The Death Knell

Chapter 4002 Insulting Godhead

"Someone asked me how I got the Green Goblin skateboard. It's a long story, but if you want to make it short, I'm not very good at it because I'm very long myself, quack!"

While flying on a skateboard, Deadpool talks to the non-existent audience. He is really able to multi-task and can even pick his nose while flying:

"Anyway, this skateboard was given to me as a wedding gift by my dear little spider. The little spider loves me deeply. He knows that I am a good surfer."

During the wedding banquet, Peter brought the spider girls to the banquet. With so many people, it was impossible to come empty-handed.

In addition, Deadpool is indeed very good at various sports at the beach. Because there are many beautiful women at the beach, he used to go there often, so he can naturally do those water sports that can attract women's attention.

He learned this all for the sake of picking up girls. Picking up girls and having sex are among Deadpool's priorities, second only to his hobby of making money.

While he was talking nonsense, he was hit by omega rays the next second and turned into a mummy.

He was so happy chatting with the non-existent audience that he forgot that as the culprit who took off Uncle Da's pants, the other party's hatred was temporarily transferred to him.

Despite the death knell's chop, Darkseid insisted on giving Deadpool such a blow to vent his hatred.

Nowadays, the color of the omega rays used by the real Darkseid has changed. It is a gray beam glowing with white light. The speed is unparalleled and difficult to dodge.

If it hits not Deadpool but the superheroes around him, it will most likely cause serious damage, and at least one person will be forced to retire.

But Deadpool's life is too hard. He can get infinitely close to death, but he just can't die.

Although the concept of Omega continued to destroy his body, burn his mind, and even almost ended his story.

But a slight difference is often a hundred million points difference.

A carp was erect, and the charred corpse-like Deadpool jumped up from the skateboard. His whole body healed quickly, and he touched his crotch with lingering fear. When he found that the baby was still there, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Phew, I was scared to death, old guys. I thought Darkseid was going to steal my eggs, but it turns out he just wanted to kill me. You told me earlier, and it made people's hearts flutter. It's really annoying. La~"


The non-existent audience seemed to say something.

"Don't say I'm a locomotive. It's annoying. It's all my cousin's fault for growing so many pineapples in Hawaii and even having them eaten at the wedding banquet."

The more he spoke, the more he spoke. Deadpool's flying movements were all twitchy, but suddenly he seemed to have thought of something and became serious again:

"By the way, many people have been misled by online public accounts and think that pineapple and pineapple are not the same thing. From a sense of social responsibility, I want to correct it here. Pineapple is pineapple, kiwi is kiwi, and tomato is tomato. How about it? Old Guys, am I very positive? You can learn new knowledge by watching my live broadcast and killing people, why don't you give me a gift?"

"Hey, don't get sick over there. Come here and help." Su Ming's sword blade made a cut on Darkseid's shoulder, but no blood flowed out. Instead, the gray-white body protruded from the wound. A black light came.

It's like the void is stored in Uncle Da's body.

In this case, it is necessary to use an additional conceptual weapon, which is the embodiment of the concept of disgust, little cousin.

"I'm not calling you Hey now, my name is Chu Yuxun!" Deadpool flew to his cousin's side and said disgusting words in a whispering voice.

"Okay, you're just interested in Shuangzi's earning a lot, right?" Su Ming rolled his eyes and didn't bother to argue with his cousin. While Superman was pestering Uncle Da, he took a step back to breathe and observed at the same time. Uncle Da, who was wearing a shiny pp: "Do you know what you should do?"

"Understood, you often talk to me about tactics to deal with the ultimate powerful enemy." Deadpool changed into a new uniform in public and lifted up his crotch: "But it's not me who said that Darkseid's character is really bad. , you can’t even take a joke, it’s far worse than Thanos, alas!”

This time, Cyborg transformed into an automatic baseball pitching machine, flying up and hitting Darkseid with a burst of intense fire. But Uncle Daxe became so angry that he unleashed his energy to the fullest, forcing the others to the point where they couldn't even get in.

Su Ming was not in a hurry. Firstly, he was waiting for the witch's ultimate move, and secondly, there was a big cat, so he didn't need to worry about anyone actually dying, so he flew in a circle around Uncle Da while talking to Uncle Da. Chatting with my cousin beside me:

"That's for sure. Although Thanos is known as the Mad Titan and the tyrant of the universe, don't forget that before he went crazy, he was a scientist, specializing in advanced energy applications and anti-gravity technology. He was a cultural person."

"Well, that makes sense." Deadpool rubbed the dead skin on his chin, then took off his mask in one swipe, revealing a face like a rotting zombie, and said with a smile: "Darkseid is illiterate, no wonder he is like this Rude, you don’t even wear pants and you fight with people, shame on you!”

Deathstroke seemed to agree with his cousin's words. He also removed his mask. His one eye looked at a certain part of Uncle Da's body and said in a voice that the other party could just hear:

"Yuga Khan's mind is filled with invasion and conquest, and he lives like an African chief. He has taught his son nothing but killing...but both father and son are so young. , shouldn’t it be due to a disability in that area?”

"Probably not?"

Deadpool looked suspicious. He tore off a piece of skin from his butt and played with it. He was so happy that he said with a crooked mouth:

"I heard from old people that you think Darkseid looks nothing like Khan, but more like Steppenwolf, so he should be the hybrid born from an affair between his mother and his brother-in-law, and he shouldn't be hereditary. Khan’s physical defect, right?”

The two flew together in the high altitude, and the strong wind brought by the high-speed movement carried this whisper into Darkseid's ears.

After all, Darkseid is also a super soldier, and he also has super hearing.

But it was as if Deathstroke didn't realize that the real owner had heard the bad things he said behind his back. He shook his head with disdain, as if he was disappointed with his cousin's immaturity:

"That's shallow. You're seeing too lightly. Yu Xun, is there a possibility that Khan and Steppenwolf are both stunted and disabled?"

"Hehe, it's really possible. Cousin, if you look at it this way and compare it with our great humans, the New God of Qixing was like a whole bunch of bastards that day!"

Deadpool was very happy to be called Chu Yuxun, as if he saw that he could also have a good time, and nodded in agreement.

But the two brothers had a good chat, but Darkseid had gone crazy. He broke through the joint restraints of everyone and the big cat, and rushed towards the two of them with his fists raised, as if he wanted to beat them to death.


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