The Death Knell

Chapter 3963 Fast forward to placing orders

The air was filled with stench. As these pedestrians on the road were eating bugs like crazy, there was also a smell of urine. It may be that someone was squeezed out of their excrement during the fight.

Jesse showed obvious discomfort, but Reversible Flash was all smiles and even found it funny.

Because he has seen too much, living in a dystopian era, those underground workers have no better life than these living dead.

"It's true, Flash. I'm always happy to see the cruel nature of humans."

He folded his arms and watched the eating scene, especially when he saw someone doing "storm inhalation" into the belly button of the dead body just to eat a few maggots and pupae, Swann showed an elegant smile belonging to a scholar:

"In our era, capitalists enslave workers' bodies, but at the same time use chemicals, video games, information brainwashing, cheap carnality and other means to make them achieve various kinds of bliss and extract their surplus value, but it is different here."

"Both of these are wrong!" Su Ming, who played Barry, burst out with his acting skills. He screamed and stamped his feet, but his voice was almost drowned in the sound of chewing and sucking: "What people should enjoy is justice and equality, not like this."

"But it's very true here, dear Barry. Haha, there is no deception, only the starkest truth. Darkseid regards human beings as maggots, and he shows it unabashedly. I appreciate his frankness."

Reverse Flash wanted to laugh when he thought that Barry was fake, because he had also pretended to be Barry, more than once.

It's really fun.

"It should be said that he is extremely arrogant." Ron, who was wearing black and yellow armor and looked like Deathstroke, spoke. He shook his head: "When facing someone he doesn't value, naturally there is no need to hide it. No need. Look, we can’t save these people, let’s find something normal people can eat first, and then find a place to rest.”

Ron wanted to save people. Although these people who were affected to this extent by the anti-life equation were basically hopeless, he was still willing to try hard.

However, he is now playing the role of Deathstroke, and his mercenary style is to mind his own business.

He has begun to regret that his character is pretending to be a person like Deathstroke, just like pretending to be a White Martian. He is really suffering from inner torture every minute.

"What? Are we just going to give up on them? They are human beings too!" Su Ming seemed to be possessed by the Virgin, and said these words in the face of the Flash, with an expression of reluctance, just like a human being. The sense of responsibility is all on him.

"Darkseid's brainwashing of them has been deeply ingrained. We can't save them." The fake death knell shook his head, turned around and chose a direction to leave, and motioned for everyone to follow.

"No! There must be a way. I want to be alone! Don't come to me!"

As if stimulated by the ruthless words, the Flash's body glowed with golden lightning, and then he ran away with a whoosh, leaving only a string of afterimages, and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

Following the normal process, it was still a bit slow to place the order, so Su Ming simply jumped to the last step and placed the order directly on the street.

Anyway, the residents here are basically not human beings. Even if they are affected by the battle, it will be fine. If they die, they will die. Maybe they will be relieved.

Of course he can't run as fast as Barry, because he's not a speedster, but that doesn't matter. He has a cloak, and he just pulls himself up to float close to the ground. He just needs to take crazy steps and look like he's running.

Strangler turned into a red tights, and the cloak turned into the lightning logo on the chest of the uniform. It dragged the Supreme Mage's chest and flew with great strength and speed close to light.

The speed cannot be too fast, because you need to play Barry. No matter how fast you are, you should enter the speed force plane. But if you can't get in no matter how fast you are, then you will be cheating.

Besides, you also have to pretend that you don't want to hurt the aborigines. You can keep dodging while flying and find an interface for your actions that don't speed up.

What needs to be done now is to find a sewer entrance, get in, pretend to be an autistic child, and wait for the masked man to take the bait.

What did you say? After running less than ten kilometers, I saw a huge square manhole cover. It shouldn't be a sewer, but it was the entrance to an underground facility.

That's it.

With a slight smile, Su Ming gently pinched the lightning bolt on his chest, and stopped at the edge of the rectangular manhole cover. This thing looked a bit like a double-door refrigerator door, and it was also black.

I pressed the edge with my hand, and it opened easily. There was a deep hole underneath, with dense red dots flashing in the darkness.

"It turns out to be a maintenance port for city pipelines." He chatted silently with Strangler, and climbed down the ladder after a brief observation: "But that's okay, as long as it's an underground tunnel-like environment, the masked man can't be me. opponent."


The symbiote that turned into a red gelcoat snorted. Anyway, in its view, even if it was fighting in the outside world, a figure like a younger brother could not be the opponent of the host.

However, if you fight underground, you will be more hidden. If you can not be discovered by Darkseid, the advantage of hiding will be greater.

In just two sentences, the person has slid down the ladder to the bottom of the well. You can see huge cables extending along a culvert into the darkness in the distance. Every few steps, there will be something like a small box. , lights flashing on it.

"It seems that Uncle Da doesn't have any strange boxes anymore." Su Ming, who was communicating silently, smiled and pointed at the junk: "They actually returned to such a backward energy transmission method."


Hangsha asked, is there a possibility that because Omega Earth is just a pig farm, Uncle Da's high technology is not used here at all?

Needless to say, its conjecture is somewhat reasonable.

The attitude of living things towards similar species and alien species is bound to be different. Just like the human employees of Wilson Enterprises, they can enjoy office air conditioning, various medical insurances, family benefits, annual paid vacations, internal shopping discounts, etc.

Over in Contracia, the alien employees had to burn coal stoves if they wanted to stay warm at home.

Su Ming has complete artificial ecological dome technology, artificial star technology, and a lot of technologies that can change the living conditions of alien employees. There are probably thousands of them. Even the cooling water of the Star Torch reactor can be used for heating.

But in his opinion, there is no need for aliens to enjoy these things.

As long as you don't starve to death and can work, that's enough.

So from a certain perspective, he is very similar to Darkseid, which is why he was originally willing to play mahjong with Uncle Dax.

It's a pity that the different racial stances have brought people to opposite sides after all. One is a human who looks down on aliens, and the other is an alien who looks down on humans. These are more like natural enemies.

Su Ming, who was thinking about the problem while walking along the tunnel toward the darkness, couldn't help laughing:

"Strangler, what do you think Uncle Da's expression will be like when I chop off his head?"


The symbiote bets on "die with eyes open". The person who stabs someone in the back and plots to die will most likely have this expression, and his host is the ambush master.

"Okay, then I'll bet on 'Smiling Nine Springs'. Whoever loses will be the main player eating roasted camel next time."

Su Ming high-fived himself, and Barry's face was full of smiles.

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