The Death Knell

Chapter 4171 Quick-frozen planet

Of course, there are also flaws in the plan to run away with the planet, that is, it is unclear whether the Celestial Team will recognize the way. It would be very embarrassing if he ran away with Xiente and his pursuers were thrown away.

And there is another point, the number of the founder team is too small. After they are tricked into the beyond realm, whether they can contact the OAA for help is another matter.

But since Su Ming thought of using this method, he naturally had a way to solve the problem, which was to 'throw bread'.

This tactic comes from "Grimm's Fairy Tales". The original story is about a brother and sister who were about to be abandoned by their parents, but the older brother dropped bread crumbs along the way and then followed their traces home.

Su Ming's current plan is to leave some crumbs of the Dark God Group, just like the bread crumbs that guide the Creators in the dark forest, leading them to the 'Miao Miao House'.

Teleporting, returning to space, Strangler also rolled up another Dark God backup as a bread, which he just dug up casually.

First break off one finger and throw it aside. This is the starting point.

It's just that the fingers, which are hundreds of meters long, still seem a bit small in the universe. He was worried that the colorful gods would be in trouble if they couldn't find them, so Su Ming took out his own fluorescent paint and painted on the fingers. Draw an arrow and write:

"Xient Star, 36 million AU."

The distance is obviously written nonsense, but it doesn't matter. With the direction indication and the 'breadcrumbs' as proof, the Creator will follow and follow up in the beyond realm.

Even if they are all dead and haven't returned home for a long time, the OAA who can't find the reason will send people to investigate along this road again.

"Now the only thing left is the moving planet. Well, let's drag it with the force. It will save more effort." After looking at the beautiful road sign he made, Su Ming nodded with satisfaction. Then he stretched out his hand and pointed towards the dim planet from a distance. He held it once and then tried to pull it.

The planet trembled for an instant, and the clouds in the atmosphere shifted, just like the milk cap floating on a cappuccino being stirred by a spoon.

Being able to move and saving effort is enough.

As for how many Xiants will die in the process of "Wandering Planet", and whether they will all turn into popsicles, it is not within the scope of Deathstroke's consideration.

He is the Supreme Mage of mankind, not an alien. In order to eliminate the Transcendent Gods and prevent future troubles, just think of these Xients as sacrificing themselves for the universe, but no one else will know about their sacrifice.

But so what? The universe is so vast, and tens of thousands of civilizations die almost every second. Who cares whether they ever existed?

Well, that’s not right. At least Star-Lord and the Guardians of the Galaxy care about it. When they have no money, they will dig up other people’s ancestral graves and find things that can be sold for money from various historical relics. This may be a kind of The cycle of matter.

"Let's go, fly ten million light years first, and then drop some bread crumbs."

As he said this, Su Ming's body lit up with black light and disappeared instantly, leaving not even an afterimage behind.

For Su Ming, the first leg of the flight was completed in the blink of an eye, but when he stopped to arrange the road signs and the second finger, the adjutant reported that everyone on Xiente was dead.

The planet's atmosphere was worn away when it started, and now it has turned into a big ice ball with a long tail.

But aren’t they just billions of aliens? For Deathstroke, it's just a number, as long as the Dark Gods buried underground are fine.

"There's nothing we can do if all the people are dead. Who said they are too weak? There isn't even a superhero on the planet, and they usually don't think about being prepared for danger in times of peace and taking some defensive measures." He asked Zhuo Mo to draw the road sign while putting the pot on the pot. He also blamed the Xiente people, saying that they died only because they were too weak and for no other reason.

Isn’t this the rule in the universe?

"I have an idea, Sheriff, do you think these alien corpses can be used to cultivate zombies? Maybe we can reuse them." As expected, the adjutant had no feelings about the death of the aliens. Wanting to squeeze out their value, even the corpses would not be spared.

"I might be choking. When the time comes, I will throw the entire planet into the transcendent realm. It will be difficult for the bait to remain intact."

After hearing what she said, Su Ming turned around and glanced at the planet he was dragging with the force.

With his eyesight, he could naturally see that there were many aliens frozen under the crystal surface of the big ice ball. They were still in the city, maintaining the same appearance as before their death. Even because the change happened so quickly, their expressions did not change. , it can be said to be lifelike.

It looks a bit like a work of art. Maybe I can pick out a good-looking one and send it to collector Di Fan in exchange for something.

Whatever he wanted to do, he asked Strangler to dig out a piece of ice with the body of a beautiful woman, stuff it into his pocket as a souvenir, and then set out on the road again, still 10 million light years away, that was the plan.

Dragging a planet around in the universe is like traveling. Every time you stop, you have to put up a road sign and drop a little bait, which is quite interesting.

"Are the creators following?" Su Ming planted the third road sign on a piece of space debris, touched his long white hair, and asked the adjutant.

Nal is not good at anything else, but his long white hair is very cool, and he looks a bit visually handsome.

"They haven't arrived at the original location of Xiente yet, but I guess there should be no problem." The female voice sounded in her mind, and she seemed a little excited. This was the first time she had made a plan to deceive others, and she felt it was a little different. of excitement.

"Then let's speed up a little bit. Doom and the others are still waiting for me in the Cemetery of the Gods." Su Ming tugged at the planet he was dragging in his hand and nodded: "I thought about it before and decided to lead to the beyond realm. It's the safest place to open the passage. The three witches usually have nothing to do, so let them also contribute."

The Cemetery of the Gods, or the Quarry of the Gods, the Tomb of the Gods, are all places like that.

And the most important thing is that it is located at the edge of the known three-dimensional universe, and the energy it contains is strangely stable. This is very abnormal, because there should not be that kind of energy flowing freely on the surface of the material universe.

In addition, there is a secret passage at the bottom of the quarry, which is the way to the interior of the First Sky. Although it has been abandoned for a long time, maybe OAA knows how to go?

Since he had already prepared to involve the God Group in the game, Su Ming had of course made arrangements for them, so what he had to do now was to drag the planet, take the creators there as guests, and then let them face a battle An unexpected battle.

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