The Death Knell

Chapter 4126 Stop and Go

The group who came to Karma Taj with Su Ming not only ate the Lizhuang white meat cooked by Hamil himself, but also enjoyed the traditional programs of this magic school, including cross talk sketches, magic and opera.

Although it was difficult for them to understand the subtlety of "Lin Daiyu uprooting the weeping willow" at their level, everyone still unanimously gave warm applause to the little girl who performed the show.

"Very good, you will get one extra point for this year's credits." Su Ming smiled and threw a box of chocolate frogs to the little girl in the hall. A three-year-old child can tell the magic-adapted "Journey to the West". He is indeed very talented as a mage. .

Because the spell caster must remain calm at all times, pronounce the spell clearly, and must be very talkative.

Although this stand-up comedy had a babyish voice and her expression was a bit stiff, it was enough to perform at this level in front of outsiders.

At first Tony thought he was listening to "A Dream of Red Mansions", and later he suspected it was "Water Margin", but the result left him stunned and slapped in the face frequently.

Although the burden of uprooting a weeping willow is old, the girl told a new story about Lin Daiyu going to Jerusalem to get the Shroud of Jesus and the Holy Grail.

The little girl was just talking nonsense, and the guests just listened to it when they were idle and bored, but the story was too nonsense, and they couldn't argue with a three-year-old about the accuracy of the story, so the weird expressions of these people became the fun of the death knell.

Everyone gets what they need, and everyone is satisfied. This is a win-win situation.

The newly enrolled child received the reward, bowed happily and skipped away. Su Ming called out the adjutant to see where Linta flew to in the projected star map.

"It's much slower than I expected. When this symbiote planet passes through other star regions, it will capture other planets and devour them. This behavior delays a lot of time."

The adjutant showed the star area of ​​the universe. Klinta is still about half an hour away from the earth. If it keeps walking like this, it will be even slower.

There was nothing she could do about it, Klinta switched between matter and shadow from time to time, and most technological methods were ineffective against it, unless the Sheriff personally blocked it now.

"A living planet, tsk tsk." Tony really couldn't eat something like Li Zhuang's white meat. He just drank some wine and was looking at the projection in front of the death knell: "I know that symbionts can swallow evolution, but a planet can eat What can it evolve into if it falls on another planet?"

Speaking of which, because Strangulation left such a deep impression on Tony, it actually caused him some misdirection, thinking that the symbionts focused on the devouring evolutionary route.

In fact, very few symbiotes take this route. Their hosts do not have the same insight as Su Ming, and the symbiotes in them certainly do not have any transcendent pattern in the universe.

The vast majority of symbionts have one or two unique skills that are enough for hunting and survival, and they can live a good life.

For example, Venom, after changing its host, is best at using its own body tissue to fill wounds and limb defects of the host. It can be regarded as a specialized self-healing type.

"Maybe it's a black hole?" Peter is young and has good gastrointestinal function. He had been cleaning up the food before and was rubbing his belly at this time: "When the mass of a celestial body is infinite, the time and space near it will be distorted."

"So is there a black hole about to hit the earth now?" Ororo only understood one word, mainly because she was sensitive to black characters, which was a sequelae of living in the United States for a long time.

"I didn't say that, it was just a wild guess." Peter waved his hands quickly, indicating that he was just talking nonsense: "Human beings haven't even figured out the principles of black holes, let alone the causes. I just thought everyone was chatting."

Xiao Chong was immediately discouraged. He did dare to guess, but he did not dare to take responsibility for his guess.

Most teenage heroes are like this. Peter is considered good. At least he won't make random guesses and harm others. He will be much more stable in a few years. The key is that he really needs to experience some girlfriends to grow up.

It's still early days.

"We've finished our meal and watched the show, but Nal hasn't come yet. We'll have half an hour left, so why don't we clean up the Shadow King again?"

Deathstroke, who was sitting in the main seat, said this, sounding like he was asking for everyone's opinions, but everyone knew that this was just a process.

He never needed advice from others on what he wanted to do, he just acted democratically.

"Of course." The White Queen tasted every dish and only a few drinks. She always maintained her figure with great self-discipline: "The Shadow King wants to harm Charles, and Charles and I are old friends, so naturally he wants to Avenge him."

"The question is where to start."

Tony touched his beard, held his chin with his hand, and looked like a dead fish:

"Deathstroke has also said before that the Shadow King can jump back and forth between countless hosts. Maybe the host in the North Pole one second will jump to the South Pole the next second. What's more, we can't tell who it is now. He is his host, who is not."

The host or trumpet of the Shadow King usually looks like an ordinary person. They eat, drink, have diarrhea, are happy, angry, sad, and happy.

Not only can they work and study, but they can also get married and have children. If the Shadow King never joins this trumpet, their secrets can even be carried into the coffin.

"It's better to go to Egypt and kill Amal Farouk first, right?" Storm was so excited that she stood up, but the next second, she seemed to have thought of something, and moved her eyes to the death knell in embarrassment: "It's just that I don't kill people."

"Tch, childish, you are already a grown man, how come you have the same idea as Peter?"

Tony stood up, patted his watch, and the liquid metal that made up the armor flowed out. He took off his orange sunglasses and stuffed them into his suit pocket, and opened his arms to put on the armor:

"Whether I am a superhero or not, the key is not whether to kill people, but whether the original intention and process of the behavior are just. When the enemy wants to kill me, I will definitely kill people. This is called the unlimited right of defense."

"Killing is still wrong," Peter whispered. He wiped his mouth, took out the mask from his trouser pocket, put it on, and adjusted the position of the eyepiece.

But thinking of the Spider-Man in other parallel worlds, he couldn't speak anymore, because the scene of the Four Hundred Aunts holding submachine guns and shooting at the enemies appeared in his mind, as well as the Scarlet Spider and the Shadow Spider, who were good murderers.

There is no doubt that they are all superheroes, and their original intention of killing is to stop the spread of evil.

"Okay, this is not the place for you to discuss the concept of no-kill. Follow me and stop thinking about keeping the enemy alive." Su Ming stood up, and the black and yellow armor spread under the skin. , he raised his hand and touched Xiao Fu's head: "My child, have you eaten? Do you want to go killing people with me?"

Xiao Fu wiped his mouth and materialized a set of silver-white tights with green stripes for himself:

"Of course I want to go. I haven't killed anyone yet. Uncle, you have to teach me."

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