The Death Knell

Chapter 3925 The Dream of Thousand Cats

Taking one step forward, everything in front of him changed instantly. All the things and people that originally existed around him disappeared. Su Ming stood alone in a wilderness, with strong winds blowing black and purple dust.

The line of sight was severely blocked, and no landmarks could be seen at all. Except for the black and purple sand under the feet, everything seemed to be insubstantial.

"Dreams are like this. People always feel alone. I knew that when I went to find Deadpool last time." Su Ming moved his neck and began to investigate: "What do you think of this place? Strangulation."


The symbiote said that this was indeed the case. Fortunately, he and the host were one, and the host's dream was his dream. Otherwise, he might not have been able to come in.

"I think it's possible that this cosmic consciousness has never seen the symbiote at all, so I don't know whether to count you as an independent creature or a part of me. Just like a cloak, it also came in."

Su Ming, who was smiling, knelt down and grabbed a handful of fine sand at his feet. He discovered that it was actually purple sand mixed with black particles, so it looked strange in color.

This is a mixture of two different substances, but after a little taste, Strangler found that they were not elements that existed in reality, but more like specialties here.

"How does it compare to the Sands of Time in Sandman's Mask?"

Deathstroke spread out his palms and allowed the strong wind to instantly roll the sand into the sky.


Strangulation means similar, maybe the same kind, but not exactly the same.

In this desert, whether it is purple or black sand, they are all derivatives of dreams.

"Well, sometimes this phenomenon does happen, that is, you know that you are dreaming, but you can't wake up." Su Ming looked up at the sky, which was a huge whirlpool with dim light: "This can probably be regarded as that." It’s like a nightmare, there’s no scenery at all.”


The symbiote's black bean sprout head popped out from his shoulders, and its small crescent-like eyes narrowed into slits.

It actually feels that there should be scenery here.

But the host's brain is completely protected by metal, and there is still the concept of darkness in the body, so this dream cannot read 'thoughts', and naturally it cannot form a dream related to him.

The scene of the strong wind blowing the gravel now may be trying its best to form some kind of scenery, but it can't do it.

In other words, what the host actually sees is the essence of dreams in this universe.

"I have also considered this possibility." Su Ming touched Douya's head and continued to talk to himself: "If this is the case, then it will be easy to handle, just..."

As he spoke, he raised his arms and let Strangler help him take off the armor and flesh on his arms, revealing the shining silver metal bones. Then he imitated Diana's gesture of knocking the bracelet and knocked his arms together. .

As the vibration of the metal occurs, the surrounding wind and sand dissipate instantly. The level of this dream is not higher than the concept of creating diversity, so for X Metal, it is just an illusion that can be awakened by vibration.

So Su Ming woke up. Behind him was the door he just walked through, and he was standing in a huge room, like a giant's room.

The decorated wall skirt is about five stories high, and there is a chair several meters high beside it. It has obviously not been sat on for some years, and it is covered with dust.

But from the two obvious big buttons on the wall next to the room door, it can be seen that although the room is about tens of thousands of square meters in size, it should actually be an elevator car.

"Meow, you are indeed the fastest." The big cat came over wagging its tail, rubbing its body against Deathstroke's shoulder, and its ears twitched quickly: "Are you like Luther, who doesn't usually sleep? ?You are a dreamless person, meow.”

"Sleep, eat, and dance." Su Ming smiled and rubbed its chin. The cat was about the same size as a lion at this time: "Although I actually don't need to do these things to survive, humans Well, life still needs some sense of ritual. By the way, where is Daniel?"

He and the cat were the only ones in the huge room. Everyone else, including Daniel, had disappeared, and there was no one outside the door.

"They are in a dream, and Daniel is escorting them as you arranged. They will all come out soon." Maomao turned around comfortably and let Deathstroke scratch his belly: "As for me Well, there’s no need for me to go. Besides, how can a human expect a cat to do any work? Is it cruelty to animals?”

After saying that, it also smiled. As a beneficiary of the prevalence of human animal protectionism, it accepted these good intentions with peace of mind.

"That's fine, that's fine. Daniel still has a mask anyway." Su Ming asked Strangler to scratch Big Cat's belly, while he sat down and leaned against Big Cat: "Let me ask you something, last time you restarted all the multi-dimensional programs in DC. How do you feel after the universe?"

"Meow meow meow, what era are these old accounts from? You actually know about this? I remember you didn't exist at that time."

The big cat also lay down on its side, stretched out its arms and legs, and bent its body into a bow shape:

"However, since you asked, I will reluctantly tell you my thoughts, meow. It's actually quite boring. It only proves that we really can't rule the earth."

The Dream of a Thousand Cats once restarted a super universe in the history of "non-existence". The only people who know about this now, apart from the cats themselves, are probably Deathstroke and Daniel.

What happened is very simple. The original Sandman entered a cat's dream one day while visiting other people's dreams.

It was a wild cat whose hometown was Gotham. It had been abused since birth, had no food to eat every day, and had never met even a good person.

The folk customs of Gotham are too simple. Living in a dark alley, of course he will only encounter some dark talents. Rather than adopting stray cats, madmen prefer to torture small animals to death and listen to their screams. .

At that time, the cat was about to starve to death. That was its last dream before death, and it dreamed of another cat, the dream incarnation of the original Sandman.

Sandman asked what happened to it? Why is it so painful?

The cat replied to its strange kind, saying that the world is unfair. Human beings are so complex and even unnatural existences. Why do they decide the direction of the world, while cats can be abused at will and die miserably on the streets?

It also wants to be able to determine its own destiny.

Sandman thought about it and decided to support this wild idea, because any 'non-existent story' can appear in dreams.

So he asked the cats to gather their kind. After all, to construct a story, one cat's idea would definitely not be perfect, so he had to gather a thousand cats and use their dreams to create an incarnation of the collective subconscious.

The wild cats succeeded. This dream is the Dream of a Thousand Cats, which is another incarnation of the original Sandman. It rewrites the super universe, turns dreams into reality, and creates cats to determine their future destiny, while humans become pets or A world that doesn't exist at all. (To be continued)

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