The Death Knell

Chapter 4136 Supermarket Shopping

Su Ming felt that the plan of the Shadow King and Gnar should be like this.

The Shadow King provides a host for the symbiote gods and helps Gnar find his lost items; in exchange, Gnar helps the Shadow King destroy his enemies and enslave humans.

If Deathstroke hadn't intervened, Shadow King's plan would have come true. The information he wanted to learn from Charles should be the location of the sealing of the large group.

Because Daqun was too powerful and suffered from multiple split personalities, he did something bad in the past. Afterwards, he was in great pain, so he decided to seal himself into the earth, commonly known as burying him alive.

He prepared a room of about 200 square meters, filled it with books and various toys for entertainment, and then used his power to bury himself somewhere under the Himalayas.

Even without air, food and water, he will not die and his ability to survive is at full capacity. He only needs to cross his legs every day to cultivate his mind and nature, occasionally read books and learn the wisdom of the sages.

In order to prevent his other personalities from seizing control of his body, he also sealed his abilities and part of his memory, which was a sacrifice he made for the world.

Only Charles knew the specific location of his seal. Even Su Ming only knew the approximate location. The large group of people drove their suites and sneaked down the mountain like a submarine, and then disappeared.

Choosing the Himalayas is most likely because Kamal Taj is here. Daqun believes that if one day he loses control, only the Supreme Mage can kill him.

This is just in case.

Normally speaking, Charles and Queen Shia have only been married for a few years, and Daqun should have been just a child of a few years old, but his multiple personality split has shaped his adult personality, so he is now an adult again.

The Shadow King probably wants to find Daqun, use psychological shadow to control the child, and then use the ability of the symbiote to copy Daqun's genes and abilities and transfer them to each of his alts.

The ability of Daqun is also very simple to say. There are many characters in the comics who call him and X-person God.

To put it bluntly, he can master any mutant ability that exists in the world.

If the Shadow King's plan succeeds, there will probably be two million super mutants with split personalities on the earth. With such a power, there is no way that superheroes can be his opponents.

Even if Su Ming were to solve it, he would be more inclined to restart the timeline.

It was really a vicious plan. Fortunately, Su Ming took action very early and directly interrupted the first step of the Shadow King's plan, not to mention that he was now massacring the Shadow King's host.

Now that Narr is speeding up, it should be the Shadow King asking him for help, but Narr probably didn't expect that Klinta would be dismembered by chaos magic, so he was caught off guard.

Both of them have stretched their crotches, and the losers may huddle together to keep warm. Moreover, these two people should have a backup plan, and Su Ming plans to see it.

Of course, the upper-level symbionts' game does not affect the lower-level symbionts. There are also a lot of them that are lucky enough to land on the ground. At this time, they are busy choosing their own hosts and then starting to eat.

This is how they live on the symbiote planet, constantly devouring each other, strengthening themselves, and then eating more.

Every drop of black rainwater may be a symbiote spore. As long as this kind of thing falls on a person's head, it will immediately complete the incubation and connect to the host, and then follow the traditional process.

There is no need to worry about Su Ming. There is strangulation. The rain that wants to fall in the sky will turn around in the air, lest it be avoided. It feels like a human being riding an electric car on the street, seeing super luxury It's the same as always giving way when driving a sports car.

Not to be offended.

The strangulation is so powerful that its breath alone can frighten ordinary symbiotes to death, so naturally no other bitches will come to snatch its host.

The situation in the city has worsened. The previous disinfection plan caused people to hide back at home. However, the symbionts that survived the landing can tell where there are living people by smelling them, and they squirm like the plots in various horror movies. To achieve parasitism on humans.

Their symbiosis does not seek the opinions of the host, so those people have no chance to object.

But then again, who could object to benefits falling from the sky? Let’s put aside whether the symbiote will eat the host. Different symbiotes have different personalities.

But as long as it coexists with it, a person's physical fitness will increase dozens of times at least, and it will also have the benefits of super self-healing and super long life.

How can the citizens withstand such a test? It is estimated that even if they are given the opportunity to refuse, no one will really refuse symbiosis.

It's just that the symbiote that has just completed possession is also the most dangerous. Now there are new hosts on the roadside, driven by hunger, starting to eat people.

Like geckos, they crawl out of the windows of their homes, then look for the next door neighbor or the naughty child downstairs, eat each other's flesh and bones, suck other people's brains, and scream with joy.

Some unlucky ones will encounter androids who are executing a disinfection plan and start fighting.

Many of the androids were destroyed, but many of the symbiotes were purified, and the urban war entered a fierce stage.

As for whether the symbiotes all obey Gnar's command, Su Ming doesn't think so. The actions of the new symbiont hosts are not organized at all, and they are more like fighting for food.

Cloak led Su Ming and his party through the streets. The scenes they saw on both sides of the road were basically the same, with blood splattering everywhere and screams that could be heard endlessly.

But pretending to be Vision, he was still smiling at this time, and his eyes scanning the roadside did not look like he was watching a massacre, but more like he was scanning goods in a supermarket:

"Oluoro, Peter, you pick. Which symbiote you like, let Strangler catch it for you." Su Ming pointed to the man-eating dark monsters and said to the two of them: "Just landed on the earth. The symbiotes we start hunting are all good, they should be the strongest ones, and you can also be the symbiote host."

"But they eat people." Peter disliked this.

"Before the symbiote has a host, it doesn't understand anything. It's like a blank piece of paper. Eating brains is just an animal instinct. There is no way. There are the most humans in the city and the fattest brains." Su Ming patted Peter's hand. Shoulder, indicating to him to choose carefully: "Don't worry about this, as long as you have a host like you to control, this situation will not happen in the future."

"Uh" Peter still hesitated. The scene nearby could be regarded as hell on earth. He looked at every symbiote as a demon.

But then the real demonic whisper of Death Knell sounded in his ears:

"Peter, you don't want Gwen, Mary, and the other spider girls to be stronger than you, and you're just a freeloader, right? Don't you like them? Don't you want to protect them? This is power in front of you, and it's so close. The power of

"I want the dark red one!"

Peter was impressed and immediately picked one. Among the many asphalt-like symbiotes, the red one was very conspicuous. Not only was it different in appearance from other symbiotes, it was eating a pet like its current host. As for the dog, it seems that he is not willing to eat humans.

"Very well, strangulate, peel it off that passerby, and then write a check for half a million dollars to the former host, and treat it as buying him. This is only fair."

Deathstroke smiled, and Strangler skillfully signed the check for the host, and then started to act. The man looked at Storm:

"You can also pick one as a wedding gift from me. There is no shop like this in this village."

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