The Death Knell

Chapter 4129 Disinfection Plan

The Shadow King's hosts are not only mutants, but also ordinary people, and even animals and insects. He is not picky at all.

In this aspect, it's really a bit like a symbiosis.

Of course, Xiaofu's screening method only targets intelligent creatures. He has no good method for animals at the moment, but the first list of suspects he gave included more than three million people.

"These people are very suspicious, uncle." Xiao Fu turned around in his chair, his short legs could not touch the ground, but what he said made the heroes present feel cold: "I suggest that they all be killed." Kill, the sooner the better."

"Wait, Slade, please listen to me." Tony had different opinions. He quickly stopped the man next to him: "How about we make sure again? There are so many people, you can't just give an order."

"Don't worry, I won't make a decision casually. I'll send people to kill the suspects who are absolutely sure among them first, and then capture the other suspicious people and send them to other universes without letting the Shadow King control them."

The explanation given by Su Ming meant that he would first 'ban' the accounts of these people, and 'cancel' only some of the ones whose crimes were so heinous and irredeemable that he would make long-term plans in the future.

After hearing what Deathstroke said, everyone became more accepting. It was not good to kill people randomly, but it was good if they were just captured and imprisoned for a few days to avoid being controlled by the Shadow King.

Anyway, there is a high probability that the Shadow King will not survive tonight.

"Really, you always don't tell the whole story, which makes me worry in vain." Tony rolled his eyes, sat back on the chair, and then he kept facing the door of the Internet cafe, watching the sleeping people not far away. of Peter.

Ororo and Peter didn't feel anything was wrong, but the White Queen seemed to notice something, and her eyes became a bit like a cat seeing a fish.

She is the oldest and knows the character of Deathstroke the best. She knows that Deathstroke cannot let Franklin go to the trouble of clearing everyone's inner shadow, and it is safest only for those people to be cleared out.

But what will Deathstroke do? Assassination?

However, these are none of her business. She followed Deathstroke this time to give her students the opportunity to expand their horizons in other universes, not to cause trouble for Deathstroke.

The Supreme Mage tapped her temples, and the image of the adjutant emerged. He said to her: "Send someone to launch a disinfection plan, arrest everyone on the list of Xiaofu, and then throw them to 40k-1. You know what to do." .”


The adjutant nodded and started executing. She would teleport and airdrop a large number of combat androids, and cooperate with the spider web hair girls to start kidnapping operations all over the earth at the same time, and then send the captives to be used as biochemical experiments.

The Shadow King's ability can work across parallel universes, so it's not safe to throw the host into another parallel world, so just let these suspected hosts become zombies.

Only primitive appetite is left in the mind, and only thinking about eating other people's flesh and blood, so there is no time and mood to have worries and psychological shadows. Zombies are also very simple.

Of course, others don't need to know about throwing these people away as experimental supplies, especially a silly and sweet woman like Ororo who only knows death.

Her heart is too soft, even though she usually behaves strongly, but really speaking, among the teachers at Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, she is probably the most holy one.

And Tony, Su Ming originally thought that he was also a member of the killing sect and should kill decisively, but with only a few million people, he couldn't do it. The situation was still small. Next, Howard should prepare a plan to give this little Bearded boy broadens his horizons.

As for the other trumpets of the Shadow King, Su Ming can also find them. The easiest way is to use the time gem or TVA equipment.

Rewind the timeline to the beginning of time, find the birth of the Shadow King, and then keep monitoring him. Every time he inhabits someone, he records them all, until today.

Not to mention how many small sizes he has available, you can even find out the color of his underwear.

As I said a long time ago, if you don’t master the concepts of time and space, no matter how strong you are in other aspects, you will still be just a scumbag.

You can't go there and kill today's people, otherwise it will trigger a flash point effect, but just looking at it, the intelligence advantage is enough to kill the Shadow King today.

Of course, the tiring work of retrieving the entire timeline should be left to TVA staff. Take your time and don't rush. Su Ming won't need the Time Stone. Using that thing also requires energy.

Thinking of this, Su Ming couldn't help but sigh. Kang the Conqueror was really a good man. He always thought of sending all the good things he had, which was very touching.

At this moment, Tony, who was staring at the night sky outside the door in a daze, immediately discovered that Peter was awake. The young man covered his chest as soon as he woke up, not knowing that the big black cat in the dream was hurting him. Did something salty and wet.

"I'm scared to death! Ouch, my chest hurts."

He saw a modern Internet cafe suddenly appear on the prairie. He didn't react for a while. It wasn't until he saw everyone resting in the house that he walked over panting and muttering:

"What a ghost. Guess who I saw? I went to look for the Leopard God in that dimension where there was purple light everywhere, but Deadpool suddenly appeared. He also said that he also wanted to gain popularity. Nothing happened, but he still... He kept pestering me and wouldn't let me go, and even grabbed my chest with his dirty hands. I could only steal his peach. After putting him down, I kept running and running. I finally woke up. What kind of dream was this? terrible."

Everyone covered their noses. Obviously, it was not a dream.

Deadpool really appeared in the dimension of the animal gods, and was entangled with Peter for a long time, so that now the bug's body was soaked in the smelly juice of rotten protein, just like a human-shaped stinky tofu.

Peter often hangs out with Deadpool. He is extremely resistant to Wade's strong fragrance and has even become so accustomed to it that he can no longer smell the stink.

But others obviously couldn't do it. Even Su Ming took out an air freshener from his pocket to dual-wield it, and sprayed it at Peter:

"Stop talking about my cousin, did the Leopard God tell you where Kukua Anansi is?"

As soon as he came back, his face was sprayed with mist. Peter grabbed his head and ran away, but Strangler took the spray from the host's hand, chased after the bug and sprayed it endlessly, and even let out a roar of laughter.

But in the end, Peter was transformed by Franklin and told everyone the location mentioned by the Leopard God. Although Kukua Anansi and the Leopard God were also neighbors, it was obvious that the big black cat did not like the deformed guy.

Hearing that Deathstroke was going to kill, the big black cat laughed so hard that his teeth came out.

Not only the place where the god rested, but also the other party's living habits and recipes were all explained in one breath.

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