The Death Knell

Chapter 4058 Happy Boy

After the cat finished eating the can, including the fish and the tin can, its mouth could open to an exaggerated size like the reflection in a distorting mirror, and then you could see the metal twisting and melting rapidly in Meng's mouth.

After eating the canned fish, the cat sat by the swimming pool, plucking the water with its little paws, and there was a curious look in its big eyes, as if it had discovered that the water in this world was different from the water it had seen before. .

"The ocean in this world is connected to the ocean in another world?" It jumped into the water and started swimming with a dog paddle, its little head floating on the water: "This is fresh water, but the water circulation system on the earth is It incorporates elements from another world."

"Is the silicon ion content too high?" Su Ming took out a small yellow duck from his pocket and placed it on the water for the cat to play with.

"Yeah, you were originally here to play with the specialty Stone Man Cat?" Shrinking again, it climbed onto the little yellow duck, and the cat began to use its tail as a propeller to paddle.

"Silicon-based organisms are invading the earth. I'm going on vacation, so I can help the humans in this world." Deathstroke shook his head, took out another can and placed it on the shore: "Now, I predict the hand of nothingness and his evil thoughts The rich and powerful are in that world populated by silicon-based organisms."

Probably, maybe they were just hiding behind the scenes to use the Pioneers as a knife, maybe they took over the hive system, it's hard to say.

While answering the cat, I played the video of the previous transformation of the leatherback turtle to it, so that it could see the mecha battle scenes and people's interesting reactions.

Now Luo Li and Mazi are in a bit of trouble, but it's not a big problem. The Mushroom Turtle is essentially a living corpse. Its defense and combat skills are gone, leaving only the annoying self-healing ability.

However, it can still be solved with conventional weapons.

"Siamese twin universes? Let's see..." The squinting cat tilted its head and seemed to close its eyes, but then it shook its head: "The world opposite is a special node in the void. , and the worm hive consciousness living there does not have dreams, so I am not sure whether I can still go there with you."

"If the hand of nothingness is over there, then you can." Su Ming squatted and smoked a cigarette. He looked at the projection screen: "External forces have dreams, right?"

"More than just a dream cat? We are the creators of dreams, but Hand of Nothingness is not. His name is actually misleading. He is a collection of the most malicious thoughts among external forces, an incarnation of a concept."

Maybe when people hear the name Hand of Nothingness, they will subconsciously think of the minions of the origin, the Hand of Creation, and think that nothingness is the opposite of creation, and then think that Hand of Nothingness is a rebellious Hand of Creation or something.

But in fact, the traitor to the Hand of Creation is Perpetua, the Hand of Nothingness. He is an outsider. He was not born in the super-time stream at all.

This is true for external forces.

The cat that answered the question was paddling in the water. Its fur was wet, and the light blue lines on its body that looked like blue and white porcelain also looked like splashed ink landscape paintings.

"Compared to Lucifer's...'evil in this world'?"

Su Ming asked a more critical question.

"You may have heard rumors, such as the rumor that Lucifer is actually the incarnation of the Hand of Nothingness."

The cat lay down, resting its chin on the duck's head, and the whole cat drifted:

"But they are more like a collection of parallels. The concept of the Hand of Nothingness is actually 'evil thoughts outside the world'. Meow, I really don't know how to explain this in a way that humans can understand. How about we talk about it in dreams... ....."

It looked a little distressed and kept rubbing its face with its little paws. The water from its beard fell into the pool water, making little ripples.

"Don't be distressed, and don't rub your eyes too hard, you may get pinkeye, Mimi!"

A mean voice suddenly sounded, and a black and red figure also appeared with a blue light. Deadpool squatted next to his cousin, looking down at the scene of cats rowing in the swimming pool, and covering his heart with all his strength. :

"Oh, you're so cute, it makes my little heart melt. Of course, I know melted hearts look a bit like blueberry jam and smell like height-increasing insoles. Don't ask me how I know that."

"How do you associate melting hearts with height-increasing insoles?"

The speechless Su Ming sighed and moved aside, not wanting to get too close to his cousin.

Because the bitch doesn't stink much anymore, he smells like Lucifer's perfume.

"Because after using height-increasing insoles, the shoes will squeeze the feet more than using ordinary insoles, so you will sweat more. Think about foot sweat. When you take off your shoes, it will be steaming and smell a bit like pickled cucumbers, but it is still The slimy, black mud turned by the decay of human flesh is really similar to the black mud between the toes, quack!"

Deadpool became happy as he spoke, and turned his head in the direction of no one, and he didn't know who he was talking to.

"Are you so happy that you slept with Lucifer?" Deathstroke's hand slipped again. When Maomao saw it, the owl dagger had already stayed on Deadpool's belly. Mimi quickly grinned and changed a topic.

"Actually, I didn't have anything happen to her. Although he did turn into a blond beauty with a curvy front and back, but Uncle Deadpool doesn't like shemales." Wade looked down at his belly and said, Danfeng gently held the blade and pulled out the dagger, returned it to his cousin, and continued: "So after going to the nightclub, he found seven beauties for me. He sat on the bedside and watched. When he saw the exciting points, he still Give me a round of applause.”

"...I still can't understand some human behaviors." Mimi jumped off the little yellow duck and instantly became the size of a pony. She climbed up to the shore, rolled her tongue around the can and ate it. Look. To Deathstroke: "Let's set off. If the hands of nothingness haven't eroded the world over there too deeply, it might be easier. If..."

"There are no ifs. The Hands of Nothingness are just malicious critics from outside the wall. They are critical losers. I have heard of him. He is also known as the collective of black fans."

Deadpool became serious. He took the new uniform pants from the Mexican courier who appeared from nowhere, and put them on with his two legs with rotten skin:

"I will deal with this kind of person. I have many more fans than him. My cousin and I both know that when it comes to fourth wall battles, popularity is the key, right, Slade? The veterans in my live broadcast room said The information is correct?"

"It doesn't matter whether the voice in your fantasy is right or not." Deathstroke raised his mask, and he raised his hand to wipe the red eyepiece: "You are from Marvel, and he is a fan of DC, so he Even if the DC is distorted by external forces, this ability will not affect you."

"Hey, I suddenly remembered a joke." Deadpool lifted up his mask and spit out bloody phlegm, then sniffed: "Do you want to hear about hens laying duck eggs?"

However, the ruthless Deathstroke rejected his cousin's kindness. He turned around and took out his lightsaber:

"If you don't listen, Adjutant, teleport us to Challenger Abyss."


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