The Death Knell

Chapter 4051 Transaction Expansion

The molten ax of the Zaku warriors is the main melee weapon. As a staunch supporter of the two-handed weapon sect, Su Ming prefers the door panel giant sword. The magic modified Zaku produced by himself is naturally equipped with giant weapons.

The machine body is 12 meters high, the long-handled ax of these two hands is ten meters long, and the ax blade is six meters long. For a monster about 60 meters tall, it is still very threatening, because the blade of this weapon is already as long as One-tenth of its size.

If it is used to chop down a human being who is 1.8 meters tall, according to this ratio, this weapon is equivalent to an ax with a blade length of more than 18 centimeters, which can really chop people to death.

The world of Pacific Rim originally had melta weapon technology, because the problem of Kaijumon's highly toxic blood was the biggest trouble.

The weapons of mecha hunters are generally equipped with high temperature or high voltage electricity, which is to burn and seal the wound as soon as it causes damage to the opponent and prevent the monster's body fluids from flowing out. The function is similar to that of a soldering iron.

But their old-fashioned melt weapons were a bit behind the times. Although Deathstroke's magically modified machine body was the cheapest 'youth version', its weapons were not sloppy at all.

The equipped two-handed giant melt ax body uses Asgard's technology and is forged from Uru alloy in the star. After forming, it is also equipped with fire attributes such as 'scorching weapons' and 'hellfire'. Enchantment can be considered an artifact level in many worlds.

Now use it to cut open the chrysanthemum beast, it just has a good visual effect and is fun enough.

"This monster looks a bit like the 'weirdo' that appeared back then, only it's bigger and thicker." As an old pilot, the black general felt like he had returned to the era of driving mechas. He stood beside the businessman. Beside him, someone said with emotion: "One of the first batch of Kaiju beasts that invaded the Celestial Empire was the Stranger, and it was also it that destroyed the first-generation mecha hunter Horizon Warrior."

Later, the weirdo was killed by a nuclear bomb near the South China Sea, but today when he saw the new Kaijumon that looked exactly like the weirdo, the general's memory flashed through his mind uncontrollably.

The pain and powerlessness at that time, as well as the sacrifices of his comrades and the people, still tortured him.

Unfortunately, the people around him are death knells, mercenaries with almost no sympathy and empathy, so the general's affectionate memories only resulted in a cold joke:

"Then this chrysanthemum beast can be called 'Father Stranger' or 'Mother Stranger', depending on its gender. After all, there is an old saying in the East, which is that when you hit the young one, the old one will come. This is the truth."

The obvious sadness in the black man's eyes disappeared instantly. He pursed his lips and looked at Brother Jesus with speechless eyes, as if he didn't know how to answer the question for a moment.

But it didn’t matter that he couldn’t answer. Nearly a minute had passed since the battle between Raleigh driving Zaku and Kaijumon on the screen, and he shouted again:

"Solomon, I'm back!!!"

After shouting the command, the power of the mecha became stable again. With a giant ax in one hand and a laser cannon in the other, he suppressed the monster on the opposite side and beat it violently, leaving it with no way up to the sky and no way down to the ground.

The battle was extremely fierce. After discovering that the mecha's performance was completely superior and that this Kaiju beast could not fly, Raleigh humiliated the monster like crazy.

Although the monster wanted to dive and escape, and kept spraying corrosive poisonous water from its mouth, this kind of attack could not threaten the specially treated mecha shell. As a result, Zaku also entered the water and continued to chase after him. It keeps chopping behind it.

The effect of the mecha was so good that the general couldn't be angry with the businessman who provided the mecha. After all, this meant that countless people could survive today.

Judging from this situation, in one minute at most, the Kaijumon crisis will be over, and all that is left is to clean the battlefield and find a way to drag the monster corpse back.

"Ahem!" The general coughed a few times. He used his eyes to force others to look over him. He lowered his head and changed the topic in a low voice: "I want to buy another mecha from your company. The Xinji that Raleigh tested at that time Do you want to sell the Weng number? I'll exchange it for the monster's corpse."

"Which one do you like? I thought you would like the Kabini more. Although the firepower and defense are not as good, it is easier to operate. The six arms and floating cannons of the Neo Zeon alone are not something ordinary people can play with."

The businessman took two glasses of champagne from the secretary. Although the battle was just over half-time, he was obviously very confident and had already started celebrating.

"Well, it's actually Raleigh who likes it. He thinks the finger cannon system is very powerful." The general took the champagne and didn't drink it. He just took the cup and played with it in his hand: "Personally, I think that machine has no legs. Like something is missing."

"Hey, actually, your legs are just decoration. You are already a general, and you are considered one of the big shots above. Of course you won't understand."

Brother Jesus didn't urge the black people to drink. Instead, he started drinking with his silver-haired secretary. After the clear clinking of glasses, he shook his head and said:

"What a pity, you want to exchange a level four Kaiju beast for a doomsday weapon that can enter the space to fight? It's impossible. With this monster, the most I can give you is a special Tiger. If you give me another For a villa on the top of Victoria Peak, I can exchange it for you a Beijing Baofan."

It has to be said that the black general has been led astray without knowing it. The Kaiju beast is still flopping and struggling in the sea, and it has already been put on the table as a deal condition.

Is it a bit bloated?

But it doesn’t matter. People on this earth have hope, but they lack confidence. Being more confident will do more good than harm.

"Don't underestimate Cow Gundam! It's just a rock, watch me push it back!!!"

Raleigh on the screen burst out Amuro's famous quote again, shouting so loudly that he was heart-wrenching.

Driven by adrenaline, he had no shame at all as he was fighting the Kaijumon. At this moment, as if he was possessed by someone's soul, he directly picked up the huge Kaijumon with a giant ax and pointed it towards the sky. Throwing it up, it seemed as if it was really going to be pushed into space.

"A house? That's a nice place." Every time the general wanted to say something, he would be interrupted by yelling. He sighed: "It's a deal, but I haven't seen the machine you call Jingbaofan last time. Can you let Mazi test drive it before making a decision?"

"Of course it's no problem. Cheers, General, Miss Asako." Su Ming smiled at the Japanese girl beside him and handed her a glass of champagne: "Congratulations on finally being able to fly a mecha. I'll give you a set of leather seats and a single eye. Just consider the eyepiece film as a promotion gift."


Mazi's expression became very complicated as she bowed slightly. To be honest, she couldn't figure out what the difference would be if the mecha had leather seats or not? Also, are there any stickers on the mecha’s monitor eyepiece? Is this Brother Jesus’ brain circuitry different from that of ordinary people?

But maybe, all capable people are crazy.

It's a gift anyway, don't give it away, so just accept it with gratitude.

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