The Death Knell

Chapter 4177 Beyond the Realm

After Gnar disappeared from the battlefield, the gods stood there again and began to be in a daze.

Maybe they were contacting their hometown, maybe they were making next calculations, but in short, their target planet was gone and disappeared into the light.

This embarrassing scene lasted for about thirty seconds before the eyepieces of the Celestial Group robots lit up again. The few remaining robots landed at the bottom of the pit, and then lined up and flew into the pink light.

Such big machines turned into thin rays of light and disappeared.

After they entered, the scene was quiet for another ten seconds. The air not far away fluctuated. Deathstroke dressed as Gnar slowly emerged from the air and changed back to his black and yellow armor.

He waved to where everyone was hiding in the distance, indicating that they could come out, and even gave a special compliment:

"Wanda, you cooperated well, and the illusion was very timely."

In fact, this is the application of mechanics, plus a little bit of blinding.

When he hit the planet stuck in the sky, the force of the blow was transmitted to the planet. Like a Newton's pendulum, the planet was knocked into the 'door', but he actually stopped on the door. of.

The ice fog that followed seemed to be knocked out of the planet, but it was actually a special effect caused by magic to hide the death knell.

The Celestials may think that Gnar is not dead, or that the planet full of dark gods is important to them. The specific reason is irrelevant. The important thing is that they have entered the transcendent dimension and become pathfinder cannon fodder.

"Okay, the Celestial Team has arrived. Adjutant, please call the Nuvali fleet. Let them take the bionic people to fill in the lines first, and our team will be behind."

Su Ming found a giant stone statue, sat on the giant's shoulders, and informed the adjutant that he could start shaking people.

The Nuvali people have long been ready to go. Their idea of ​​revenge against the transcendent gods has not changed for so many years. The weapons made for this purpose, combined with human adrenaline, will play a powerful role on the battlefield.

Androids don't have kidneys, let alone adrenaline, but that's not a big problem. Just ask Wanda to transform them into kidneys.

Not to mention a pair of kidneys, even if there are dozens of kidneys growing in the belly, they can still be transformed. If you are not worried that your own people will go crazy when they see it, you can turn the android head into a waist.

The fleet and the cannon fodder army arrived quickly, and the transformation work was just a matter of words. After a short discussion, the two parties parted with tears amidst the calls of 'comrades'. The fearless fleet, which looked like a metal hedgehog, sailed into the beam of light. , and then disappeared.

They left, and the death knell stopped playing. After wiping the strangulation saliva that simulated tears, he jumped off the stone statue and looked around for something.

"What are you looking for?" Squirrel Girl sniffed and came closer. She was really sad about the departure of those little dwarfs: "I didn't find the treasure here, but if you can tell me what the treasure looks like, I will looking around."

"No, I'm just looking for a more conspicuous place, ah, that's it." Su Ming took a fancy to a stone statue of a god with his middle finger raised for some reason. It was probably because he only had three fingers. Anyway, he looked dead. It looked like he was insulting someone.

Using the Force to drag the stone statue over, Su Ming took out his lightsaber and wrote a line of words on the back of the standing stone statue:

"Bruce Wayne is here for a visit."

Then he clapped his hands with satisfaction, turned around and said to everyone: "We can set off, Grand Duke, please go first."

Dracula put away the golden cup, swung his cloak, took off first, and got into the ripples of space that emitted pink light.

Next is Wanda with Squirrel Girl, Doom with Xiao Fu, and finally Deathstroke himself. As for when Deadpool will be finished, it's hard to say, but if he insists on paying the three witches physically as venue usage fees, then that's up to him.


This kind of up-dimensional teleportation feels very bad. It feels like it has turned into light, and then been refracted into a rainbow spectrum through a prism, and projected onto some frame.

Next, it felt like taking off on a rocket, and the rocket was burning diesel. It was shaking so hard that people were about to fall apart.

But Doom still calmly controlled the equipment in the light, and Substance Zero, as expected, sent everyone to their destination.

However, when the pink light in front of him dissipated, Su Ming found that he was separated from everyone. The team that was originally under his nose was missing, and he was in a place that looked like a small town in the south of the United States.

There is an asphalt road in front of you. On both sides of the road are common American rural wooden houses. The community environment is very good. There are carefully trimmed lawns in front of every house, and it seems that you can hear laughter coming from not far away.

Su Ming raised his hand and looked at it, and found that the armor on his body was gone. He was put on ordinary clothes, jeans on the lower body and a plaid shirt on the upper body. The cuffs were rolled up high, revealing his strong forearms.

He first knocked on his chest to make sure that his bones had not changed and were still metal, then he walked along the street and called silently:

"Strangler, are you there?"


The sound of strangulation came from the mind. It said that it was still there, but in the transcendent realm it could not transform at will and could only turn into home clothes, as if it was bound by some rules.

Of course, if the host wants to change the color of jeans or the style of boots, it can still do it.

At this time, the door of a house on the side of the road opened. A little girl stuck her head out from behind the door and waved quickly towards the death knell, gesturing for him to come over, but her expression was very nervous.

No one could be found in a short period of time. Although it was agreed that everyone would gather in the sewers if they got separated, the current environment in this dimension was inexplicable, so Su Ming decided to ask for some information.

This little girl should be a juvenile of the Transcendent God Clan, just like the original Transcendent, so she should be easy to deceive.

There weren't many people on the street. Since I was invited, I went over to take a look.

Anyway, if he doesn't go to his teammates, his teammates will come to him. After all, Su Ming still has confidence in the people he has selected.

Su Ming, who pretended to be confused, pointed to his nose, while the little girl nodded desperately, and then looked left and right at both ends of the street, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

Deathstroke crossed the road and came to the girl's house. When she entered the porch, the girl immediately closed the door and leaned against the door panel, breathing heavily as if in shock.

The house was empty. Su Ming originally thought it would be like visiting an American home. He could see a white couple, a pet dog, warm photos hanging in the house, and various beautiful furniture.

But the reality is that there is nothing. This is an empty house with only the most basic decoration, wooden floors and wall paint.

"Okay, little girl, what do you want to say to me? Are you also going to play games?" There was nothing visible in the room. Su Ming could only squat down and look into the little girl's eyes, which were all blue. There is his own reflection in his pupils.

The blond girl rubbed her face frantically with her chubby hands. She also rolled her eyes and opened her mouth with a sinister expression:

"Dad, you don't recognize me anymore? No, right? There's no one who doesn't recognize their own child, right?"

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