The Death Knell

Chapter 3970 Apocalypse Alliance

Although the opponent suddenly appeared and his attack movements were smooth and smooth, Su Ming, who had always been vigilant, did not give him a chance to gain victory. The golden lightsaber popped out of his palm and bounced the two rays of light back.

But the other party just staggered for a moment, then calmly patted his chest and walked slowly towards everyone.

"There's something wrong with Superman."

Damian's hand had already grasped the kryptonite container in his belt, but he didn't take it out immediately.

Because Superman in different parallel worlds are not afraid of the same kind of Kryptonite. If the incorrect color is chosen, it may make the Kryptonian stronger, not to mention making him weak.

At this time, the attacker in the darkness gradually revealed his full face. It was a black monster that looked like a mummy. His long, sparse hair was hanging down slimily beside his face. He was wearing a black jacket. Superman uniform, except the letter on the chest is not an S, but a red D.

His eyes were burning with that deep red flame. He was staring at the death knell intently and spoke:

"Who are you? Why did you invade our earth?"

Bobo pulled the hat on his head, moved behind the flying carpet a few times, and hid behind Diana. He muttered: "It's broken, Darkseid has created a black Superman, and this question Yes, it seems like we are the villains."

"Before you ask us, you should give your name, Living Corpse, if you can still communicate verbally."

Ignoring Bobo's complaints, Su Ming held a lightsaber in one hand and gestured to the witch behind his back with the other hand. At the same time, he asked the attacker in a slightly gentle tone.

It's a pity that the character of the zombie Superman is not like those of the supermen we knew before. This monster has never appeared in the story. Instead, he took advantage of Deathstroke's desire to ask questions and launched a surprise attack.

The move is still a classic Superman move, which is to put both fists above the head and hit the person like a cannonball, but there is a ferocious smile on the mummy-like face, as if he is satisfied with his decision to attack.

What he attacked was not Deathstroke, but several other people sitting on the flying carpet. When he realized that the man in black and yellow armor could not be dealt with in a short time, he decisively attacked the one who looked weaker.

If it had been anyone else, Superman might not have been able to prevent a sneak attack from a dozen meters away.

But with a sorcerer like Alberta in the team, the situation is completely different.

It is known that Uncle Da does not understand magic, so the ghostly monster created by Uncle Da must also be weak in this aspect.

His superhuman speed and physique allow him to easily dodge visible spells with ballistics, and he can even take a few hits from ranged attack magic.

But Alberta is a spellcaster who uses the power of hell. Instead of throwing various fireballs, she has more spells that are invisible curses or spiritual magic, and she knows how to deal with a god on earth.

Choosing the right magic at the right time does not necessarily have to be the most powerful, but it must be the most suitable.

So with the wine bottle still in her mouth, when she saw the hint of the death knell, she had secretly formed a hand seal to activate the purple light circle painted on her windbreaker, protecting everyone with an invisible barrier.

It's not completely invisible and colorless, because when Superman hit it, it made a heavy muffled sound, and streaks of purple lightning appeared vaguely.

"Strang him!"

Taking advantage of the zombie Superman's momentary loss of center of gravity as he hit the barrier, Deathstroke struck out like lightning, using the lightsaber and strangler at the same time, grabbing one of the opponent's legs and dragging him over with a sword strike.


Screams rang out, and a thick hind leg spewed black blood and flew out spinning in mid-air. Even the strengthened steel body could not stop the sharp weapons with concepts.

"Ahem, it's quite strong."

The witch coughed. It was obvious that the magic circle she was maintaining was hit hard, and she also suffered a little collision. However, judging from the way she immediately picked up the bottle and took a sip, she should not have been injured at all.

"Can you actually feel pain?" Su Ming flicked the sword in his hand and looked at the familiar enemy with interest: "But do you have the ability to heal yourself? Or are you going to fight me with one leg missing? ?”

There is self-healing ability, but only a little. The skin and flesh at the incision are squirming with black juice, and it will take about three to five days for the leg to grow back.

But this living corpse had no intention of escaping. Instead, he rushed over again with a desperate attitude, but this time the target of the attack became Death Knell.

But this is Diana who has come to the man with a shield, and she wants to fight side by side.

Deathstroke originally had the advantage in terms of weapons, but now he has teammates who can carry out righteous group fights. Therefore, the living corpse that crashed into the tunnel in a superhuman posture became more and more embarrassed the more he fought.

Diana was superb in martial arts and worked very well with Su Ming. Alberta and Cyborg provided long-range support, and Bobo made cheering sounds from time to time.

The curse of hell was too vicious. When a spell was cast that caused massive wasps to crawl out of his nostrils, this shriveled superman who had obviously never been exposed to the sun finally died from a righteous backstab.

Whether this guy is Superman is another matter, but he definitely has Kryptonian genes, but there will never be a sun on Omega Earth. I really don’t know what Uncle Da created this guy for.

A toy?

In short, Damian achieved victory this time. He selected the kryptonite dagger of the correct color, and then launched an ambush in the dark. While the enemy was in a hurry, he stabbed the opponent in the back with one knife.

He was originally smaller, not much taller than Bobo. Coupled with the stealth skills inherited from the Assassin's League, the boy was as comfortable as returning to his own home in the dark.

Su Ming was not polite and let Zhuo Sha eat the head of the living corpse, and then immediately ordered everyone to move.

The commotion here is a bit loud, and a zombie superman who may be considered a small boss was killed. If you don't want to be blocked by the Apokolips army, it's best to escape first.

Some memories and information entered Deathstroke's mind, but this did not affect his judgment. He was still awake and calm.

Several people jumped on their cloaks and ran along the cobweb-like passage, leaving the possible encirclement network far behind. During the flight, Su Ming took the time to tell several people about his new discovery.

"Darkseid formed the Apocalypse Alliance as a tool to manage mankind. He himself does not usually show up. The Superman we just killed is one of them."

"Apocalypse League..." Bobo twisted his mouth and stuffed the sword back into his suit pocket: "It sounds a bit like a pirated version of Justice League, so will we encounter a living zombie Batman? If it is true If such a thing exists, we must make plans in advance.”

The Laughing Bat killed Night Master Jim, which left a big psychological shadow on Bobo. He is now wary of all kinds of sick Batmans, even though the original one was not very normal.

"You are overthinking it. Darkseid is still the dark tyrant who looks down on mankind. Although the Apocalypse Alliance is a toy based on Zhenglian, the conditions of the members are different."

Rubbing his fingers, the steel frame of the teapot handed over a cup of tea with a colorful color. Su Ming drank it to moisten his throat and calm the impact of adrenaline, and then said:

"His team is full of supermen, all kinds of supermen, playing everyone's roles respectively. For example, Mars Superman, Bat Superman, Robot Superman, Eagle Superman, Undersea Superman, etc... Haha."

Su Ming laughed at the end because he really couldn't understand Uncle Da's thoughts.

Although in Darkseid's view, Superman is the strongest in the Justice League and can replace anyone in the team, the total of so many deformed supermen may not necessarily be greater than seven. What is this?


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