The Death Knell

Chapter 4029 Start lying down

As expected, the person occupying this place was hiding among the piles of corpses. He very creatively built a bunker out of corpses, leaving only a small shooting hole.

When he was at the door before, because his weapon was equipped with a flash suppressor, he didn't really see him hiding here for a while. However, when he entered the hall and was discovered by Deathstroke, the matter ended.

"Come in, everyone. It's safe."

Thomas waved toward the door, indicating that the two ladies could come in. Then he climbed onto the mountain of corpses and dug out the dead enemies inside.

This is a standard American soldier. He is not wearing a military uniform, and his rank cannot be seen. He just wears a green T-shirt and has jungle camouflage painted on his face. Even though there is a hole in his forehead, his face still remains unchanged. Looking crazy.

Next to his body, there was really a small pile of food, including wafer chocolates, potato chips, biscuits, etc. Even when he was dead, he still controlled the heavy machine gun with one hand and held them with the other.

It seems that the food he mentioned before is real food, and he is not a cannibal.

But judging from the condition of the other corpses, they were all killed by gunshots, which means that in order to ensure that he had food and drink and could live longer in the apocalypse, he simply killed all his colleagues and the staff he was originally protecting. killed.

He was crazy, but not completely crazy. It was just that his latent antisocial personality was aroused and his brain was miswired.

Deathstroke has already guessed how he did it. It was probably that when the crisis broke out, the leader responsible for managing the observatory called everyone here for a meeting to discuss, or announced some decision of his own, and gathered everyone here. .

At this time, the sick soldier only needs to throw out a few grenades at the same time, and then shoot with a machine gun, which can basically achieve the current effect.

When everyone searched the offices downstairs before, they didn't find any food or drinks. Even the most disgusting cold donuts in the vending machines were emptied out. It seemed like this person's handiwork.

Concentrate all limited resources on yourself and eliminate all potential competitors and burdens that hinder your own survival in advance. This is the standard American thinking model, but it is more extreme.

Of course, if one person has the advantage of a surprise attack and can kill so many people, he is considered a good player, but in terms of combat effectiveness, he is naturally not as good as the more experienced Deathstroke.

At this time, the remaining three people also came over and saw the small pile of food held by the deceased. The expressions on each of their faces were different.

Auntie suspected that everyone had killed the wrong person, who was not as crazy as previously thought; Old John sighed, feeling unworthy of the other corpses around him; as for Harley, she just laughed silently, because As the first lunatic I have seen in this world, this crazy soldier is just as good as an appetizer.

"Okay, you guys clean up here. The observatory is ours. I will go down and drive to seal the back door, and then go to the basement to check the generator and stuff."

The soldier's madness was probably due to the influence of darkness, because the observatory was completely dark inside due to a power outage, and the back door was blocked by zombies. It was unpredictable how people's fear would grow at this time.

"Leave it to us. The roof of the observatory can be opened. When the rain stops, we can try to use the telescope as a crane to throw all the bodies out and burn them."

As a driver, Old Mike knew something about mechanics, which would at least make it easier for him to drag dozens of corpses up stairs.

"You can do whatever you want, I have to go and ensure our safety first." Thomas grabbed the heavy machine gun dropped by the enemy, hung the bullet chain on himself, waved his hand and walked out.

As for why there was a heavy machine gun at the guard door here, and where the explosives to blow up the back door came from, he had some guesses, but there was no need to say anything.

After about five minutes, it was all settled.

The reason for the power outage was that the external power supply transformer was burned out due to thunderstorms. Just switch to the generator set in the basement to provide power. The problem was solved by driving the RV sideways at the back door and blocking the door tightly. The front door was too strong and could not be seen from inside the observatory. If it can't be opened, it may be that some special mechanism has been activated. Just find some debris and block the entrance hall.

When the lights in the building come on, it really feels like home here. At least except for the top floor, the rest of the place is quite clean, and there is also a sweeping robot.

However, when Thomas returned to the top floor hall to join everyone, he found that one more person had come out. At this time, the Russian aunt was helping her treat the gunshot wound on her leg. Martha also put her arms around the other person's shoulders, trying to persuade this person who kept crying. woman.

After asking Old Mike, he found out that she was found in a corner of the pile of corpses when everyone was cleaning up the observation hall.

What happened was similar to what Thomas had guessed. When the crazy soldier started attacking his colleagues, the woman was also shot, but she cleverly started pretending to be dead and smeared other people's blood all over her head and face.

In this way, she has been lying motionless in the corner of the pile of dead people for more than three hours since the crisis broke out.

When the madman left to search for food in the building, she only used clothes to stop the bleeding in her leg and did not try to escape, because she knew that she would not be able to escape the pursuit of professional soldiers with her injured leg and blood stains. kill.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

Next, she lay down in the dark and pretended to be dead, listening to the madman who returned home eating and drinking while humming "The Star-Spangled Banner" in the dark.

Fortunately, someone finally came and killed the soldier, and the people who killed the madman were not another group of madmen.

She was a little afraid of the man called Thomas at first. There were two old men and a little girl in the team. This team composition meant that they were highly dependent on the adult man for survival.

But after hearing Thomas's attitude when he left, he shouldn't be a bad person.

So when the man went to repair the generator, she revealed her existence to the remaining three people cleaning the battlefield, and the rest is like this.

After listening to Old Mike's introduction, Thomas nodded and looked at the woman in the white coat. After wiping off the blood and makeup on her face, she looked ordinary, but she was dressed fashionably and had a suitable hairstyle. The impression given by people has risen from the level of 'average passerby' to 'a passerby with a bit of charm'.

She didn't wear an ID card, but just by looking at it, Deathstroke determined that she was a doctor.

First of all, this is an observatory, and astronomers don’t need to wear white coats. In addition, although this fashionable young woman is well-dressed, her nails are trimmed very short, with no nail polish, rings or bracelets. Even the skin on the back of the hands is obviously lighter than the color above the wrists, indicating an occupational disease caused by frequent hand washing.

In addition, as a medical staff assigned to the observatory, he should be a good hand.

But these have nothing to do with the death knell. The base has been taken down by Harley. As for the next development and how to conduct observation and experiments, it is all her business. The vacationing mercenaries will start to live a slow life next. (To be continued.)

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