The Death Knell

Chapter 4 Harley Quinn

Going down the stairs, two guys wearing the same armor were wandering around in Bat's company carelessly, and the surveillance cameras on the road were completely ignored.

Su Ming was on the top of the building when he arrived. He didn't know what was going on, but seeing that Cindy didn't care, he probably wanted to lure out Batwoman on purpose.

Wandering to Bliss Vayne's office, Cindy broke the wine cabinet and got two bottles of good wine, completely ignoring the piercing alarm.

She opened the wine, took a sip, smacked her lips, and nodded.

After throwing another bottle to Su Ming, the two simply walked into the elevator and went straight downstairs.

Under normal circumstances, Deathstroke would not take the elevator. If the power was cut off, he would be caught in a urn or free fall with the elevator.

But seeing that Cindy walked in naturally without any worry, he didn't say anything and followed in.

The reason why she was so relieved meant that she should have taken care of all the guards downstairs.

His brain can make inferences immediately, which is much better than his brain before time travel. If he had such a good brain back then, he would probably be able to study in any school with a scholarship, right?


The elevator reached the first floor, and the two of them stepped out of the elevator. As expected, they saw that the lobby was in a mess. More than a dozen security guards were staggering around, lying on the ground not knowing whether they were alive or dead. Many furniture and furnishings were broken into pieces. The ground appears to be Cindy's handiwork.

Su Ming took a look and saw that some of the security guards were all beautiful women. As expected of the Vayne Group, even the security guards were so good at dressing up.

He still doesn't adapt to this world where yin is strong and yang is weak. When he sees women, he still looks at them the same way as before, caring about whether they are beautiful or not.

"Let's go, they are all alive."

Seeing Su Ming standing in the mess, Cindy couldn't help but urge that she had left these security guards alive just so that they could complain to Bliss.

Although the probability of Batwoman appearing is very small, it is still worth a try. It doesn't take much effort to deal with these security guards anyway.

"Driving here? Do you know where Harley is?"

"Of course, as for Harley, she should still hang out with Rigoletto's circus, right?"

The two walked into the dark rain through the broken glass of the door. Not far away, some sneaky-looking women were hiding on the street corner and looking over. But when they saw the death knell walking out of the building, they immediately dispersed.

They just wanted to take advantage of the Vayne Group's security failure to steal some things or information, but if this was Deathstroke at work, it would be better to stay away.

Cindy's car was parked across the road. It was just an ordinary American Jeep. It was messy inside, not just with all kinds of garbage, but with too many large and small weapons. There were a bunch of rocket launchers on the back seat. There are also two huge ammunition boxes.

Su Ming's current co-pilot also got a grenade when he got up. He took it out from under his butt and handed it to Cindy.

"Your grenade."

"No, it's your grenade." Cindy glanced at him and laughed under the mask. She turned the key and started the car: "It's useless to seduce me. I only work for money."

Su Ming's eyes widened under the mask, so damn seductive! Just return the grenade to her...

"By the way, this world is the opposite. Men are the weaker side here. Generally, it is women who pursue men and send them flowers, gifts, etc., so men will 'marry' them... "

Su Ming shuddered when he thought of this. This was too awkward. Thinking about it, the action just now was really provocative.

If in the original world, a woman took out a cylindrical object from under her butt and gave it to him, he would also think wrong...

"No, I don't mean that. It's just's a different world and I'm not so used to it."

"oh oh."

Cindy agreed twice without sincerity and started the car.

The car broke through the rain curtain and sped down the street. The street lights on both sides made the car light and dark. She remembered the road very well, while Su Ming prepared weapons on the side.

Yes, weapons.

If you want to find Harley Quinn to prove whether the world is in danger of destruction now, then you must rush into the territory of the Clown Gang.

Those lunatics who blindly worship clowns have no sense at all. If they can't be made unconscious, it's common for these guys to drag you along and blow themselves up.

Moreover, the clown once used a poisonous gas that can make people laugh to death - laughing gas, which is also in the hands of these madmen.

Su Ming didn't intend to use the two guns on his legs. He wasn't ready to kill yet. He just needed to knock them down. The electric shock attached to the long stick in his hand was very effective.

"The security guard also distributes electric batons. Could it be because of this that he traveled to Deathstroke's body?"

However, if it was just a long stick, it wouldn't take much time to prepare it, and the two of them soon fell into silence.

"I don't like Gotham, this city... is a little too crazy."

Su Ming himself didn't know why. Maybe he was nervous, maybe he was afraid of the sudden silence, but he still took the initiative to find a topic.

"Why?" Cindy glanced at him curiously: "I remember that I was quite popular here."

"Oh, of course, I mean, me too... But do you feel that our straightforward style doesn't seem to match this city? The people here have different brain circuits from us. of."

Su Ming paused for a moment. He didn't know if Cindy could feel the laughter. He just felt that the air seemed a bit awkward and wanted to find something to say.

Cindy drove through a red light and splashed water all over a black man on the side of the road. When the man pulled out a weapon and shot at the car, she flashed her taillights provocatively and let out an unknown laugh.

"Haha, yes, the people here are crazy. If there wasn't a lot of business here, I would prefer to live in Star City."

Star City is the city of Green Arrow, and the villains there are much more upright than the madmen in Gotham.

If it was confirmed that Atlantis was going to flood the world, Su Ming would have to fight no matter how dangerous it was in order to survive.

The problem is that he feels that he is not ready yet. Maybe he is able to fight with others in order to survive, but he still cannot take away the lives of others as easily as the original death knell.

It's not because of Mary's disease, just because... He originally lived in a stable society, and he was suddenly asked to kill people. How could it be possible?

He also knew that even if there was no war with Atlantis, if he wanted to survive in the DC world, Deathstroke's original enemies would force him to kill people. It was only a matter of time before that day came.

Just as he was thinking, a rocket trailing white smoke flew toward them from a building on the roadside.

With his extraordinary physical fitness and dynamic vision, he could even see a very exaggerated smiley face painted with red and white paint on the warhead. Drops of rainwater hit the warhead and broke into crystal fragments, reflecting the light of the street lamp.

"Jump!" Cindy shouted, pushing open the car door and flying out.

Without her special care, the superb quality of her body made Su Ming subconsciously make the same action.

It's just that Cindy landed very smoothly, but after Su Ming reacted in mid-air, he didn't know what to do, so his back hit the garbage pile on the roadside.

The car was hit and exploded into parts. In the firelight, as if in slow motion, he noticed that Cindy glanced at him. For some reason, he felt that the person under the black and yellow mask seemed to be in a good mood.

The next moment, a hail of bullets hit them. Likewise, there were gunshots and wild laughter that overwhelmed the sound of the wind and rain. The firepower was so fierce that the gunfire even lit up the nearby streets.

Ordinary bullets have no effect on the death knell who is covered in heavy armor. Although the shock absorption of promethium metal is average, the bullet will hurt the body, but it is not even a skin injury.

The two found bunkers respectively. Cindy hid in the corner of a residential building on the left, already holding her automatic pistol in her hand, and fired back from time to time.

Su Ming himself hid behind the trash can and unknowingly took a gun in his hand. Before he could react, he had already killed several women with colorful faces...

Their bodies fell like sacks from the buildings on both sides and fell into the water on the roadside or in the burning wreckage of vehicles.

Some can still move, struggle, roll their eyes and then die. Most of them were like lifeless tree stumps, just falling to the ground.

"What's wrong! Fortunately, I had been thinking about the meaning of life for so long and doing so much mental construction. My body's reaction was too fast, and all my preparations were in vain..."

With this body, it was instinctive to kill and kill, and he felt no discomfort afterwards. On the contrary, this level of firefight made him feel a little...pleasant.

As mentioned in novels and movies, the nausea or sadness after killing someone for the first time has nothing to do with him.

"Well, since you have already started killing, don't stop crying like a cat and just keep killing!"

He gritted his teeth, poked his head out from behind the trash can and fired again.

Whether it is to obey the instinct or to break the pot, Deathstroke has made shooting and fighting into physical instincts. What else can Su Ming do except accept it? Are you going to give up this skill and let yourself be a mermaid?

This is Gotham, not a place where normal people can live a good life!

Since someone is going to be crazy or ruthless, he won't be afraid!

With the cooperation of the two death knells, the dozens of clown gangs did not cause them any trouble. Soon the streets returned to calm, and the rain covered up all evidence.

Of course, no police will come here to investigate. Deaths are completely common around here.

If you are lucky, the body of the deceased will be thrown into a mass grave or crematorium, but if you are not lucky,...

Hey, Gotham is full of people who engage in all kinds of crazy things, such as cynical cannibal priests, cash-strapped anatomy professors, perverts who desperately need corpses as toys...

"This is why I like Gotham. The people are simple and hospitable. You can enjoy real gunfights at any time. It's a good place for vacation."

Cindy put on two new magazines, put the pistol back in its holster, and walked over to him.

"Huh... I thought the most enthusiastic people in Gotham lived in the Arkham complex, but I didn't expect that the residents of this lunatic's retreat are also so hot that they are smoking."

Su Ming patted his shoulder and threw aside the rotten vegetable leaves hanging on it. Fortunately, the rain was heavier now and the dirt on his body was washed away, so he didn't look so embarrassed.

Cindy looked around, as if to identify the location, and quickly chose a direction: "Let's go, let's go talk to Harley and see what's wrong with these guys."

"Even if I'm not a doctor, I know what these guys have is called madness."

Su Ming exhaled a breath, followed her back, and told a cold joke.

Yes, the original Deathstroke was also a master of cold humor. After blowing the target's head or breaking the target's neck, he would often mutter some cold jokes to himself.

The surrounding buildings are quiet. In the rainy night, they are like monsters lurking in the darkness. Those dark doors and windows are their eyes and big mouths. Such empty and lifeless expressions can swallow up the hope in people's hearts and make them become... Pain, madness.

There are abandoned residential buildings on both sides of the road, which are now used as hiding places by the clown gang. There are various large portraits of clowns painted on the outer walls, playing cards and other magic props. However, some of the colors are falling off in the rain. This should be It was newly painted in the past two days.

The upper floors on both sides were now dark, except for a building not far away that seemed to have electricity and colored lights coming out of the windows, which should be where Harry was.

You don't need to think about it to know that now that the Rigoletto is in jail, Harley is either planning a rescue, or she is feeling miserable alone.

Su Ming didn't believe that she didn't hear the fierce exchange of fire between herself and others just now, but she had no reaction at the moment.

When he and Cindy walked downstairs to the lighted building, they heard the sound of music through the sound of rain. Fierce rock music and roars came from the room upstairs.

"Well, it seems our little Harley is not as sad as we thought. She is exercising."

Cindy tilted her head and listened, and found that among the music, there was also the sound of boots hitting the wooden floor.

Harley Quinn in the main world was originally a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum. In the process of studying the Joker, she was gradually attracted by his chaotic thinking. She fell madly in love with him and helped him escape from prison. Since then, she has been by the Joker's side. She helps him carry out various criminal activities, but unfortunately the Joker only sees her as a nuisance. In many cases, she is also used as bait or as a backing to get rid of Batman.

However, DC's world view has always been chaotic, and Su Ming can't tell what the relationship between Harley Quinn and the Rigoletto is in Earth-11.

Earth-37, for example, is also a 1960s version of the gender-swap world, where Harley Quinn and the Joker are lesbian lovers.

But in the New 52 world, Harley and the Joker had a falling out, and Harley joined the Birds of Prey and had an ambiguous relationship with Batman.

But no matter which parallel world she is in, Harley's abilities are the same - a genius-level brain and perfect gymnastics talent.

Her hobbies are listening to music and reading books, and she also dances in her free time. She is crazy and chaotic, but she knows she is a good girl.

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