The Death Knell

Chapter 4043 What ocean is around?

"I might have to leave for a while, Jellybean."

Su Ming stood up, pulled up the adjutant, and looked at the monster in the projection:

"I'll let ZombieGreymon deal with the Kaijumon that sneaked over here, and I'm going to the Pacific Rim world. The Pioneers are invading two earths at the same time. I'm going to use the chess pieces over there to break their teeth. ”

"Don't you need me to accompany you? That's fine. I just want to continue to develop the Jinqila base." After drinking a drink, Harry thought for a while, then curled his lips and agreed: "Those Kaiju beasts are really annoying. They are behind the scenes." The creators are so annoying. It’s rare that we have a vacation, but they still come to disturb us. I really want to kill them myself! Hehehehehe!”

She was already showing signs of illness, her head thrashing around like one of those spring-necked bobbleheads when she spoke.

"It's a good thing to travel, don't be angry, just touch your head. At least I'm in a good mood recently, so I might as well save the earth this time. Soon, I'll go play a game with the pioneers. "

After holding down the shaking head, hugging the little lunatic and saying goodbye to her temporarily, Su Ming smiled and said his plan.

Then, he looked at the adjutant and nodded, and the next second, the two disappeared in the blue light.

Harley looked at the dissipating light and wondered if she should go and take a look. After all, with her ability, if she wanted to find Deathstroke, she only needed to think about the destination in her mind and start the car.

But she quickly gave up her plan to run around. After all, the Jin Gaola team still needed her. Now it would be more interesting to think about how to make the survivors fall in love with hot pot.

On the other side, Deathstroke and the adjutant appeared in a modern city. This city was very strange. There were no beaches and tourists on the coastline, and instead there was a high wall.

The wall is still under construction. You can see from a distance that many workers are crawling on it like ants and working on it. Lights such as electric welding and electric saws light up everywhere from time to time. The cantilever and temporary structures of the crane The elevator was busy going up and down.

"The last time I traveled to Xiangjiang, I went to inspect the Holy of Holies." Su Ming looked at the high wall for a while, then took his adjutant and started shopping: "This island in this world is very different and a little dirty. chaos."

The deputy was obviously not comfortable being on the street. She put her head down and hugged the sergeant's arm and just walked.

There were many people walking on the street, and her appearance was so eye-catching.

The silver-white hair, big eyes, pointed nose, snow-white skin and fiery lips all perfectly fit the aesthetic preferences of Eastern countries.

It's just that she was overly worried. The world in the Pacific Rim has long been unstable. People have no intention of appreciating beauty. At most, passers-by just look at her twice and then go about their own business in a hurry.

People actually have no idea. Maybe the next time a monster attacks, the 'Broken Dome (tterde)' will be destroyed. Even if the people on the island retreat to the land, how long can they survive?

Shattered Sky is a base for manufacturing giant mechas. There are eight bases around the world, and this one in Xiangjiang is one of them.

Mechas are weapons used by people to deal with Kaiju beasts.

However, due to the high difficulty of manufacturing mechas, huge resource consumption, and difficulty in training cab operators, there have not been many units in total over the past many years.

From the first mecha killing Kaijumon in 2015, to now in 2024, Kaijumon has become stronger and stronger. Those mechas built in the past suffered heavy losses, and only four are left.

Gradually, the Pacific Rim Defense Organization decided to close down other bases, leaving only the Xiangjiang base, and the remaining mechas were mobilized here.

In terms of strategy, the active defense strategy of building mechas has changed to a passive defense strategy of building high walls along the coast.

I don’t know who made the plan. The idea of ​​building a wall to prevent monsters from landing. I really can’t think of it without twenty years of cerebral thrombosis. In other words, is that person a time traveler from the world of "Attack on Titan"? What?

"What do we need to do? Sheriff, it seems like you don't plan to enter the passage yourself to solve it?"

The adjutant asked in a low voice. She looked curiously at the human city in crisis. This was the first time she looked at human society from a human perspective. It felt like there were many buildings in the city and the wall under construction on the seaside was really high.

If the Sheriff wants to enter the space channel, he can enter from Skull Island without changing to a different world.

"Of course it's easy for me to solve the problem myself. After passing through the wormhole, I can wipe out the Pioneers with a snap of my fingers, but what good does this do to me?" Su Ming spread his hands, and his skin squirmed as he passed through an alley. He stood up and instantly changed into his previous appearance: "Although I'm in a good mood and willing to help the humans here, it's definitely not free. Don't forget, I'm still on vacation."

"Well, so Sheriff, are you taking me on a trip?" The adjutant seemed to understand. She nodded, with a strange expression on her face: "This is my first time traveling, but if you don't do it yourself, the new help plan will what is it then?"

"General Peter Coster at Xiangjiang Base is a good partner. He lacks weapons, so I will sell him weapons."

Su Ming smiled and looked around. He stood at the intersection and looked at the back of his yellow-skinned hands. He felt very comfortable:

"Let's find a warehouse and open a shop. Then, I'll take you to eat at the night market on Temple Street. Speaking of which, I rarely visited night markets in the past because evening is my regular exercise time, so you haven't carefully observed this kind of place. Bar?"

"Yes, I didn't." The adjutant was obviously a little moved. She had just become a human and was curious about everything, but her work efficiency was as high as ever: "I have bought a warehouse on the Internet, just in West Kowloon, and now Can we go to the night market?"

She saw the police chief and easily exchanged it for cash at a gold shop on the street, and she had money in her hand.

Deathstroke loosened the tie transformed from his cloak, patted the black suit transformed from Strangler, and stretched out his arm for the adjutant to support him: "Of course you can, but in this world, I don't know if anyone still sets up a stall on Temple Street. Ah, come over and have a look, maybe you can have some egg waffles, hey, txi!"

You have to shout this when taking a taxi in Hong Kong, otherwise it will always feel like a Hong Kong movie.

The red car stopped, and the driver called the pretty boy and beauty very politely. After the passengers got on the car, they quickly drove towards their destination.

Naturally, a small broken car cannot be compared with a speeding car made of deformed steel frames. However, as the car headed towards the center of the city, passing through relatively prosperous areas, looking at the various neon signs on the roadside, and listening to the radio station on the radio, Su Ming felt a sense of wonder. A feeling like a world away.

Almost half an hour later, we arrived at the place, paid the fare, and both parties wished each other a safe future.

Fortunately, maybe people are used to a life where Kaiju beasts may attack at any time, or maybe they are used to this kind of world. Although the Temple Street here is not as lively as Deathstroke's impression, it is not bad at all.

When people spend all their resources building giant mechas and high walls, at least there is a place where they can relax their tense nerves.

Eating delicious food is one of the cheapest ways to relax.

Various light bulbs and billboards illuminated the street as if it were under the sun. People came and went, rubbing shoulders and busy. The atmosphere here was also more relaxed than near the construction site where the two teleported before. too much.

The heat of the boiling pot, the crackle of the oil pan, the hawking of vendors, and the drunken talk of someone after drinking too much. These all form a part of urban life and are very down-to-earth.

She has helped Su Ming for so many years, so she would naturally have a great time celebrating her 'birthday' today.

The previous hot pot dinner was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Kaiju Beast, so let's continue the stall here. Except for the barbecue, she will buy all kinds of other snacks for her, and she can also eat and go shopping at the same time. Mobilizing computing power to continue working can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

Therefore, just when she was eating the egg waffles, an advertisement on the Internet for ‘new mecha for sale’ had already been sent to the general’s email box. 11467/10569918

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