the guy fell asleep with his eyes open again

Sitting in the cab, Ciri couldn't understand what the people in the back were talking about, so she could only chat with Cyborg who had turned into a vehicle.

The latter's avatar appeared on the center console screen, and Cyborg told her something about the DC universe.

But when he said that the people sitting behind him, except for the pale dead face and the little boy, were all top villains, Ciri didn't believe it at all, and even gave Cyborg a look of disdain.

Because according to what she saw, it was Deathstroke who saved Isilia, it was the villains who protected the village, and it was these people who worked hard to upgrade Cyborg and replace him with a high-tech body.

But the black man spoke ill of those people behind their backs, so the princess felt that he was the bad guy.

Cyborg wanted to cry but had no tears. This world is too cruel. To be honest, no one believes it. Even though the positioning of Deathstroke in another world is a bit vague, the Legion of Destruction is all villains. This is common knowledge on Earth 0.

The princess will be even more happy when she only sees them saving people, but not when she doesn't see them killing people. Vision determines cognition.

But when he wanted to explain in detail, the princess didn't want to pay attention to him. She just pointed to the road mechanically, as if she wanted to leave the cab as soon as possible.

In this way, under her frequent guidance

Everyone was really lost.

After driving out of the canyon and crossing the sea, everyone got lost in a forest.

"Why are you lost? Didn't you say you know the way?" The leopard girl was still rubbing her butt. She was not in a good mood now. She jumped out of the car and after smelling the surroundings, she began to question the princess who was leading the way.

"Minerva, don't blame Princess Ciri, I can probably understand what's going on." Deathstroke used cosmic energy to project the map of Etania in his memory, studied it with Luther, and got out of the car to stretch his body: "The princess left her mount at Whick Castle on the Isilia side this time. She actually doesn't know the way."

That's it, the downwind horse is the main force in finding the way. In the past, the princess only needed to complete the transformation, then get on the horse's back, tell it where she wanted to go, and the mount would naturally take her there.

Does Tang Monk in Journey to the West know the way to the West? I definitely don't know him, because there's no need at all.

But it doesn't matter, Su Ming took the princess on the road together, not letting her act as a guide, just because she can use the power sword, and Huike's power is through the 'key' in certain places.

"Sorry, sorry everyone, I thought I knew the road, but I was flying too fast. These trees all looked the same, so I just..."

Ciri took the blame very simply. Although the concept of superheroes does not exist in this world, she is no different from a superhero.

"No need to apologize. If you get lost, just ask. This is a forest. Use the Sword of Power to mobilize Huike's power. Contact the 'Tree God'. He must know the way and may have other information."

Of course, Deathstroke has a backup plan. Ciri is not familiar with Etania, so she will most likely get lost.

Now that we really encounter this situation, and it's in a forest, just use the third backup plan.

The so-called tree gods can be understood as Etania's 'Parliament of Trees'. There is no concept of greenness here, but the collective consciousness of all trees is the embodiment of the concept of existence.

The power of Huike can summon it, and it doesn't do anything harmful to the world. It's very easy to ask questions.

"That's right, I forgot about Etania and the tree god." Ciri slapped her forehead and smiled. She raised her brother's sword of power, holding the sword blade horizontally in front of her, with a bright white light. It surged through her like a wave, and she shouted to the woods: "Tree God, please help me."

The next second, something that looked a bit like a swamp monster, but more like a living willow tree, suddenly emerged from the soil. It said what the Power Sword had said to Deathstroke not long ago:

"A dark cosmic giant is on the dividing line, you must stop him as soon as possible!"

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