The Death Knell

Chapter 4134 New York explodes

The current situation in New York is similar to that of a battlefield. Explosions and fires can be seen everywhere. There are no ordinary people out and about on the streets. People with abilities are running around everywhere.

Xiao Fu found many suspicious people, and the adjutant sent out androids to clean up the garbage. Of course, conflicts were inevitable.

Regardless of whether it is the host of the Shadow King or not, even aliens will not be captured without mercy.

Of the more than two million suspicious persons, 200,000 were in New York, so once a fight started, it was a bit overwhelming, and the city was devastated.

But I think real old New Yorkers should be used to it. It would be abnormal if nothing happened in this city for a period of time.

Su Ming and others teleported to the top of the Statue of Liberty. This location is more suitable for viewing the scenery. The sun is in the west, the golden fish scale-like light and shadow floating on the sea, coupled with the explosions that light up from time to time in the city, it is a beautiful scenery.

"Oh, I knew it." Tony sighed and retracted his helmet into his armor: "It's New York every time. After today, I have to repair the city again. Fortunately, I'm smart and have established a construction company long ago. , so as not to make people homeless.”

"That construction company you co-founded with S.H.I.E.L.D.? What's the name of construction emergency response? It's actually a trap." Su Ming laughed and looked up at the sky. He had now transformed into Vision: "They got the approval from SHIELD and mandated that every damaged building in New York must be repaired by them. They started an agency business and made a lot of money."

"Impossible, I pay for the maintenance fees, and all the repair work is for public welfare." Tony frowned. Although he said it was impossible, he actually believed it, because there was no need for Deathstroke to be involved in this aspect. nonsense.

Deathstroke, who turned into a robot, leaned against the fence, bending down and looking at the smoky city: "You may be a scientist, but you must have never repaired a house. In the United States, labor costs are very expensive, and the key is On people.”

"That's the truth. I thought it was a new way for you to make money. I didn't expect you didn't know."

Emma smiled and raised her hand to settle the score. She also received a cigarette from Deathstroke, and now she was smoking a long pipe:

"For example, on a piece of land, there used to be a 100-story skyscraper. It completely collapsed during a battle and turned into a large pool of ruins. To rebuild a building on this land, the ground must be cleared. , the foundation needs to be re-done.”

Sweat dropped from Tony's forehead, and he realized that he seemed to have really underestimated the construction industry.

The White Queen took a puff of cigarette, exhaled the smoke with her sexy red lips, and then said:

"Your construction company used SHIELD's security ban to cover all the ruins, and then acted as an intermediary to bid for cleanup companies to make profits. Then, it took another bite of you. You may have given them a hundred-story rebuild. It’s money for a high-rise building, but they only build seventy floors. Doesn’t this mean they’ve eaten up the kickback from the thirty-floor building? Anyway, you just need to see the building after a while. How can a young man like you count how many floors there are? ?”

"Money always touches people's hearts." Su Ming didn't smoke. After all, he was playing the role of Vision now. No robot smokes, but it's always okay to say something sarcastic: "Maybe your motive is good, to maintain the appearance of New York City. It looks good, but the people under your command obviously see business."

Tony's expression changed constantly. He was originally smiling and smiling, but now he became serious, and his fists clenched loudly:

"Did you really force people to death?"

"Well, no, but it's almost the same. I have a classmate's father who was originally a small construction contractor. He made a living by repairing damaged buildings after every battle in New York."

Peter talked about what happened at Liz's house. He squatted on the guardrail and sighed:

"But your company used a SHIELD ban to drive them away, subcontracted the cleanup work to big companies that were better at exploitation, and only paid workers six dollars an hour, leaving people unable to eat. Later you also found out , the uncle who was forced to die became a 'vulture', but he originally just wanted to keep his family alive."

"If I guess correctly, the big company that contracted the cleanup work was probably created by the executives of your construction company. They only need to do the accounting and they can do a lot of tricks with money."

Ororo spoke. After all, she was once a thief and was very sensitive to things like money. She was also the person responsible for finances in the X-Men.

Charles never holds money in his hands, he has no interest in money; Qingrei is easily distracted, and Phoenix doesn't like mathematics; as for the other teachers in the Men, except for Ororo, which one seems to know how to do accounting?

Wolverine or Cyclops? Or Bishop and Colossus? Gambit King?

The looks of these people are not reliable.

"I have to talk to Fury about this." Tony's face turned red with anger, almost the same color as his suit. He pretended to ask Jarvis to dial the number: "There is a corrupt criminal within SHIELD."

Su Ming raised his hand and hit him on the head, interrupting his movement:

"Do you think Fury doesn't know? If he doesn't know, your construction company won't be able to get that order. In fact, Fury should get most of the money taken away, but he will invest it in In terms of S.H.I.E.L.D. developing and maintaining its own status, it’s not entirely a bad thing, it’s just a little darker.”

Tony couldn't say anything for a long time. He took a few sharp breaths and then said:


"Haha, Fury usually asks you to pay more for S.H.I.E.L.D., and if you don't want to, then of course he has to use your brain. This is the way an agent behaves, complete pragmatism."

Su Ming looked at the coastline in the distance, where a group of bionic people were holding energy rifles, chasing an alien who could run like a flea. There were sparks and lightning all the way.

"Jarvis, close my construction company, cancel its business license, find me a lawyer, and I will send all the traitors within the company to Guantánamo."

Angry at the braised eggs, Tony's solution was simple and rude. He simply took out the money and stopped doing anything to repair New York. He thought he was doing charity, but in the end he did bad things with good intentions, especially for that nigger. Another loophole was taken advantage of, and I was so angry.

He directly asked Jarvis to do things and smashed the pot.

Deathstroke was also in contact. Just when Tony was furious, everyone heard Deathstroke say:

"Adjutant, let my Wilson Real Estate company contact Fury. Well, we will take over the things that Tony doesn't do in the future, but let SHIELD pay for the removal and repair in the future."

Tony opened his mouth wide and looked at Deathstroke like a fool: "What do you mean? Taking advantage of the situation? No, Fury will not agree."

But the death knell with Vision's face just smiled evilly, stretched out his finger and shook it left and right:

"Kid, you still don't know Fury well enough. If SHIELD is asked to pay, it's really impossible for him to agree. But if he pays five million, I can repair the building with one million, and then give him the money from Somalia." What if the leather company issues an invoice worth RMB 50 million? Then my company takes a hand and subcontracts these tasks to small foremans. At least they can make a living by making money, right?"

The adjutant's projection also appeared. She took up the sergeant's words and continued with a cute expression:

"It's just that the United Nations, which needs to reimburse S.H.I.E.L.D., has to bleed, but the United Nations can use the membership fees owed by the United States to offset it, because credit is the essence of currency, and no country will let the United Nations, this communication channel, fail, so the deficit is for it It’s not worth mentioning, so a world where no one gets hurt is achieved.”

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, but they didn't know what to say. They could only say that Deathstroke was darker than Fury, and even the adjutant was now dark.

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