The Death Knell

Chapter 4122 Happy Planet

It's hard to say whether this operation was a success or a failure. Although little bald Charles was snatched back, the beast died, and there were some flaws.

Although the beast was originally an insignificant addition to Su Ming's plan, and it didn't matter whether he lived or died. He was here to save the little bald man, but it was still a bit regretful to see the fluffy blue lion turn into a lifeless doll. Bar.

Multiple arteries were damaged, and the massive blood loss would not have caused the beast to cool down so quickly. It was most likely the arrival of Deathstroke and others, which instead served as a reminder for Hank.

When Deathstroke and others fell from the sky, Shadow King should be tinkering with torturing Hank. Facing the surprise backstab, the body of the trumpet controlled by Shadow King did not react, but his mind did.

So he immediately used his own ability to extinguish the beast's vitality and prepared to take Charles to evacuate from the shadow plane again.

The specific method is still uncertain, but it is either psychic ability or shadow ability. These two superpowers have no possibility of resisting for the unsuspecting controlled person.

It's just that the Shadow King didn't expect that the people coming behind him were not only mutants, but also Deathstroke with the face of Captain America. He died on the spot before he could take Charles into the shadows, causing the plan to be interrupted.

Whatever he wanted to know from Charles, it must be related to his follow-up plan, and he should be very angry now.

But the person who killed one of his trumpets was Captain America. What does Deathstroke have to do with it?

So now, Su Ming is still in the dark and still maintains the first mover advantage.

The Shadow King is good, with strong abilities and a good mind, but times have changed. In a new era where surveillance cameras are all over the city and people's behavior is clearly understood by big data, an old antique like him is too simple.

Fighting to enslave everyone, this kind of psychotic simplicity is what Deathstroke is most familiar with.

"Come on, let's get out of here. Adjutant, prepare to teleport us to 40K-2. When I get out, I'll give the white-haired director of the Bureau of Investigation a word first."

Su Ming waved everyone to come up to the hall, and then activated the time gem to restore the ground that had become a big hole to its original state. As for the doors and windows sealed by spider webs, let the F**kers clean them up by themselves.

A lot of complicated preparation work was done, but in the end it was not used in the battle, but Su Ming was used to it. Every time he would prepare a bunch of backup plans, but they were often not used.

From 40K-1 to 40K-6, these all belong to the secondary parallel world of 40K Earth. They are stored in a secret pocket space and are transformed and improved by Little Franklin to house valuable objects that survived multi-dimensional collisions. refugee.

Among them, 40K-1 is a place used to experiment with zombies and evolvers. After being injected with serum, people there will awaken various superpowers in the constant battle with zombies, especially telekinesis.

When the human voyage plan of the main world begins, Su Ming will put these battle-experienced people into the 40K main universe and let them serve as excellent seeds to expand the territory of mankind.

Yes, Su Ming has a super army in his hands, and he will not suffer in numbers even if he faces the insect swarm.

But the military is a tool for conducting multi-dimensional warfare. Currently, a small half of the fleet is in the Star Wars universe, and the other half is in the Omega universe. The powerful teams of Space Marines and Mechanical Gods are staying in Sepulk, and Contra on Marvel's side. Troops are also stationed in West Asia and Mars.

There is no need for the army to clear the way for land reclamation in our own diverse internal affairs. It must be done by humans themselves.

The use of private power often only requires a start, and their subjective initiative will allow the plan to continue to unfold. In the final analysis, it is to induce profit, a bit like a diamond scam.

As long as there is a person who has benefited from the universe, when people know about it, they will use countless rumors to add fuel to their new cause.

As for 40K-2, Su Ming rarely comes here because this is a supernaturally resurrected earth. To put it bluntly, it is haunted.

Playing zombies and serum evolution is a technological route, but here, it is a purely mysterious side route.

Call it a ghost, but it doesn’t really count. To be more precise, it should be the embodiment of a free soul. It is set up as an internal circulation mode that can double people’s happiness. That is, after the human soul leaves the body, it can still Can continue to 'live' in the spirit form and live out the second life.

In the main universe, after a person dies, the soul will be swept away by hell, cleansed of sins, and then sent to death for reincarnation. This is the outer cycle.

But 40K-2 is Deathstroke's Earth. He did not grant permission to hell here, so when a person dies, his soul has nowhere to go after leaving the body.

The days after becoming a ghost are quite boring. If you want to become stronger, you can only rely on devouring. From this, the grievances and hatreds between various spirits and between people and spirits were born.

How do you feel about it? It's like an urban novel mixed with various horror stories, which makes the people here afraid to sleep at night.

The good thing is that in this weird living environment, there are a lot of spellcasters here. Although they all have nicknames like 'ghost controller' or 'soul-suppressing general' that Su Ming came up with just for fun, in essence Still a necromancer.

The reason why I came here today is because Xiao Fu is busy here. Franklin, who was brought back from the cancerous universe, has a mature character that no other peer from another world has. At least Su Ming has never seen him resting or playing, or even He wants none of that.

Every day is work, work, work. Deathstroke asked him to maintain these parallel worlds, and he really performed the task without any compromise. Today he would fix a few rules here, and tomorrow he would add a few galaxies there.

His actions did not involve the stories that happened in these universes, but his influence on these worlds was obvious. Su Ming even wanted to give him the code name of Observer.

But since it was unlucky, I decided to forget it.

When Su Ming and others found him, he was busy on the moon. There was a small observation station he built here so that he could check for leaks and fill in the gaps on the earth at any time.

After all, Deathstroke only provided him with an earth and some ideas for transformation, and it was up to him to transform the blank plan into reality.

"Uncle, you're here!" He was very happy to see Deathstroke. He flew up and circled in the air like a child: "Do you have any ideas about 40K-3?"

"It's not about this, but I want you to help check the status of our Charles to see if there are any sequelae." Su Ming hooked his fingers, hugged the bald Magneto and stepped forward, looking at the boy with some doubts. .

The boy looked younger than ten, and Eric couldn't figure out why Deathstroke would come specifically to see him.

But the next second, Xiao Fu raised his hand and conjured an electric wheelchair out of thin air, and what he said surprised everyone:

"Isn't this the host of the Shadow King? Let me do it."

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