The Death Knell

Chapter 4046 Mecha Tycoon

The western part of Kowloon is a traditional industrial-intensive area, which is very different from the central business district. It is densely populated and a mixed bag of people.

In the past, before the Chrysanthemum invasion, this was an important warehouse transit area. Because it was surrounded by the sea on three sides, many smugglers used to take this route.

It’s just that when Kaiju beasts always emerged from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, many routes were cancelled. The busy Kowloon Pier in the past is now in a state of desolation, with flickering street lights, dilapidated streets, and abandoned The warehouse looks like a ghostland at night.

The protective wall nearby has only laid the foundation and construction has not started yet, so the sight of the dark sea is frightening.

Although you can see the rising and falling planes at the international airport in the distance when you look up, the flashing red lights are not ideal and will only make people lament that times are changing too fast.

The group of people who came here to shop obviously did not expect the depression here. For some homeless people living in containers, they did not have a good attitude towards these 'invaders'.

Being stared at by countless eyes in the dark was not a good shopping experience. Even the general put his hand on the holster hidden under his clothes, always on guard.

However, the journey was uneventful. Soon they saw a warehouse with lights on. There was a small door next to the huge rolling shutter door. There was a cardboard sign beside the door. Who knew who was using a dog-crawling brush? The words 'Wilson Company' were written on it.

Seeing this, everyone's hearts went cold.

The warehouse is old and dilapidated, and even the company brand looks like a fortune-telling flag. In this place, there are only homeless people and stray cats and dogs. Is there really any mechas for sale?

But now that we are here, there are only about ten steps to go. How can we not go in and see what is going on?

Of course, everyone is mentally prepared to sell mecha toy figures here. Thinking about it this way, they don’t have particularly high expectations.


After knocking on the small iron door, the door opened with a creak. The general found that behind it was an office. At this time, a man and a woman were sitting inside, drinking tea and watching TV. There was a small table on the table beside him. The electric fan was buzzing and shaking its head, making a strange noise as if it was short of oil.

The man has yellow skin and black hair and looks like a local, while the woman is a Westerner and is as beautiful as a goddess.

When they heard the knock on the door, the two looked up and saw the general and his entourage, and they immediately showed business smiles.

The man stood up first and walked quickly over to shake hands with the general warmly: "Welcome, General Pitcost. I have admired your name for a long time. When I see you today... you seem to have a nosebleed?"

"No, it's okay. It's just that the weather is too hot and I'm getting angry." The general raised his hand to cover his face and wiped his nose. He has been stationed at the Xiangjiang Dome for a long time. He also speaks Chinese very well: "It was you who sent me the invitation letter. Let me I came here to see the mecha, right?"

"You can watch mechas at any time. It won't be too late. Come on, please come in quickly. I've just made some good tea. Please." The man smiled and led a few people in. He looked like a standard businessman and was polite. Although he is shrewd, he is the kind of person that the general is most afraid of.

As a soldier, he has a straightforward personality. This opening revealed that he really wanted the mecha and showed his need, which could be manipulated.

Now the businessman doesn't mention the mecha, but wants to drink tea first, probably waiting for a price...

The general gave a bitter smile and stepped into the room. Even if he knew this, what could he do? Because things like mechas are in absolute short supply, even if you say you don’t want them, someone has to believe them.

Everyone came to sit down at the coffee table. The silver-haired foreign girl must be a secretary. She poured tea for everyone, and then left the office and went to the warehouse behind.

When she left, Raleigh wanted to look into the warehouse through the crack in the door, but it was dark and he couldn't see anything.

"This..." The general sat down, took a sip of tea, and wanted to bring the topic to the mecha again.

"My surname is Su. People in the world call me Brother Su. General, you can also call me that, haha." The man in a suit introduced himself humbly, as if he didn't feel that he was so young. There is something wrong with being a general.

"Uh, that's right...Brother Su, cough, your company really sells mechas, not figurines and toys, right?" The black man's face was covered with black lines, but you couldn't tell, but his tone was a bit awkward.

"That's definitely not possible, General. I've also read the advertisement I sent you. Aren't there photos of living things in them? How life-like they are?" As he said that, the man returned to his desk and took out a few paper brochures. Come here and show it to everyone here: "Come and look at this detailed catalog. Here are the data and quotes."

There are indeed data and specific quotations, but the brochure seems to have been made in a roadside shop. It is still the same as before. Not only does the photo have a lot of PS-like feel, it even looks like a printed ppt template... .....

The general rubbed his hands. There were more than ten kinds of mechas in the company's brochure, but now he didn't see any real ones.

"I have a question." Luo Li flipped through the album, frowned, and raised his head. At this time, he unexpectedly looked a bit like a soldier: "Even the first generation Kaiju beast was still thirty meters tall. Today's The Kaiju beasts are even bigger, and your company's mechas are only more than ten meters tall, how can you be sure that you can deal with them?"

"Haha, you want a big one? That's right, big is good, more is beautiful, but if you just look at the front, turn back, we also have large mechas."

Brother Jesus flipped the book in his hand to a certain page, turned it around and showed it to everyone:

"For example, this battlestar SDF-1 transformable mecha is 1,200 meters long, 450 meters wide, 350 meters high, weighs 12 million tons, and can carry 3,800 members and 400 VF-1 Phantom space fighters. , carrying more than 4,000 nuclear missiles, how about one? You can also use it to colonize extraterrestrials."

Everyone turned to the corresponding page and looked down at the dense mecha parameters. But at the end, the recommended market sales price was a string of countless zeros. At a glance, it should be dozens of digits.

Everyone gasped, their faces turned blue, and it looked like they almost suffered a collective cardiac arrest.

"Pa!" Raleigh closed the book in his hand, stood up and tried to pull the general away, still yelling: "Let's go, general, this is a prank. How could there be such a big mecha? This guy Crazy, a space mecha would be impossible in terms of thrusters and insulation.”

"Tsk, young man, what you haven't seen doesn't exist? Haha."

Brother Jesus shook his head and dropped the booklet in his hand:

"No matter how deep your wallet is, I have suitable products here. The only disadvantage of good things is that they are expensive. If you don't trust my products, just buy the most basic model and try it first. Aren't you a driver? Come on, follow me. I'll go into the warehouse and show you the cheapest items in stock."

After saying that, the man turned around and left. Behind him, the general and Raleigh exchanged glances, and then quickly followed.

The second they walked into the large warehouse, countless chandeliers lit up, and rows of behemoth objects covered with canvas were displayed in the warehouse. The foreign girl secretary was waiting quietly.

Brother Jesus casually walked to an object, pulled off the canvas, and said an advertisement:

"Come and try the mecha designed by our company specifically to fight the Kaiju Beast, the brain-controlled Zaku Warrior! A real man should Kai Zaku! Get a promotion, a salary increase, defeat the Kaiju Beast, marry Bai Fumei, and help You are at the top of your life!"

No one heard the oral advertisement. They were speechless for a while and just stared at the metal weapon.

It was an all-black machine, like a ghost in the night. It was equipped with a large-caliber energy weapon and a flight backpack. As the dusty tarpaulin fell, the red single eye on the hemispherical head suddenly lit up. rise.

Although this machine is small in size, it has a unique sense of oppression, as if it has participated in countless battles.

There are so many covered machines around, obviously they are all mechas, could they be the same? Why are companies able to mass-produce these things, and where do their raw materials come from?

The black general was the first to come back to his senses. He looked at the Zaku Warriors, then stretched out his hand to touch the thigh of the machine, feeling the cold metal touch. After confirming that this was not an illusion or a mirage, he could no longer hide his surprise and turned to look at Ye Brother Su, murmured:

"Who are you?"

The sales manager smiled slightly, touched a cigarette and lit it himself, took a puff and then exhaled the smoke:

"It's just for ordinary people who want to protect the earth. What do you think? Are you ready to negotiate terms now? General, today is the store's anniversary. I will sell you this mecha for one billion dollars, and I will give you a seven-day no-questions-asked return service."


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