The Death Knell

Chapter 4155 The strange sky

It feels strange to face the sky, because both reason and feeling tell Deathstroke that the first sky has long ceased to exist, and now it is the generation of the seventh sky.

Even if Su Ming hadn't saved the 40k universe in the last universe collision and chosen a new path for Diversity, the Seventh Firmament would have ended now.

However, the giant in front of him is here, and he is waiting for an answer.

This is a conversation that transcends time and space.

Su Ming was thinking, choosing what he wanted to say, because the First Firmament was Marvel's earliest prototype of psychosis, and he needed to weigh it a little. It would be best if he could complete the action goal without any consumption without a direct conflict. .

why would you say so?

Suppose there is such a person who lives in a big dark box every day, without eating or drinking, and thinking wildly every day.

His biggest hobby is making various figurines. He also talks to the figurines and plays house. From time to time he laughs or gets angry because of the stories that happen between the figurines, but he forgets that these stories are also made up by himself... …

If this condition is not called mental illness, what is it called?

It was said in the past that Heaven is ruthless, and a normal God of Creation should indeed be ruthless.

If everything was their own arrangement, of course they would not be caused any emotional fluctuations by these arrangements.

This is the true manifestation of divinity.

TOAA and God are almost in the same situation, cold and heartless, without desires or desires.

On the contrary, Su Ming has seen a lot of other beings who can create the world, but they are often moved by the stories they create, or want to enter these stories to live. In Su Ming's view, these are not gods, but just like gods. Ordinary people like myself.

The situation in First Firmament is similar. The Marvel Multiverse was born in his body, and he became the creator of the world. However, he can feel lonely, which is a proof of imperfection.

Facing the first-generation Sky that looked like the Riddler now, Su Ming raised his hand and made a special gesture with his middle finger and ring finger bifurcated:

"May I live forever!"

The giant tilted his head. He seemed a little confused by this feedback information.

And saying something like this is actually a kind of temptation by Su Ming.

If First Sky can understand gestures, it means that he knows the world of "Star Trek", and Su Ming will consider the scope of the other party's vision.

If he could realize that the subtext of the death knell comes from the "Life is called Yi" in the "Book of Changes", which refers to the endless cycle of life and death, the origin of everything, and alludes to the nature of the sky, then Su Ming will consider it Can the other party read minds?

However, First Sky's current reaction proves that both of Su Ming's assumptions are not valid. He seems, at least at the current point in time that can be observed, to not have those abilities.

It seems that I feel relieved and can start talking nonsense.

The giant who looked like a silhouette of the universe thought for a moment. He raised his hand and put down a few of the holding gods. He opened his mouth wide. His starry sky-colored face melted, and another face grew out of his mouth. This face There are dozens of pairs of blue eyes arranged diagonally, and another voice changes:


Su Ming didn't think, just nodded and answered:


As a result, First Sky stopped talking. He looked at the Celestials flying around in front of his eyes, and the black and white Celestials they began to create. He seemed thoughtful.

But after a moment, he stood up, and in the blink of an eye he shrunk in front of the three of them. His ferocious face stared at Deathstroke's mask, and then he twitched his nose as if he was sniffing something.

Obviously none of the gods could see the existence of the three of them. Only OAA seemed to be thinking. The others just felt at a loss as to why the Creator was speaking into the void.

"This is my universe, it's me." The First Sky suddenly became angry for some reason. He walked around irritably, and the shadow behind him became darker and darker.

"Originally, this is your universe. No one said otherwise. It's just your own business." Su Ming had no intention of continuing to guess riddles with this mentally ill man. He stated his purpose: "God of the Sky, I'm here to talk. Conditional.”

Maybe the death knell's comfort was very effective, or maybe Qingqiong had figured something out on his own. In short, he had some interest in the unfamiliar word transaction.

As the god who invented language as a means of communication, he instantly understood what transaction meant. It means that different parties exchange what they have. Things that are useless to oneself may be useful to the other party. At this time, they can be traded. The transaction process requires Negotiation means negotiating terms.

But what he was curious about was not this, but what Deathstroke could give him in exchange for it.

Whatever the First Sky wants, he can immediately realize it himself. It is his instinct to transform energy into matter, because he himself was born from nothingness and chaos. For him, the shaping of matter couldn't be simpler.

"Future creature, what do you want?"

The face in his mouth retracted, and he returned to his one-eyed appearance.

"We are called human beings. What do I want? There is a bug in your shadow. I want it." Su Ming pointed behind the sky. At such a distance, he could already feel that there was something in the shadow. .

To be more precise, both Strangler and Cloak felt that thing. Their sensory abilities were much stronger than Deathstroke.

The great god nodded, and he turned to look at his own shadow. He had obviously discovered something, and showed a surprised expression before asking again:

"What did you give in exchange?"

"A thought, or a story, or a dream." Su Ming took a deep breath, held out his palm, and stopped in front of Qianqiong: "It should be useless to you, but it can be fun."

"Play? So this is what the word means." Cangqiong nodded, and he felt the meaning of the word from Deathstroke's words: "I really don't know how to play, but this is not necessary."

Deathstroke shook his head, and he pointed at the creation of the first sky, that is, the group of gods flying around with nothing to do: "I can teach you how to make better use of the gods, so that they can become your pleasure instead of a noisy burden. .”

"Nothing is a burden. They were born in the universe, that is, in my body, part of me." The sky stretched out his palm towards his shadow, and a human-shaped black shadow was caught in his hand: "The same goes for you, humans, Man, no, maybe you’re different, you’re funny.”

"I am a special case, just like the OAA you created is different from other gods." Su Ming smiled, but his expression was hidden by the mask, and the voice changer only made a hoarse and low voice: "That doesn't matter , how about I trade the story of a true god for the monster in your hand? Is it a deal?"

Yes, Su Ming is ready to memorize the Bible for First Sky. Before going to the world of "Missionary", he specially studied the teachings and holy scriptures of the Cross. Even if he is not proficient in it, he can use it to tell stories. It's enough.

The Bible story is a typical story of God of Creation, and the sky will love it.

"Haha! Interesting creation, interesting rules, but I don't need it! It's given to you!"

But beyond the medical treatment of Deathstroke, First Sky raised its hand and created a small single universe, stuffed the black Michelin tire man into it, and threw it to Deathstroke:

"I will not exist in your story, so there is no need for me to listen to it. Human beings were born in this universe and are naturally my creations. So, take my reward and go play. Maybe we will have a real life." One day when we meet face to face, I will take the universe back from you humans, end your lives, and erase your existence, because there is only one universe, my universe."

After saying that, he suddenly disappeared, and everything around him was submerged in darkness, as if he and the gods had never existed.

Only the cosmic light ball, which suddenly expanded tens of billions of times, was pressing towards the heads of the three people. In that universe, there was a tire man with a face full of despair, who was screaming at this time.

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