The Death Knell

Chapter 3965 Interrogation Techniques

As every cell of the prey was strangled and immobilized, there was basically no possibility of him escaping. However, to be safe, Su Ming still patched him up with a frying pan before carrying him to join his teammates.

Seeing that the plan really caught people's tongue, even Ron seemed to be in a good mood. He couldn't wait to change back to his own appearance, and seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to play Deathstroke for one more second.

"Doctor, Quirk, take us back."

There is nothing to say about how it came here and how it went back. It uses the speed force to return to the main dimension of Omega Earth, and then uses a flying carpet to become invisible and get into the sun.

Su Ming reached out and took off the mask from the prey's face. Originally, the mask still had a frightened expression, but after it was in Deathstroke's hands, it turned into a simple curved face without any expression.

"It's actually him!" Ron couldn't believe his eyes. He really couldn't figure out how this guy mastered the Speed ​​Force.

"Who else could it be? It's him." Su Ming lit a cigarette and slapped the unconscious prisoner on the face a few times with a smile to determine the level of anesthesia. "But in order to avoid Batman's attack on us, I don’t trust the interrogation process, so I’d better take this human traitor back to the base and let the bat ask himself, what do you think?”

Ron had no objection, Deathstroke had thought it through very carefully, he just needed to nod.


Without noticing at all, Su Ming's hand behind his back stuffed the enemy's strange gray-white mask into his pocket.

After grabbing the prisoners and returning to the temporary base deep in the sun, all kinds of cannon fodder units had almost filled every space, but some people still shouted excitedly.

"Deathstroke is back! He has a prisoner!"

You don't need to look, you will know it's Arthur when you hear it.

At this time, he was excitedly waving to the death knell in the crowd, and also pulling his brothers to beat each other's chests, looking very excited.

"Thank you for your welcome, Arthur. When this is over, I will invite you to my house for dinner."

Nodding towards the other party, Su Ming glanced at the crowds of androids and robots kneeling on one knee, and then issued an order.

"Don't hang around here, go and carry out the tasks assigned by the adjutant."

After giving the order, the cannon fodder troops began to leave in an orderly manner, and they began to board the ships, which were the flying cathedrals.

Su Ming carried the prisoner on his shoulders, walking slowly and calmly. He came to the center of the square that was empty again, took out a giant cross from his pocket, wrapped it with cosmic energy, and inserted it into the ground with force.

Then, the prisoner's bones were broken, his skin and flesh were wrapped around the shelf, and fixed with staplers and thumbtacks.

It is a creation of N metal, specially designed to absorb dark energy.

"Batman, come here to see your Christmas gift, I bought you a puppy!" Su Ming rolled his hands into a trumpet shape and shouted towards the multi-story building next to the square, where our conference room was not long ago. .

But the Batman who was called was not in the room, but suddenly appeared from behind Deathstroke, as if he had always been hiding in someone else's shadow.

"It turns out it's him, it makes sense." Like a dark cloud floating over, Batman stopped next to Deathstroke and asked, "Where is the Chimera Mask?"

"I don't know, maybe he fell into the speed force plane, right?" Deathstroke smiled and gave the standard answer. He motioned to the team members who had just acted together to take a rest. "The interrogation work is left to you. Of course, if you don't If you are interested, my symbiote is also willing to do it for you, but only if you trust me."

Batman didn't look sideways, even as if he didn't hear anything, and turned directly to Cyborg not far away.

"wake him up."

I saw the black version of Granny Yang striding over. As she walked, she began to transform. In the blink of an eye, she turned into a household ice-shaving machine, spraying out a large amount of ice slag and freezing mist, which wrapped the prisoner's body.

Just when everyone didn't know what kind of awakening method this was, he turned into a hair dryer and blew hot air towards the people again.

After repeating this several times

"Ah sneeze!"

The prisoner woke up shivering, as if he had a bad cold. He didn't know whether it was runny nose or melted ice water on his face.

Cyborg, who had no confidence in his own heart, was obviously relieved and returned to his original shape. "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life."

Batman ignored Victor and just moved closer to the prisoner, almost putting his nose on the other's before speaking with a dark sense of oppression.

"Psycho Pirate, I ask, you answer."

As he spoke, he did not ask questions first, but instead pressed hard on Deathstroke's broken prisoner's arm.


Hearing the screams of the other party, the bat showed no expression and had no intention of letting go. He just tortured the other party patiently and waited for the prisoner to speak first.

That's right, the person who kidnapped Barry before and was now captured by Deathstroke was the psychological pirate whom he hadn't seen in a while.

About a few months ago, he was still in Zhenglian's underground prison, but now, not only did he come out, he also gained new abilities, changed into new clothes, and even the appearance of the Chimera mask was different.

The reason why Batman isn't surprised to see someone raping someone is a psychological pirate is mainly because this guy has a criminal record before.

Speaking of which, his abilities are not bad. The Chimera Mask is very easy to use, and he can even fight against the Lantern Ring. He should be able to become a second-tier villain.

But he is the biggest leader in the D universe, so even the villain team doesn't want to see him.

The most typical time was during "Crisis on Infinite Earths" when Zheng Lian asked him for help, mainly because he wanted to use his ability to fight against the Anti-Monitor.

He was taken out of prison, armed to the teeth, and Batman also made a plan for him. As long as he followed the plan, the success rate of the mission was 80%.

As a result, he was sent into the universe. As soon as this guy saw the Anti-Monitor, he knelt down on the spot without even fighting, and shouted

‘Taijun, don’t kill me. I am a good citizen of Dadi. I will take you to Earth. I know the strategic arrangements of mankind. I can help you deal with the Justice League. ’

Of course the original words are not like this, but the meaning is similar.

He surrendered like this, and helped the Anti-Monitor in many things. In the end, this battle led to the multi-dimensional restart, and the earliest era of Infinite Earths ended.

After entering the n52 era, because most people no longer have the memory before the restart, the psychological pirate who slipped back to the earth was not killed, but he then engaged in a series of leading party behaviors. As long as aliens want to invade Earth, you are right to look for him, he is particularly good at leading the way.

He became the lowest level of villains, and everyone looked down upon him. After all, even super villains don't like race traitors very much.

Only Gorilla Grodd was kind to him. Every time he wanted to attack Midtown, he would find a psychological pirate to lead the way, so as to give him some achievements and make a living.

As for later, the psychological pirate went crazy, but he also became stronger, which is another story.

Su Ming raised his hand and rubbed his fingers at the orangutan king who was watching the show from a distance. If Batman's role as the white face was not enough, then he would try to find someone to sing the red face. .

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