The Death Knell

Chapter 4098 Anti-Hero Level

Under normal circumstances, Deathstroke gives orders and his teammates just execute them.

But today was different. After Su Ming said that he needed a portal to enter the mine, Ororo just stood there and stared at him.

"I don't know how." She said she didn't know how to use the portal spell, and she was quite confident: "The teacher didn't teach me, and I won't be able to use it if I follow the X-Men."

For short-distance teleportation, there is Flicker, for long-distance teleportation, there is Mysterio, for those who want to travel through walls, there is Phantom Cat, and for those who want to travel through time, there is Bishop.

If I were to learn teleportation spells again, wouldn't I be positioning myself the same as others?

"Forget it." What kind of mage is this who can't teleport? Su Ming was also a little speechless. It seemed that Ao Shutu's care for Storm was all about cultivating her in destructive magic: "Use my cloak and phase transfer."

Ororo really can't be regarded as a mage, but should he be regarded as a mutant warlock? The power comes from blood and gods, but it is very scientific.

Taking off the cloak behind him, Su Ming pulled Xiao Chong and Storm into the car. He waved his hand towards the black brother and sister, and hit the glass on the side with a whoosh.

"We have a door to leave." Su Rui stretched out her hand to try to stay, but the death knell moved too fast. She could only cover her ears to avoid seeing the scene of the glass being smashed, but it was quiet the rest of the time.

Deathstroke and others disappeared. Judging from the surveillance, they had entered the mineral vein and flew deep underground, while the glass was still intact.

She tilted her head and then smacked her palm: "Is this phase transfer? I seem to have an idea. I'm going back to the laboratory. Goodbye, brother!"

After saying that, she ran away in a flash, as all scientists do when inspiration strikes.

Without anyone's knowledge, the adjutant hacked into the network here while everyone was chatting.

Su Rui is indeed careful enough. Wakanda's scientific research center uses a closed-loop internal network, which has no interaction with the outside world. She also uses Tesla's wireless power supply technology to transmit data between devices, which is different from wifi. Special mode.

But when Deathstroke entered this place, any defense was just a decoration. He strangled and separated nano-scale filaments. He randomly found a piece of equipment and plugged it in. The deputy obtained the highest administrator authority within a few seconds and helped the Sheriff investigate the surveillance. .

Wakanda's security facilities in the mines are not lax. There are various probes, automatic defense turrets, infrared and temperature anti-theft methods, and there are also guards standing guard in the mines.

But Su Ming was able to sneak in here decades ago, so it's not surprising that Tony can do it now.

After discovering that some surveillance probes had been artificially modified for a period of time, Su Ming also determined Tony's infiltration route. Now he only needed to follow it and adapt accordingly.

The purple veins look like a dream, but the smell and temperature in the mine are hard to praise. It feels like a changing room in a bathhouse, damp and stuffy, and kind of like a car repair shop. smell.

"Master Deathstroke, are you looking for Tony?" It was the first time for Storm to wear Deathstroke's cloak. She grabbed the edge of the fabric a little nervously. Even she had never entered this underground world.

There is a reason for this.

"Do you remember the invasion of the Dimensional Demon God before? After Iron Man's parents and fiancée died, he became a little crazy. He came here to find a terrifying weapon left behind in ancient times."

Su Ming told her a simplified version of the story.

"I'm not familiar with Iron Man. I only know that he is often in the gossip news. Logan said that when he meets a woman, he is like a teddy in heat, and he is the same as Deadpool." Ororo obviously doesn't like Iron Man very much. She also Showing a disgusted little expression.

Also, on Earth 40k, the X-Men and the Avengers don't have much interaction. Only Scarlet Witch and Wolverine work part-time for the Avengers, and they can be regarded as foreign liaisons.

"Actually, Mr. Stark is a good man and a hero. However, his private life used to be a bit chaotic, but he has changed now."

Peter tried his best to put in a good word for Iron Man because he thought of something.

Tony came here without notifying Black Panther, so it was actually theft? Whatever is buried underground belongs to Wakanda, right?

Well, Storm will be the queen of Wakanda in the future, and Black Panther's performance just now is obviously willing to listen to her opinion, so smart Peter decided to put in a good word for Mr. Stark first.

"Logan never gives up any opportunity to hack my cousin, haha." Su Ming shook his head with a smile. He listened to the wind in his ears and smiled in the darkness: "Oluoro, you are still young, I know you You had a relationship with Logan, but you didn’t know him.”

"I may know something, but that's all in the past." Storm sighed. She did have a relationship with Wolverine, but during that time, Jean Gray seemed to be full of murderous thoughts towards her. meaning.

When facing Qin, she was smiling, but as soon as she turned around, she felt a burning pain in her back, which was probably the temperature of her gaze filled with hatred.

Ororo told Logan about this, but he actually spoke to Qin, saying things like 'You got it wrong', 'She's not that kind of woman', 'I'm not speaking for her, I'm just on the side of reason', etc. After all, the relationship ended quickly.

After breaking up with Logan, Storm was able to sleep more peacefully, eat more deliciously, and Jean Gray became a good sister again.

So she felt that she was right to break up, but she still believed in Logan's character and felt that he was a good person. However, this good man was deeply devoted to Qin, and he interfered in other people's feelings.

"Let me tell you a number, 927." Su Ming's smile became full of meaning.

"What is this?" Peter didn't quite understand what this number meant.

"This is the number of illegitimate children that Logan has had so far. The number of women who were impregnated and abandoned by him may be ten times that, but many of them are dead, one dead and two dead."

The emotional Deathstroke told Peter about this, rubbed the boy's head, and said sincerely:

"Peter, you can't become someone like Logan in the future. Wade, who was accused by him, only has one daughter, and he is still raising it with him. As for him, now his illegitimate children have formed the 'father-haters' alliance. It’s impossible to form a group to kill him.”

"There is such a thing?!" Peter, who surfed the Internet every day and even looked into the dark web, was shocked. He never expected that the biggest source of antagonism between men and women was actually hidden in that 1.5-meter-long building. Into the short body.

Many people have trouble finding a girlfriend, but Wolverine actually ruined so many of them. Is this something that anyone can get rid of?

In just an instant, Peter's favorability towards the big stallion dropped to freezing point. For a kind-hearted superhero like him, Logan's behavior as an anti-hero was indeed a bit high.

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