The Death Knell

Chapter 4026 The Gap in the Observatory

The observatory is an interesting building. Its existence itself is to serve the telescope in it. The spherical roof means that it has at least a spacious rotunda inside, and it often has its own power generation equipment.

Strong walls, careful security facilities, and being located on a high mountain are all advantages. As long as the supply of food and water can be guaranteed, you can be stable in the biochemical apocalypse for a long time.

Similar buildings include dams, missile silos, prisons, etc., which can be used to resist zombies. At least they are safer than fire stations and police stations.

In his previous life, Su Ming played some apocalyptic survival games, such as "State of Decay" and "Seven Days to Die", but he had never seen any game that could use an observatory with an internal area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters as an observatory. base.

"Gene Era"

Sure enough, reality is more fun.

In the violent storm, the Palmer Observatory looked like a peeled boiled egg. The rainwater flowed on its smooth white exterior wall, and the lightning that lit up from time to time made it sparkle.

Next to the main building, there are some temporary simple houses piled up, which should be places such as garbage recycling points and parking lot registration offices.

However, so far, the four people who got off the RV have not found any zombies. They only saw some blood stains at the entrance to the main entrance of the observatory.

Thomas originally planned to provide the Russian aunt with a pistol, but she said she did not know how to use a gun. Instead, she chose the tire remover in the car and held it in her hand as a self-defense weapon.

"It's not good, everyone, look here." Martha used the toes of her boots to pull at the small pool next to the door, and actually picked out a pair of dentures from it: "Someone's teeth are missing."

Old Mike was leaning against the wall, holding his shotgun and looking in the direction behind everyone: "There should be guards stationed here, but we didn't see anyone nearby. What's going on? Logically speaking , there should be hundreds of astronomers working here alone.”

Of course, he had only heard of the existence of these people before. The observatory was 120 kilometers away from the city of Santiago, and it was still in the deep mountains and old forests. Even for camping and outings, it was impossible to come here.

Is it because the sun and the beach are not good, or are water sports not fun, or are there not enough beautiful women and handsome men?

"Could it be that they had evacuated a long time ago?" The aunt held the metal stick and looked around. She didn't seem to be afraid, and her thoughts were clear: "Don't I live in the villa area of ​​Monopoly? A few days ago There were many rich people leaving the city, and I was still wondering why the neighbors had left. Now I look back and see if they had received any news in advance."

Thomas on the side nodded, it was really possible.

Those rich people have very high-end interpersonal relationships. They probably knew that the Overlord organization was going to investigate Skull Island, and they left San Diego early because they were worried about the monster landing.

But it is impossible for them to predict the zombie crisis. After all, even Su Ming himself came to this world on a temporary basis.

Obviously, Old Mike thinks the same way. Rich people are always very well-informed and very good at running.

But that obviously has nothing to do with the four of them. No matter how good the RV is, it is impossible to drive it around the United States. You must find a place to stay, preferably one with arable land to grow food.

Although the United States is called a country on wheels, to be honest, spending too much time on a vehicle is really not something that most people can bear.

"We still have to go in." Old Mike sniffed, and the water droplets on his beard made him shiver: "The temperature is getting lower and lower, this damn weather."

"Okay, I'll take the lead."

Thomas motioned to the old man to step back and let him try to pick the lock, but this was an electronic lock on a thickened security door. There was no good way to use it. After trying the password combination, he found that he still needed to verify the ID card and fingerprint. Before he could enter, he shook his head:

"The front entrance is no longer working. Let's look for a back entrance. There should be an entrance and exit such as a fire escape."

So the four of them walked around the building in the dark. After about a hundred meters, they saw some zombies emerging from the beautifully trimmed green belt in front of them.

Judging from their clothes, they don't look like the staff here, but more like gang members, dressed in a very unconventional way.

Because there were a lot of them, everyone immediately opened fire and used firearms to deal with the running zombies until their heads exploded and they fell to the ground.

"Why are these people outside? They could have hidden inside the building." Old Mike loaded his shotgun and spat into the small puddle on the side. The gunpowder smoke mixed with the rain in the mountain forest to form a There is a special smell that makes people feel very depressed.

"I don't know, but there is good news, here." Thomas pointed not far away, where was the back door of the observatory. At this time, there was a gap, which was obviously blown into a chrysanthemum shape by the bomb: "We don't have to worry about entering. There’s no need to go. Once the inside of the building is cleared, I’ll drive the car over and block the hole, so we can rest in a solid building for a few days.”

"But who would use bombs to blow up this place?" The aunt didn't want to see the remains of the zombies, so she looked nervously at the hole made by the explosion.

The building was dark inside, and she didn't know what was there, but it gave her a bad feeling.

"Let's go inside, we can't get wet in the rain anymore. We are not short of food and water for the time being, but the car also needs fuel and charging." Thomas walked towards the gap first, raised his gun and disappeared into the darkness: "Come on, follow me."

Naturally, Martha followed immediately. She was still smiling heartlessly, as if she was in a hurry to see some good show.

The last old Mike looked at Valentina, patted her arm, and loaded the shotgun with a smile: "Let's go, believe Thomas, he is the strongest soldier I have ever seen. In this world today, we can only I can rely on his battlefield experience.”

"I know, but I still feel like I'm dreaming." The aunt nodded, and the two of them followed, saying as they walked: "I know there are often monsters causing trouble, but the ones that appeared in the news in the past , and they are all very big. Where did the zombie-like monsters in this movie come from?"

"I don't know." Seeing the backs of the father and daughter in front of him, the old man pulled the aunt to catch up quickly: "But you may have gone out earlier and didn't see the latest news. Countless zombies appeared underground in Washington DC. It’s a monster formed by fusion, so I suspect that maybe it’s another hellish experiment by the government or the military.”

The aunt pursed her lips and agreed very much with the old man's words. She clung to his arm, as if she felt safer this way. (To be continued)

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