The Death Knell

Chapter 4143 The invisible battlefield

Hogs' fighting method is very strange. Although he looks like a tiger, his claws are only used to slap the enemy. The real attack method mainly comes from wrestling-like jujitsu.

He just looks like a tiger, but he can also be a caterpillar, a moth, or many strange insects. His body is some kind of indescribable extraterrestrial object. At least judging from its fighting method, Su Ming suspects that he should also be It's a tentacle monster.

Using a tiger's body to perform the attacking movements of a tentacle monster always gives people a very uncomfortable and weird feeling, and it must be that Nal, the person involved, is also very uncomfortable.

However, his self-healing ability is really strong. Even if his head was slapped by a big claw, he could still grow a new head to continue fighting.

Although his expression was very ferocious and he was obviously no match for Hogs, he was not afraid at all and instead became more courageous as he fought.

"A born warrior, fearless and ruthless, and also violent and irritable." Agamotto expressed a rare opinion. The bald man was still the same, and his chin was raised high when talking to people: "I checked the timeline and found that As long as this Gnar is awake, he is always fighting."

"His fight is meaningless." Su Ming shook his head, and he took out some candies from another world for the bald head: "The Celestial God Group comes from the sky, and the leader oaa can travel through time and space. The concept that Nal masters is too monotonous, and there is only one darkness. , trying to kill all the Celestials without being able to manipulate time is like preparing to dig through the void with a spoon, it’s a waste of effort.”

"Huh, you have some sense." Agamotto took the gift and hummed proudly.

As a god in the field of time, he is happy when others praise the power of the concept of time, because they are also praising him for his strength.

Even though he looks like the boss of Aoshutu has his own dick, he is not slow at all in stuffing candy into his mouth. He has been the supreme mage on earth, so he is the one who likes humans and human food the most among the Weishan emperors. of that.

Even though Hogs and Deathstroke have the closest relationship, Big Tiger is indifferent to humans. He only joined the Weishan Emperor because of his good relationship with O Shutu, and even the earth is meaningless to him. .

He can help Deathstroke, but in front of others, he is not so easy to talk to. An ordinary mage can use a classic "Hogs Ancient Body" magic, which will cost at least a gastrointestinal perforation.

Of course, Emperor Weishan is a righteous god, so he can pay in installments.

Even if the perforation turns into an ulcer, it will be fine if the hole slowly breaks out bit by bit, and the extra pain and flesh will be used as interest.

In the same way, liking humans does not mean liking everyone. Agamotto cares about humans very much and is willing to fight to protect humans, but his attitude towards Deathstroke cannot be said to be good, because his favorite Supreme Mage is the Ancient One. .

I don’t know if it’s because Gu Yi has a noble character, or because she is also bald...

In short, in the comics Su Ming read in his previous life, the Ancient One on Earth 616 died in battle, and the position of Sorcerer Supreme was passed to Strange. Agamotto disliked Doctor Strange no matter how he looked at it, and even came to visit him in person. They went against each other and caused a big incident for the Avengers.

But Su Ming doesn't need to worry that one day Agamotto will come to cause trouble for him, because other parallel worlds have turned into bumper cars before, the kind of collision where the car crashes and people die.

Among the many Supreme Mages, only Strange survived on Earth 616, and Strange went a little crazy after using the "Necronomicon".

There is now only 40k Earth left in the multiverse, and several other affiliated worlds are still lost in pocket space, and those are still Deathstroke's possessions.

Su Ming believed that if the remaining earth needed a Supreme Mage, he would be much better than Doctor Strange.

Choosing one of the two doesn't mean there is no choice, but Agamotto has no choice but to choose Deathstroke.

The battle in front of him was still going on, and Gnar was very tenacious. The aftermath of the battle washed away like a huge wave, but was calmed down by the power of Oshutu.

Franklin was watching the battle between the gods intently. He seemed to be analyzing something and simulating it in his mind.

But Squirrel Girl didn't have that ability. She seemed a bit idle and kept walking back and forth between a few people. Sometimes she ate some melon seeds, and sometimes she changed to macadamia nuts. She was so bored that she yawned and even reached out to touch the goddess. Little skirt.

Ao Shutu's gorgeous long dress is made up of countless colorful feathers, and the radiance is very beautiful. When you see Doreen, the corners of her mouth are even shining, which is glittering saliva.

I don't know if it was for the sake of a certain ancient squirrel god, but Ao Shutu was not angry at Doreen's offense, and even generously changed into a long dress of the same style and put it on Doreen.

But how can I put it, in Su Ming’s opinion, the same dress, worn by Audrey Hepburn and worn by Jia Ling, has a completely different effect. Squirrel girl wearing this kind of thing will only make people laugh... .

In the distance, Narr glared at Deathstroke, probably wanting to scold him for not practicing martial ethics. However, Su Ming ignored him and did not look at him at all. This made Narr feel that he was being looked down upon. humiliation.

But his rage had no effect. Hogs was invulnerable and extremely strong. Even if he floated there and let Gnar chop him, not a single tiger hair fell from his body. And as soon as he fought back, Gnar would definitely have flaws. What parts.

His head, arms, legs, internal organs, and sludge-like black matter fell off his body one after another, and were then burned away by the golden light lingering around the big tiger's body.

There is a gap not only between people, but also between gods. Gnar's heels are good, but he sleeps for too long. He is an old account that was established when the server was launched, but he has practiced it. Wasted.

What Hogseth is thinking about now is not how to win, but how to capture this symbiotic god alive and preserve his vitality as much as possible.

Deathstroke said that if he wanted to use Gnar to fish, then naturally a wriggling live bait would be better.

"You haven't shown up yet? What a waste..." At this time, Su Ming was not anxious about the battle in front of him. Instead, he wanted to achieve his tactical purpose on the battlefield where no one could see it.

"You said it was the Shadow King?" Ao Shutu also smiled, but she was looking at Doreen in a skirt. It seemed that the latter's cylindrical figure made the goddess amused: "We and you both appeared and disappeared in the main dimension. , but he doesn’t dare to take the risk anymore, so you may have to change your plan.”

"Oh, sometimes cowards do this kind of thing. Even though we are not on the earth, it is still a good opportunity to do something. Why doesn't he attack Kama Taj and kidnap Charles? He is multiverse level. Evil God, he is the first shadow in the world!... God Eater and Wanda ambushed me in vain again, am I trying to outwit the air?"

After pinching the cigarette butt in his hand and putting it away, Su Ming sighed. He complained to the goddess a little helplessly:

“This feeling is like when watching a horror movie, there are always people who are scared out of their wits and have to leave the army to escape alone. The audience knows that this is stupid, but the scared people don’t talk logic to you at all. "

Ao Shutu shook her head. She used starlight to change Doreen into another piece of clothing, just like a girl playing with a doll:

"The Shadow King is also an old acquaintance of mine. Like beasts, they are good at shadows. People who are good at shadows especially like to hide and escape. However, it is this characteristic that allows them to survive until now. Otherwise, I would have killed them long ago. They cleared it.”

As expected of a goddess, she speaks very elegantly. Instead of saying kill, she says the word "clear", which gives people a different feeling.


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