The Death Knell

Chapter 4062 The vulgar plot

In Su Ming's view, in the D universe, the source of all evil is actually God. Lucifer is just a son who was withdrawn to take the blame. In addition, he himself does have some problems, so he is known as the evil in this world. It's all on him, Satan.

Think about it, if God is all-knowing and all-powerful, then if Lucifer wants to do something bad and He doesn’t allow it, how can Lucifer do it?

At least it's a tacit consent.

In short, Lucifer can exist in any universe with myths about heaven and hell, and his fall is even more famous, which can be said to be full of face.

Because in the story universe where this system exists, God is often the supreme god, and Lucifer ranks second. The source of power is biblical stories and people's desires. He can not only use external forces, but both internal and external forces. build.

The hand of nothingness is evil from the ‘external’, a kind of evil that belongs to the narrative level.

For example, in his previous life, Su Ming watched the story of the D universe and saw some disgusting things, such as Warner making another shitty movie about the D superhero, etc., he would also curse "Warner is a dead horse" ’, then just do whatever you want and continue living.

It may seem like a very mundane thing, but the evil thoughts that came into my mind when I was cursing and wanted all Warner executives to ascend to heaven will now become the power of the hand of nothingness.

The more black powder there is outside the fourth wall, the stronger the power of the Hand of Nothingness will be. His ultimate goal is to make the D universe completely dissipate and return to nothingness.

To put it bluntly, it’s the idea of ​​‘a rubbish company, shut down quickly’.

His form of existence is somewhat similar to Mandrake, who represents the 'D Comics Chief Editor', but is stronger. Because the Hand of Nothingness also has the attribute of 'fan', he will not be killed by the Thinking Superman when he is pushed into the void, because as long as there is Popularity, he is immortal.

Not only Warner, but also comics and animations, when it comes to narrative aspects, will be criticized.

Even if you are reading the comics and see that Batman throws the villain into Arkham to imprison him again, only to have him escape from prison, and someone calls him mentally ill, then this is also providing power to the Hand of Nothingness.

Because they don't understand the role of Batman and Gotham, there are many people who curse casually on the Internet. Su Ming has seen a lot of them in his previous life and doesn't care.

After all, it's just a fictional story, and everyone has one opinion.

But now that I am living in this story, and I have to face the hands of nothingness raised by evil thoughts, things are a bit troublesome.

It's not that there is no way out, because Su Ming has prepared more than 20 plans in advance because he expected to deal with this kind of thing sooner or later, but which one to choose depends on the specific situation.

As for the bad vulgarity he mentioned before?

The cat squatting on his shoulder also saw the scene outside the window and expressed the same emotion as him.

Because in the silver world where heavy rain keeps falling, there is a bus stop on the roadside not far ahead of the bus. There are Deadpool and Deathstroke, as well as a cat squatting on a person's shoulder.

"It's indeed a bit vulgar. Using some kind of peer to disrupt your self-perception is useful for ordinary people, but I think you shouldn't do this, Meow."

Licking its paw, the cat expressed its opinion. It just raised its head and glanced out the window, and the cat over there disappeared like a cloud:

"Do you want me to help you get rid of them too?"

"No, what if it's the one who talks? Since you imitated me and my cousin, you should at least share a few lines, right? Let them get in the car and ask questions before talking."

Su Ming stopped Maomao's plan. It was a cat after all and was a little impatient.

Not only is he extremely curious, but it is always faster to use his paws than his brain.

It's like buying a new toy for your cat. When you bring it in front of it, it will always pat it with its paw to determine what it is before thinking about playing with it.

"Tch, it's a fake at first glance." Across the silvery rain, Deadpool sat next to his cousin and twirled his thumbs in his nostrils. After ventilating, he snorted comfortably, and then said: "That one on the platform The fake Deadpool is not even remotely as good as me, in terms of handsomeness and handsomeness, there is a huge gap."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone to take a selfie, clicked on the microdermabrasion and beautification options, and compared the photo with the fakes waiting outside, the difference became even more obvious.

He himself seems to be shrouded in a halo in the photo. A pair of white eyepieces are extremely large and sparkling. His face is as thin as a melon seed, and his chin seems to be used as a weapon to stab others to death.

What about the one outside the window? Unremarkable.


The exchange between the two and the cat did not affect the operation of the bus. No matter how they calculated it, the bus still entered the station, and the passengers waiting for the bus also got on the bus wet.

Even though the cat waiting for the bus with them just disappeared, they walked straight past the car and sat down on the seats across the aisle as if they didn't notice anything.

After that, the fake Deadpool looked at the fake Deathstroke affectionately, and then gently rested his head on the latter's shoulder. And what about the fake Deathstroke? She also gently held his hand and looked back at him affectionately.


Originally, he wanted to try to talk to see if he could collect any information, but Maomao's previous actions made Void Hand realize that his plan had been seen through, and he was now in over his head.

It's probably like Harbinger using Kaijumon, he let these two people get into the car specifically to disgust Deathstroke and Deadpool.

It is indeed too disgusting, it has exceeded the limit that ordinary people can bear. What normal man would be willing to have sex with Wade? To lose weight?

So after seeing their performance, Su Ming couldn't bear it anymore. He raised his hand and slapped the cat on the butt:

"Wipe them out, they look disgusting. Hands of nothingness can't do anything else, but disgusting people are good hands."

"They are the product of the consciousness of black fans, and black fans are unreasonable and disgusting."

Deadpool watched the cat wave its paws, and the two people on the next chair instantly turned into silver mist and disappeared. He also sighed and said deeply:

"It's like me. Didn't I register for Didi Daren, a mercenary app developed by Adjutant? There are always people on the message board slandering me, insulting me, trampling on my dignity, and preventing potential customers from contacting me. I don't know how to mess with it. It has ruined so much of my business that I have to go to Sister Margaret’s Bar to take orders every time, which is totally out of touch with the information age.”

The door closed and the bus moved on, as if the cockroach driver was indifferent to everything happening inside.

Su Ming watched the vehicle start moving again, and the silver rainwater on the glass appeared at an angle, and asked his cousin:

"Why didn't you tell the adjutant that you were being bullied on your own app? Why did those fellow bastards hack you?"

Deadpool smiled movedly at his cousin. At this time, he felt the unparalleled warmth of family affection.

As expected, Slade is the most reliable and the one who understands the difficulty of being a mercenary best.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but at this moment he choked back. It was like his mood swings were too serious. It took him a few seconds to calm down, wiped the tears under the mask, and answered seriously:

"Cousin, they told me what I did again."

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