The Death Knell

Chapter 4096 Storm’s past

Oloro's mother is the daughter of a Kenyan chief, and her father is a white American photographer, so her skin color is not very dark. On the contrary, her eyebrows are very beautiful because of her mixed race.

When she was a child, her family planned to move to Egypt. After all, the social environment in Cairo was better than that in Kenya, and Egypt had an inexplicable attraction to mutants.

But there was a plane crash on the way to move, and both her parents died. Only she miraculously survived.

After surviving, the little girl had no skills. In order to survive, she finally became a thief and was controlled by Ahmed Jibar, the mutant thief in Cairo at the time. Until she stole on Charles' head again while stealing on the street.

At that time, Charles was still traveling around the world to see the suffering of the people, looking for a non-violent way to save mutant people.

As a result, he finally used violence to get rid of Ahmed before taking Oloro away. There was really no other way, and sometimes we just couldn't reach an agreement.

Charles took Ororo to live in Egypt for a few years, investigating some legends about the apocalypse, and then brought her back to the United States and began teaching her in school how to be a good person.

After Raven, the girl whom Charles regarded as a sister, ran away with Magneto, Charles became obsessed with teaching students. He hoped that Ororo would one day inherit his mantle.

By the way, the girl was not called Storm at that time, but was called Electromagnetic Girl. Her mutant ability was to control electromagnetic fields. Charles felt that she could restrain Magneto to a certain extent, who was becoming more and more paranoid.

But when Ororo was fifteen years old, she began to have all kinds of strange dreams. In the dream, her parents' voices kept calling her to return to Africa. There was a future for Ororo there, but she had to come alone. .

At first, the girl thought these were hallucinations, or some kind of mental illness, but having the same dream for a period of time made her determined to solve the problem.

Then, after explaining the whole story to the professor, she returned to Africa alone. After getting off the plane in Cairo, she began to wander around Africa aimlessly, looking for clues and helping other mutants along the way.

So during the journey, she met T'Challa who was sneaking out of the country to 'adventure'. The two were similar in age and attracted each other, so they became each other's first love.

They spent a happy time together for a year or two, until the old king's men captured his son and forbade them to see each other again.

Because Wakanda has technology that far exceeds the world's level, members of the royal family are destined not to marry outsiders, and secrets must be kept.

Oloro was very sad after losing her first love, but her character was not the kind of girl who would stalk her partner's parents even if they didn't agree. She quickly picked up her mood and continued her journey.

In the Kilimanjaro Valley in the Serengeti plains of Kenya, she met her teacher, a tribal shaman named Ainat (ai), and began to practice the shamanic magic of the mysterious goddess under her guidance. Thus awakening true abilities.

Soon, Ororo was able to combine her electromagnetic abilities with weather magic to control storms and rainfall. Needless to say, in arid areas like Africa, what this means.

She soon earned the title of Storm, was worshiped like a god by the tribesmen, and lived a peaceful life here. Until one day a few years later, the professor informed her to return to college to become a teacher.

What follows is a very ordinary X-Men story. Their timeline is like a messy ball of yarn, so I won’t go into it.

In short, now that T'Challa has become the king, he can marry whomever he wants, and naturally he is still thinking about rekindling his relationship with Storm.

It sounded like an ordinary adventure story, about a mutant girl being blessed by the Loa God, but Su Ming knew that the truth of the matter was not entirely like that.

One of Ororo's ancestors was named Ayesha, also known as the Rain Queen of Balobedu. She was once the sixth Supreme Mage of the Earth. Her term lasted from 10,000 BC to Six thousand years BC.

The first Supreme Mage was Agamotto, and the second was the Birdman High Priest Shamuhat Saraswati. She retired in 11,000 BC, and then three Supreme Mages were killed in a row in the next one thousand years. , until the Rain Queen takes office.

She had been the Supreme Mage for four thousand years, and was very accomplished. However, the accumulation of too many spells eventually drove her crazy, and in her last waking moments, she sacrificed herself in a battle with the Dimension Demon.

The lineage of Emperor Weishan and the Supreme Mage have never forgotten these sacrifices. When Su Ming checked the history at Kama Taj, he naturally saw the relevant records.

It's just that he had never heard of the dimensional demon that killed Ayesha, because that guy was called a 'cow-terpillar in a cow-' (cow-terpillar in a cow-). Su Ming even thought it might not be a dimensional demon. But high-dimensional intruders......

Ororo inherited the magical potential of her ancestors, and Ao Shutu has been secretly paying attention to her. After all, if it hadn't been for the goddess' intervention, the little girl would have died in the plane crash.

Even according to Ao Shutu's original plan, after Su Ming retired, the Supreme Mage would be succeeded by Oloro.

But later she discovered that there seemed to be no possibility of Deathstroke retiring. This time the Supreme Mage was different from his predecessors. He had a strong ability to survive and was expected to live forever.

However, those things did not affect Ao Shutu's training of Storm. She liked the girl very much and even gave the little girl the ability to fly like a bird.

As for the teacher Ainette whom Ororo met by chance? How can normal people live in the Kilimanjaro Valley? There are only floods and hippos there, so it is not suitable for humans at all.

The so-called encounter was also arranged by the Goddess of the Eastern Star. Ainat's true identity is the priest of Akamat, and Akamat is the vest used by O Shutu to preach in the universe of "Conan the Barbarian King".

However, the description in Marvel changed a bit and became the Storm Goddess. However, Ao Shutu changed her vest and did not have the power to control lightning and weather. Therefore, in fact, the atmospheric magic used by Ororo was the goddess who created it for her. Snatched from other demon gods.

That unlucky guy was the Storm Demon God Watoomb. As a human from Earth, he didn't even have the courage to protest to Oshitu. He knew very well what kind of ruthless person this goddess who represented order was.

As a priest of the Mayan Empire in 2000 BC, Vatum was able to transform into a dimensional demon, so he was considered the best among mages.

But it depends on who you compete with. Tens of millions of years before he was promoted, Ao Shutu was already the winner of the first generation of gods.

Now when Storm casts the spell, she chants the name of Akamat, but in fact the person who lent her the loan is Watoum, and the price is on Ao Shutu's account, but Watoum dares to ask Ao Shutu Want an account?

No, there is no price for Storm's spellcasting. Her teacher didn't even teach her about the cost of spellcasting.

The mage whom Storm later came into contact with was in a similar situation.

For example, Wanda is a mutant in name, but she is essentially a mage. Her mutant ability is mental power, and she casts spells on Sithorne’s behalf without knowing the cost.

Then there is Mysterio. Her mutant ability is invulnerable to all diseases, but her fighting power relies entirely on magic and martial arts. Her power comes from blood stones and the ancient ones, and the price will not be paid until the end of the year.

So Ou Shutu raised Storm to be a silly dark sweet, at least from the mysterious side, she is quite silly, so it is impossible for her to become the Supreme Sorcerer. Being the Queen of Wakanda may be a better choice.


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