The Death Knell

Chapter 3936 Strange Differences

Su Ming didn't know what Cyborg, who was fighting at this time, was thinking, but at least he looked happy. After all, who can resist using ever-changing abilities to fight happily?

However, Luther standing next to him clearly noticed something. He watched his enemies die in various nasty ways, and the expression on his face became more and more confused:

"Slade, did you find out?"

"Well, it seems you've noticed it too."

In the strong wind on the bow of the ship, the mercenary took out a cigarette, lit it with cosmic energy, and took a deep breath.

The riddle-like conversation between the two immediately attracted the attention of the leopard girl nearby. Her pointed ears twitched and she leaned her head over:

"What encrypted language are you talking about? Can you explain it to everyone? We are all teammates."

Seeing that Leopard Girl still had a half-eaten pack of spicy strips in her paws, Deathstroke gave her a napkin and asked instead of answering:

"Have you ever fought against Apokolips' forces before?"

"We have fought many times, because every time Darkseid invades the earth, his men attack others indiscriminately. It is impossible for me to just get beaten without fighting back, so I have to kill them."

Raising her hand to wipe the cat's mouth, the leopard girl answered with a smile, revealing her pointed fangs.

"Then have you ever noticed that they often say something before they die?" Su Ming raised her eyebrows again, indicating that she would recall it by herself.

Without any thought, Minerva opened her mouth, as if she remembered something worthy of joy:

"You know, Darkseid is always here. Those demonoids like flies know this sentence in English, just like the recording played. The other new gods who look like humans, when I bite their throats, They also make a hissing sound like air leakage, which is so fun!”

Luther smiled crookedly and stood on the bow of the boat with his arms folded. The strong wind had no effect on his 'hair style', so he interjected very freely:

"This is what Deathstroke and I were talking about. We have been observing this battle, and neither my armor's radio device nor his super soldier hearing heard this famous quote, not even once."

Yes, the problem is exactly what Luther said.

For example, during the crash of the burning airship, some soldiers on board knew that they were dead, but they still fired at Cyborg and did not recite Apokolips's 'Six-Word Mantra'. This was so unreasonable.

Generally, brainwashed believers shout slogans before they die, such as 'Long live Hydra' or 'Wakanda Buddha loves me', etc. They regard their lifelong beliefs as their last words, as if this life is worth it. .

Su Ming fought with Uncle Da's men several times in the past, and those people would shout before they died, but today the small group of guys who stayed as a blocking force were too quiet, which was abnormal.

The previous conversation with Luther was actually asking the other party if he knew why this happened, but obviously, neither party had an answer for the time being.

"Grudd, tell Cyborg that someone will come to catch him alive." Su Ming turned his head to avoid Leopard Girl's cat face and ordered the gorilla to do something.

The king of the island nation raised his dark fur paws and put them on his temples. The strange string of electronic headbands on his head flashed for a moment, and then nodded:

"Cyborg said that if he knew, he would catch you alive, but in my opinion, his brain waves are a bit abnormally excited now. Is he a little too addicted to the pleasure of killing?"

"This has nothing to do with you, Your Majesty." Deathstroke waved his hand to tell the gorilla to stop meddling: "Victor has been doing odd jobs in the Justice League. In the past, besides repairing machines, he was also on duty. Can't we let him enjoy it anymore?"

"On Orangutan Island, if you feel that you have been unfairly treated, you can ask your superior managers. Only the strong ones who survive are qualified to ask for more." Grodd squatted on the ground, his fists clenched. From the ground, he murmured: "Cyborg has neither the blood of humans nor the sanity of machines, and deserves to be enslaved by humans."

"What the Justice League did is not considered slavery." Sinestro added with a smirk. He also used a yellow light ring to play various videos of American landowners using black slaves to the gorilla: "Look, picking cotton, eating watermelon, and suffering Whip, this is called slavery, do you understand?"

Because Hal is an American soldier, he always wants to fight for freedom when he speaks, so Uncle Seth specially collected a lot of American dirt in order to shake the opponent's willpower during the talk.

"These slaves are so weak. Even after seeing this, I want to enslave humans, let alone Darkseid." The gorilla shook his head. He couldn't understand why these black slaves didn't fight with their masters. A white man could drive them. Hundreds of black people working? Just rely on the old-fashioned rifle used for hunting birds?

If the slaves swarm up and go all out with the belief that if they kill one, they will not lose, but if they kill two, they will gain. If everyone is like this, who will use slaves after a long time?

For gorillas, if you don't accept it, just do it. This is the truth. How can there be more people afraid of fewer people?

"Slavery fellow human beings? This country called the United States is too evil. As heroes, you should overthrow it and fight for freedom and justice for people."

Xirui, who was sailing the boat, also saw Uncle Sai's projection video and expressed her opinion while holding the rudder a few meters away. Her face was full of disgust.

"Haha, you are right, Your Highness Princess." Luther smiled, turned around and nodded to the princess: "But even if we don't do it, it itself will be eliminated by the development of the times. We keep it just because It’s just useful for now.”

About a minute later, everyone who was watching the documentary about the tragic fate of black slaves was interrupted by the return of Cyborg.

Victor turned into a giant elf ball figure. The buttons on the ball were his eyes. He glanced at the scene of black people eating watermelon in the projection and looked a little confused:

"I brought back a man alive, who of you wants to interrogate him? Deathstroke?"

"Leave the prisoner to me." Several black tentacles sprouted from Su Ming's shoulders, waiting to pick him up. He asked by the way: "Are you thirsty? Do you want some fruit?"

"No need, I'm in very good condition now." Speaking of this, he became happy again and talked endlessly about his experiences: "I found that those aliens who were killed by the department stores I transformed seemed to have no pain. They should be thanking me when they smile at me before they die."

Su Ming's face didn't change. He smacked his lips and tied the contents of the elf ball he just opened with a strangle:

"Yes, don't let others think it. Just think it, don't doubt yourself, be confident. They are thanking you."

The wide nose unique to black people relaxed a few times, Cyborg nodded vigorously, and gave a firm answer:



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