The Death Knell

Chapter 4152 Finger for Fruit

At this point, everything that needs to be said has been said, and Eternity and Infinity are also preparing to act according to the death knell's method.

Infinity is not too afraid of Deathstroke, because she thinks she has no weaknesses and will not be targeted, but what if she doesn't agree and Deathstroke comes to prank her brother every three days?

Eternal's personality is relatively soft, and he is always a bit indecisive in doing things, so Infinite has always felt sorry for him the most. After all, the two are one.

But even a short-term fusion will have a great impact on the universe. It is not that it will destroy anything, but it will temporarily enhance the power of space and time, greatly enhancing the vitality of the universe itself in a short period of time.

But it won't be long before the two gods separate again, and then the level of the universe will fall again, and some bad things may happen.

But now Deathstroke's one eye is staring at them like a lantern, and there must be no other choice.

Strong light emitted from the bodies of the two great gods, and their bodies began to flow, merging from the position of their touching hands.

In the beginning it was just a blend of light.

The bright two-color light was entangled and twisted. The golden light and blue light were twisted together like spinning threads, turning into a strange color.

It is white with some gray, bright but not dazzling, but it is difficult to see clearly. In other words, even if it is seen, the brain cannot analyze it intuitively.

Su Ming stepped back a little, hugged the two young people and continued to watch. He knew that this was the color of chaos, and many ancients would be surrounded by similar colors, so he was very calm.

Just as it was verified in Doom's experiment, the birth of the universe always evolved from matter out of void, and order out of chaos.

The adjutant detected the special energy emission wavelength of Matter Zero. For a moment, it was a moment when eternity and infinity merged. In that short, dream-like moment, it appeared and disappeared.

Time and space were complete again, and the two great gods turned into a taller and more majestic luminous body.

Then his energy and aura changed, and this new existence felt extremely oppressive. He was the starting point and end point of the Marvel Universe cycle, the sky, and everything was contained in his body.

Light, electricity, waves, magnetism, lasers, blue light, infrared rays, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, gamma rays and various cosmic rays, space debris, cosmic strings, cosmic membranes, quantum and so on, people's understanding of the universe Various cognitions, various concepts of the universe itself, and the circulation of matter and energy in nature are all integrated.

At this time, the light surrounding the giant dimmed, revealing his original appearance, which was very similar to Eternity, like a humanoid silhouette of the universe, but it was also different.

The scenes in the eternal body are often stars, nebulae, planets and the like, which are like dynamic wallpapers on a computer and can still move.

Within Cang Qiong's body, there are universes. They emit bright light, and the pictures are more three-dimensional, just like people can walk into Cang Qiong's body and land in those worlds.

Su Ming even recognized the world of the man in black and the world of Conan the Barbarian at a glance.

The last thing that changed was the voice. The sky spoke, and he said to the man concisely:

"Come on! Hurry! Crisis is already brewing!"

Su Ming didn't want to delay, so he took the two children and flew behind the sky. Originally, eternity and infinity had no shadows, but after they merged into the sky, their shadows appeared. These are shadows left from reincarnations. , it will appear whenever the sky is born.

"Hurry and smell it, is the Shadow King here?"

Deathstroke shook Squirrel Girl's tail like the joystick of a slot machine.

"Ding!" Doreen made a strange sound in her mouth, but after finishing the joke, she showed a dumbfounded expression, took back her tail and hugged her: "I'm not a police dog. Besides, even if you are a police dog, you have to smell it first. You have to smell something with the target's scent to track it, right?"

"You misunderstood, it's not that set of procedures."

Su Ming, who was smiling, stretched out his hand and used the energy of the universe to draw pictures out of thin air for her.

First I drew a suspected Michelin tire mascot, the white and fat tire man, and then dyed it all black. This is the image of the Shadow King. Its head is shaped like a piece of shit, and there is a poop in the center of its head. A little girl with an evil smile like a Halloween pumpkin lantern on her face.

"Is this what the Shadow King looks like?" Franklin felt that the target looked a bit like ice cream.

"The Shadow King's body is amorphous, because he lives in the shadow of others. He will look like his master, but he personally likes this image best."

Deathstroke explained to the two of them, and also made the black Michelin tire man start to shine brightly, and continued:

"But that's not the point, Doreen. Look at his head, does it look like a chestnut?"

Squirrel Girl tilted her head, squinted her eyes and stared hard, making a nasal noise like a toothache, and shook her head in confusion for a long time:

“It doesn’t really look like it, but it kind of looks like daddy.”

Okay, she was telling the truth. The Shadow King's head is indeed like a pile of excrement, but if you want to use the squirrel's talent, you can't let her think that way. You must make her think that the Shadow King is a nut.

Being a squirrel means being able to smell where there are nuts from an extremely long distance and find the nuts.

If the Shadow King were a person, Doreen would definitely not be able to smell him, and her sense of smell would definitely not be as good as Strangler's.

But if you treat the opponent as a nut, you can use the rule-like metaphysical ability of "squirrels can always find nuts" to find the Shadow King.

"Xiao Fu, come here, use your psychic ability to change Doreen's view, so that she can treat the Shadow King as a nut." Su Ming implemented the backup plan. Originally, Squirrel Girl had extraordinary imagination or willpower If you are not so determined, there is no need to go to such trouble. You can just rely on self-hypnosis.

But now, she clearly needs a little help.

Franklin's abilities are very comprehensive. Although he is not as comprehensive as the large group, he has all the useful skills. Even if he doesn't have them, he can figure them out if he is given some time to think.

Now it takes psychic ability to identify a deer as a horse, so that everything that looks suspiciously like a lump of excrement in Doreen's eyes is regarded as a nut by her.

As long as she remembers to change it back after the incident, otherwise she may face the experience of social death in her daily life in the future. It is too dangerous in parks or backlit alleys.

After hearing the death knell, Xiao Fu did not hesitate. He imitated Professor X and pressed his temples with two fingers to activate his ability.

In fact, you can perform the exercise with or without movements, but doesn't it look more ritualistic? At least others can see that you have done your work.

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