The Death Knell

Chapter 4116 Purpose Speculation

It seems that Klinta, who can repeatedly switch between the material state and the void state, appears. This is something that should not happen, at least Su Ming has not seen this situation in the timeline.

If Earth 616 develops according to the comic stories he read in his previous life, even if Gnar wakes up and resurrects the symbiote 'dragon' to invade the earth, the threat will be quite limited. At least the symbiote only exists on the material level. There are so many ways to deal with it.

But now, he seems to have assimilated part of his own cage, the planet Klinta, and turned it into a cosmic Pac-Man, rushing towards the strangled Earth. This is obviously a planned attack.

Gnar was also a ruthless man back then. Born in the void and eternal darkness, he was also regarded as the earliest evil god born after the explosion of the cosmic egg.

Originally he slept peacefully in endless darkness, until one day he was suddenly awakened by the light of creation.

He took a look with excitement and found that the group of gods had appeared. They were busy perfecting the concept of the universe, arranging stars and arranging life in it.

However, Gnar, who only loves darkness and silence, only thinks these robots are noisy and plans to kill them all.

So he created a symbiote creature from his own shadow, used the heads of the Celestials as a furnace, used the most savage primitive energy in the universe to temper the darkness, and forged himself a mount 'dragon' and a weapon 'black' Death Sword', armor 'Symbiotic Carapace', and then the long battle began.

The ordinary Celestial Gods had almost no power to fight back against him. Only a dozen Celestial Gods besieging him could barely delay it. It was said that every time the two sides fought, hundreds of planetary systems were destroyed.

The dragon is a leader-specialized symbiote. Not only is it particularly capable of reproducing, it can also directly control its own offspring and their hosts.

The black sword is a specialized type of transforming weapon. It has the additional attribute of special attack against the gods, and is particularly good at killing gods.

Later, Nar was surrounded and killed by all the gods. He was defeated and fell into a deserted planet. The weapon in his hand was picked up by a native.

That native was the later God-Slayer Ger, and the will of the Black Sword drove him to do what Gnar wanted, which was to kill all the gods.

Of course, the story was later reversed, and Geer was convinced by Deathstroke Physics and is now working as a volleyball coach on the planet Sparta, living happily with his new twin symbiote 'family'.

And Black Sword was strangled and eaten.

So Su Ming thought about it now and felt that it might be this swallowing evolution that finally attracted Gnar.

After Nar was defeated, others thought he was dead, but as a god born in the void and darkness, how could he die so easily?

A few years later he himself resurrected from a speck of dust, only to find that his symbiote armor had been killed, his black sword was missing, and the dragon had disappeared.

But there is good news, that is, the gods thought he was dead and did not plan any more targeted encirclement and suppression plans.

So he slipped to the Kepler sector, where he created the symbiote planet Klinta, and then prepared to use it as his mobile base to continue the unfinished business, which was to eliminate any light and return everything to nothingness and dark.

But something went wrong. The descendants of the symbiotes he summoned to Klinta were all the descendants of the giant dragon. The dragon later died on the earth during a predation. The younger generations lost control and rebelled against the Nazis. Er, and trapped him in the core of the planet, creating a dark illusion and lulling him into a deep sleep.

After this sleep, I don't know how many years passed, and the symbionts gradually became wild. They multiplied on the planet, devoured each other and evolved, and gradually began to move into the universe with different hosts.

Why did Gnar wake up today, and how did he regain control of Klinta? It is not known yet, but Su Ming clearly saw that he came here for the strangulation.

After all, the planet Klinta is located in the Kepler sector, not far from Deathstroke's own territory, Contrasia. If Gnar really wants to target Deathstroke, he will definitely attack there first.

But he didn't, and he didn't seem to even know Deathstroke existed.

Then, he should have sensed the presence of Strangler and came directly towards the earth.

As a descendant of the dragon that was scattered when it died, Strangler settled on the Yeti in the Himalayas and was later acquired by Deathstroke and became the Yingying monster.

It itself has the genetic genes of the dragon, and later swallowed the black sword, which is equivalent to integrating Gnar's mount and weapon into one.

Now that the God of Symbiote has resurrected, he wants to get his things back. Is this understandable?

What's more, Strangler should be the strongest symbiote in the universe now, and it's natural for Gnar to be greedy. If there is anyone in the universe who likes the symbiote the most, it must be him.

It's just that Strangler is no longer the kind of coquettish bitch who only obeys its creator. It has its own thoughts and decisions, and it will never leave its host.

Therefore, the whole thing seems to be that Gnar is going to invade the earth, but in fact, it is just because the strangulation is here, the earth is considered to have withstood the thunder.

Of course, others don't need to know these things, Su Ming can just think about it in his own mind.

As for leaving Earth and leading Gnar to somewhere else? That's stupid. Leaving the earth means having to face Gnar alone, using your own wealth to fill the battle line, and you don't necessarily have to pay a price to defeat that guy.

The simplest way is to stay on the earth, deliberately let Naar invade the earth, and wait to see if Emperor Weishan and the many hell lords can get rid of him.

Why is there anything about the Hell Lord here? Naturally, it is because the lifespan of the symbiote host is too long, which affects the circulation of souls in hell. Demon kings also have to live, and they eat from the earth's pot with many dimensional demon gods.

Moreover, with the great cause of protecting the earth, superheroes and villains are better motivated.

Let Scarlet Witch play with him first, so that Su Ming can observe what the ancient god Gnar is like.

"I already know who kidnapped the little bald man and the blue cat. They can be regarded as old friends." Su Ming said to the teammates around him, but took everyone to the next door in a hurry. At this time, Oloro The three of them had also completed the census and were just back.

Hearing what he said, the black girl immediately came closer and asked excitedly: "Who wants to harm us mutants?!"

"There's no need to rise to that level. You're suffering from PTSD. Whenever something happens to a mutant, you automatically think of someone engaging in discrimination." Su Ming threw a bottle of soda to Ororo in a funny way, and motioned for her to drink something cold and calm down. Next: "First of all, is there anyone else missing from Utopia?"

"No, the other residents are all here, but they seem to have lost their souls, like puppets." Jean Gray sighed. She looked at the death knell longingly, hoping that he could come up with a way to remove the voodoo mushrooms. You can't let those people stand in front of your house in a daze until they faint from hunger, right?

"They have inhaled the powder of voodoo mushrooms, and their current state is actually very similar to voodoo zombies. Therefore, if you want to relieve this control, you need the corresponding African shaman or witch doctor."

Deathstroke, who walked into the brainwave amplification room, spread his hands and shrugged to show that he was powerless:

"You also know that I never bury people when I kill them. I can use mushrooms, but I don't understand them. Why don't we ask Ororo to give them artificial respiration and see if we can blow out the powder they inhaled from their lungs? "

When an elegant woman like Storm heard this kind of joke, her face looked like a black question mark.

Can this be blown out? ! Deathstroke really likes telling bad jokes!

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