The Death Knell

Chapter 4053 Pioneer’s Weapons

Kaiju beasts are biological weapons cultivated by pioneers using their own somatic cells. Strictly speaking, they are more like a swarm of insects, sharing most of the intelligence and data through neural networks. They must have encountered the Zaku warriors. After planting a new organism, the Pioneers will also make corresponding adjustments.

Their goal is to poison and occupy the earth. To use an inappropriate analogy, if the earth is a big house, then they are termites that secretly erode the house. They don’t want the house you built, they want the land.

It is easy for Su Ming to completely kill them. He can let Strangler imitate the genetic sequence of the Kaiju beast, and he can go through the wormhole in reverse. Even if there is a single universe over there, it is easy to destroy it.

But past experience has long proved one thing: people will not cherish things that are too easy to obtain.

If Deathstroke helps them eliminate the threat of the Pioneers immediately, then the Pacific Rim Defense Organization will be disbanded on the spot the next day, and mankind will return to its original social state.

There are more than 200 countries on a planet, and many aliens would laugh out loud when they hear this. In their eyes, this is no different from the tribal system.

So, it would be better to establish a human regime with the Chinese dynasty as the main body and other countries merging in. At least it would give some face to the public in the future.

"Chief, I discovered something while monitoring the communication network. The wall-building politicians have begun to join forces. They plan to remove the black generals and replace them with their own people. They probably want to use political means to abolish the activities of the Mecha Hunters. .”

At the edge of the swimming pool of the big villa, the adjutant who mixed pineapple juice and vodka said this to the man splashing in the water.

Today the Sheriff saw Kaijumon swimming in the sea, so now he wants to swim too, and he actually takes action.

"Haha, look at what they are capable of. There are always times when some people want to hold back humans. Are they the ones who took advantage of the pioneers?"

Deathstroke turned over in the clear swimming pool and faced the sun to bask in his belly. The small strangulating tentacles were like oars, leading him to float slowly in a circle.

"Some politicians do have frequent contacts with monster worshipers. This possibility cannot be ruled out. Do I need to investigate further?"

The sect of monster worshipers does exist on this earth, and the believers in it are basically not sane. In the past, most people were followers of the Cross.

In their view, Kaiju Beast is the knight who symbolizes the apocalypse and is the divine messenger who comes to purify the world; but at the same time, it is also Noah's Ark that leads people to transcendence and saves people from water and fire.

Only by believing in them and worshiping them can we truly live. Any act of resistance is seeking death.

There is their church on the territory of Xiangjiang, located in the relatively chaotic Causeway Bay. In the past, a big-headed chrysanthemum beast called "Avenger" was killed, and its white-bone head was recovered by these people. , converted into a church, and there is constant incense every day.

Monster believers are proud to own a piece of Kaiju beast's flesh and blood. This is why some people sell Kaiju beast corpses on the black market. After simple non-toxic treatment, these pieces of meat or bones will be divided and sold at a price of Not cheap.

Kaiju beasts are silicon-based creatures, and their flesh is very much like some kind of weird, soft petrified wood. Believers buy a small piece of it and put it on an incense table at home, offering it like an ancestral tablet and praying for their blessings.

It sounds like a serious illness, and those with the most serious illness will also try to eat or apply the brain of Kaiju beast externally, so as to achieve the level of "listening to divine revelation".

A bit like being high on drugs, or being briefly connected to the vision of a pioneer, this sixth kind of contact makes them so excited that they can't stop.

How can I put it, the same rice feeds hundreds of people. In most cases, human opinions cannot be completely consistent. The more people there are, the more differences there will be.

In the past, Su Ming had seen the Hagui Gang who worshiped vampires, the ghouls who worshiped zombies, the Genestealer cultists who worshiped bugs, etc. There was nothing that humans could not worship, even a stone could find a believer.

Originally, Deathstroke didn't want to deal with these mentally ill people. If they were just dancing around in the Bone Temple to amuse themselves, the situation would be similar to Arkham, so just let them play.

Anyway, in the future, when all the pioneers are wiped out, these people will probably lose their faith and break up.

But now it seems that they still want to participate in the war process, so this is not good and needs to be adjusted.

"What are you investigating? Is there anything to investigate? Kill all those politicians who are working together, replace them with our bionics, and then fully support our little black general." The man floating in the pool put his hands on his eyes and looked like a The posture to fall asleep: "As for those believers who worship monsters, use mushrooms or anti-life equations or dreams to brainwash them and let them worship Deadpool."

"Worship Deadpool? Are you sure, Sheriff?" The deputy looked a little weird.

In that village on Earth 40k, Deadpool's faith existed in the past. At that time, people used the shit left by Deadpool as a spiritual totem. This sect can be said to be the most evil among evils...

Later, the death knell was finally brought back by them. In order to turn the sect's worship object into the police chief himself, Wade was given a transfer fee of US$500.

In this world now, it is easy to create a sect that worships Deadpool, but how will it end in the future?

"Worshipping a piece of shit is better than worshiping aliens, that's it." Deathstroke turned over and began to swim: "Let others do the work after the arrangements are made. Come down and I will teach you how to swim. You haven't tried swimming before, right? It's so fun."

So the adjutant nodded and jumped into the swimming pool wearing a thick long skirt. She really wanted to try human body movements. This is a necessary step in being a human being, imitation.

Let’s learn swimming first, and then upgrade to a triathlon later. In the past, no one has ever accompanied the Sheriff to exercise. He is alone every day. After that, he can play with the Sheriff.


The next day at work, the black general had a very strange expression when he walked into the command hall. Everyone could tell that he seemed to be absent-minded.

In fact, he was really puzzled. After yesterday's new mecha transaction, he participated in the online video conference of the Pacific Rim Organization. He was originally prepared to face the siege of the wall-building faction, but the world was changing too fast. He Can't even react.

Those who used to have completely opposite positions to him, and were almost like life-and-death enemies, have made a 180-degree turn in their positions.

Not only did they strongly support the construction of mechas, use mechas on a large scale, and abandon the wall-building plan, they even knelt down and kowtowed to themselves collectively through video calls to beg for forgiveness.

At that time, General Hei wondered if these people were being impersonated, or were ghosts?

But if you think about it carefully, everything they said happened in the past, and if your memory is normal, it means there is no problem.

Maybe the battle in Raleigh yesterday influenced them? The general thought about these strange things and couldn't come up with a reason all night long. But this morning, all the funds allocated by the organization came down, and the amount of one-time allocation exceeded the total of last year.

That doesn't matter, as long as the general knows that there are no constraints within the organization, the general will be happy enough.

But the happy time was always very short. A staff member interrupted the general's thinking loudly. The young woman's voice sounded a bit like a scream:

"General, we found three Kaiju beasts appearing on the sea!"


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