The Death Knell

Chapter 4074 Class Reunion

"Master, smoke, hehe."

Haizhu came over, took out a pack of crumpled cigarettes from his pants pocket, took out one, straightened it with his hand and handed it to the Supreme Mage respectfully, and took out a disposable lighter to light it:

"Do you eat melon seeds? I'll ask them to buy melon seeds for you?"

"No, I'm not a fool. I won't eat your melon seeds. Don't work in vain. If the family doesn't talk about two families, just sit down." Su Ming waved his hand towards the four courtyard pillars, motioning for them to sit down and take a bite. Holding the cigarette he was given, he looked at Liu Haizhu, and then took out the equipment he had prepared long ago from his pocket: "Come on, Zhu Zhu, I'll give you this set of clothes and cloak, try it on."

Not to mention the dark blue mage robe and the red cloak of the same style as the magic floating cloak but without any magical powers. After being put on Haizhu, his image instantly changed from a farmer to a professional mage.

The straw hat was also taken off, and Monaco's beard wax was used to give the young man a big back hairstyle. After a few seconds, the pillar became like another Strange.

He was wearing a mage's robe made of very high-end materials, but on his feet were muddy yellow rubber shoes. It was a little bit out of place, but it wasn't a big problem.

"Hey, why are you so embarrassed? Hehe, Master, you also gave me clothes, thank you!" Haizhu said in Mandarin that smelled like stubble, touched the robe on his body, felt the silky feel, and then looked around He scratched his head in embarrassment and smiled at the envious look in the follower's eyes.

"This is a meeting gift I give you. Others will also get it if they pass the mage level exam." Su Ming smiled and sat down the professional mage. He sighed and looked at the top of the cave, as if he was recalling something. : "As Casillas' apprentices, you are much more normal than Modo's students. I am very pleased."

"Hey, I don't dare to compete with others, but don't worry, master, we will kill whoever you say." Haizhu lowered his head and stroked his new clothes, speaking fragrant words lightly.

"Under normal circumstances, I don't recommend this kind of cross-species communication, but as long as you are happy, our principle at Kama Taj is to teach without discrimination. No matter what personal hobbies you have, as long as you are willing to protect the earth, If you are loyal to me, the things I should teach you and the benefits you should enjoy will definitely be the same."

With that said, Deathstroke introduced Khadgar to these younger generations. After all, they were not in the same world and had never seen him before.

The group of people were eating snacks and drinking drinks. Not far away was the shining golden wormhole, with energy surging in it like waves. There was no shortage of lighting.

Hermione and Mysterio arrived next. I don't know when they became so familiar, but they came in hand in hand, looking very close.

After seeing the death knell, Miss Granger immediately came over, took his hand and shook it:

"Professor, where is the monster? Take it out quickly."

"It's not my monster, it's a group of aliens used to invade the earth." Su Ming touched her head, smiled and gestured in the direction of the wormhole with his chin: "Well, every once in a while, there will be a wormhole there. If a monster comes out, you can just chat here and kill one of them."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. She realized that the talk about the class reunion was all a scam by the professor. Her group was deceived into coming here to block the door.

With her little mouth crooked, she nodded helplessly: "Okay, but I want a gift. Give me some of your leech potion. I will give it to Luna and the others. Otherwise, in more than ten years, I will be hanging out with them. , it will be like I snuck into Auntie’s tour group.”

"No, you are thinking too far." Even so, Su Ming still took out a large box from his pocket, which was densely packed with test tubes filled with liquid: "But you are now a member of the International Federation of Wizards Chairman, you really need some die-hard supporters, I have given you these potions, use them to win over your little sisters."

Hermione, whose front teeth were no longer obvious when she smiled, was naturally not polite. After all, she had been 'rich' by her professors since she came into contact with the wizarding world.

She accepted whatever the professor gave her. After all, she would have to work for the professor for a long, long time.

She put the box into her small handbag with the Seamless Stretch Charm cast on it, and nodded happily: "Thank you, Professor, you are so kind. I will help you guard this door, but I have to go and talk to my classmates first. .”

After speaking, she pointed to a few people at the table and walked over with her head held high. Before fighting, she must first understand the abilities and fighting styles of her teammates, so that she can be victorious in every battle.

She seems more confident and stylish than before.

As for Mysterio, who had been silent, while Hermione was talking to the teacher, she was taking selfies with her mobile phone.

She blocked Hermione with herself and took photos from different angles, as if the teacher was touching her head. She also skillfully Photoshopped a nine-square grid. Her expressions were different in each photo, but they all looked sweet.

Apply a pink filter, polish the skin, make her eyes bigger, and then use the adjutant's inter-universe network to send these photos to the circle of friends and group chats visible only to members of the Sky Council, and start typing quickly to show off.

‘The teacher missed me again, hehe. ’

'The teacher is still so handsome, and I am also very cute today. ’

‘As expected, as the chief, I should always stand by the teacher’s side. ’

Speeches like these flowed out quickly under her two thumbs. Every year, she had to guard the border of hell for half a year. It was originally very boring. She only had those tentacle monsters to accompany her every day, which could be said to be like a year.

But since the cross-border communication system came online on a large scale with the spider network, and the Internet and mobile phone technology boomed, Mysterio has naturally developed in the direction of a otaku. She sits in the limbo of hell, but in fact, she is there every day. On the throne of flesh and blood, his feet are raised and he is holding a mobile phone.

The only thing she would show off would be her relationship with Deathstroke, because apart from her teacher and her big brother Colossus, she had nothing else.


Deathstroke touched her head. The smooth golden hair felt much better than Hermione's hair straightened with potion shampoo.

"Teacher." She turned around and threw herself into his arms, but didn't say anything more. She just raised her head and blinked: "I'm here."

"You're so good, come here, here are these things for you." Su Ming took off a silk bag directly from his waist and put it in the girl's hand: "These crystal balls are the 'Merlin's Rainbow', there are 13 in total, each with different characteristics. Ability, they can rely on my dark concepts to operate within the 40k universe, and now they are all handed over to you."

"The situation in the bloody battle in hell is quite stable. Are you giving me these strength-enhancing things because someone wants to attack the border of hell?" She put away the bag, but she also frowned.

The war between Mephisto and other hell lords has been going on for decades to snatch the title of Satan. It has always been like this. No one came to harass her in the border of hell before. After all, it is full of the power of the ancients. , extremely terrifying that even demons are afraid of.

"Velasco has a daughter named Ananym. I heard recently that she seems to be moving around. Maybe she is planning to find you to avenge her father, so I give you these things just in case."

"turn out to be"

But before the mysterious guest finished speaking, there was a violent vibration at the top of the cave, and gravel and dust fell sparsely. It seemed that something happened on the ground.

Deathstroke waved his hand, turned around and disappeared into the light:

"You guys can play here while I go watch the fun. By the way, I will let you know when the class reunion will end."

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