The Death Knell

Chapter 3985 Full expression

"I can't come."

After listening to Deathstroke's question, Luther answered while killing everyone. He threw the palm cannons in both hands as if he didn't need energy, spinning them while firing, as if he was enjoying a dance, with a wild smile on his face:

"When our Legion of Destruction went out to fight against the Justice League, the old witch was left alone on the Divinity. No one knew what she was doing, but it was definitely not a good thing."

Su Ming looked at the orangutan, then at the big cat, and asked the bald head:

"If I remember correctly, Darkseid has never fought against Perpetua, right? At that time, even Heavenly Father brought the new gods of New Creation Star to the battlefield with several lamp groups. Although he was defeated by you One move is gone, but they are already on the field, right?"

When he mentioned this, Luther smiled even more. He shook his head pretending to be humble:

"Hey, it's not all my credit for killing them. If the Justice League hadn't wanted to use Hawkgirl's wings to activate the Wall of Origin, how could I have so easily detonated the wall and killed these gods? Haha, this credit is just. Half of the league."

Hardened. After listening to Luther's words, Hawkgirl's fist became hardened.

She was ready to die when she thought she would sacrifice for the universe, but as soon as she put up the wall of origin, the wall exploded, killing so many people.

It's all Starman's fault! What a bullshit plan!

She was about to say something, but Damian jumped up and climbed onto the cockpit of the steel-framed woodcutter, covered her mouth, and shook his head seriously at her, saying that it was best for Deathstroke to chat with Luther and others Don't interrupt.

"Just kill the aliens. Just tell me if my memory is correct. Darkseid never fought against you at that time." Su Ming lit a cigarette and walked out of the flames, burning like It's a dead end like an African chicken.

Luther recalled for a moment and shook his head: "Indeed not, but there are some objective factors. He created the Ghost Universe and Sepurk at that time, and then they were captured by you. Maybe he wanted to fight, but he didn't have a chance. It’s showing, haha.”

"You and I both know that even if he uses it, there is a high probability that it will be the same plan as today. Sepurk is probably the prototype of Omega Earth, or the most ideal state." Deathstroke put the cigarette in his mouth and took it again. The red-hot dagger was pulled out of Deadpool's belly and used as a cigarette lighter.

"The Ghost Universe is indeed a wonder. I agree with your conjecture." Luther nodded with a smile and was silent for a moment: "Maybe I also learned it from you when Darkseid was your prisoner and played mahjong with you. Something evolved after your plans were thwarted again and again."

"This is just an unfounded conjecture. Lex, he is a god. What can I, an ordinary person, teach him?" Su Ming exhaled a puff of smoke, shook his head with a smile, and asked again: "Batman borrowed Uncle Seth from you. right?"

"Well, his team is engaged in a conceptual confrontation. The concealment of invisible light is very useful to him. Everything is going well here, so it's not a big deal to borrow someone." The bald head kicked the demonoid that rushed towards him again. Beating the opponent into a pulp in mid-air: "But I feel that the situation with the bat is not very good, Slade, you need to speed up the progress."

"We are working hard. This time we are contacting you to rule out some possibilities, so for now."

Deathstroke hung up the communication, then looked at everyone present to indicate if they had anything else to say.

"One more thing, Deathstroke, Merlin kidnapped those mages. Until now, we don't know their whereabouts."

Bobo raised another doubt, which was the mystery on the mysterious side.

But at this moment, the witch who was drinking to warm herself up shook her head. She held the wine bottle in her mouth and sneered: "Oh, Darkseid knows shit about magic. I don't think it has anything to do with him. I guess those missing mages were sold to nothingness by Merlin." hand."

"Those idiots who were deceived? They were sent away by Merlin with a 'book'. They may still be in the nightmare realm now. Deathstroke knows there and has gone in."

The big cat lay in Su Ming's arms and stretched. The forest fire made his whole body warm, and he felt a little sleepy:

"I don't know how much you know about the ancients who once "existed in a place where thoughts are not connected, under the background of void," but I suggest you not to delve into it, or you will go crazy."

"I know, I know, hey, their whole bodies are covered with xx and xx, most of them look like ghosts, but I also envy them a little, they have so many tentacles, it must be really nice when they have sex, right? If I had two..."

The charred Deadpool was holding a cigarette in his mouth and secretly stretched out his hand to pet the cat, but was spotted by the big cat and quickly dodged away.

The plan of telling dirty jokes to distract the cat failed. He could only give up again with regret and look at the big cat helplessly.

His cousin has many pets, including Strangler, Cloak, and Bobo; even his wife Xia Kaila has a pet dragon, and Wade feels that he is missing something if he does not have pets.

These days, you can't show your identity as an animal activist without a pet. This has an impact on the growth of your popularity. You should also raise an animal to show your love.

Yesterday, I finally caught a cockroach at TVA headquarters and planned to raise it, so I slept with it in my arms at night.

As a result, today I found the cockroach dying painfully next to the pillow, with a small puddle of vomit next to the corpse's mouth.

Wade felt that he should find a pet with stronger vitality, such as a symbiote, or an animal formed from the concept of the universe...

He fell in love with this tabby cat, but they didn't want to talk to him at all, as if he was some dirty thing.

"Okay, we're discussing Darkseid here, it's too far off topic." Su Ming grabbed his mean-handed cousin, gave him two oranges and asked him to be quiet for a while: "If you don't have anything else Valuable opinions, then I have to make a plan?"

"Just say it, Slade, we all listen to you, we don't have any other opinions." Bobo took a puff of his cigarette, put on his cuckold, and looked like he was listening.

Deathstroke asked everyone for their opinions, which was actually just to be polite. Anyone who takes it seriously would be doing something wrong.

Since there is a person like Hawkgirl in the team who is not very smart, the orangutan thinks that he should remind her that she was reincarnated as a black girl this time, and she has already had a difficult life, so stop trying to die.

Little did he know that Damian had been stepping on the steel tracks to cover Hawkgirl's mouth, and he didn't let go at all, which meant that the boy had already expected this.

Seeing that everyone in the team was silent, Su Ming smiled and nodded:

"Very good. It seems that everyone has fully expressed their opinions. Let's wait for the next round to restart, and then I will express my own opinions, haha."


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