The Death Knell

Chapter 4179 Multidimensional Space

The transcendent realm is very special, Su Ming has known for a long time. Although it can be regarded as a universe with completely different rules, things are not that simple.

Because they are at a higher level than the current Marvel Multidimensional, so if they want to deal with the creatures in it, they can only have hope of victory if they enter here and lay out plans on other people's home turf.

It is almost impossible to defeat the Transcendent Protoss in the lower dimensions, and the best they can do is to persuade them to retreat.

Of course, Su Ming also knew that the Transcendent Realm was not the top level. There were also disgusting matryoshka doll systems above it, such as the indescribable place where the ancients existed.

But that's not important for the moment. First, let's talk about the ring beyond the realm. It's different from the ring belt we know in the conventional world.

On the DC side, the most classic ring-shaped realm is the plane of the Speed ​​Force. Running around a plane composed of countless timelines will always return to the starting point, and the cycle will continue endlessly.

This ring shape is mainly reflected in the concept of time.

And if the concept of space is introduced into this ring structure, that is, traveling from different time points to different time and space, so as to grasp all points that include everything and transcend everything, this is the super-time flow, which is equivalent to Marvel's omnipotent universe concept. .

As for the ‘ring’ shape that transcends realms, it is mainly reflected in spatial abstract thinking.

According to the plot in "Fantastic Four Annual v23" from previous lives, the realm of transcendence is more like the concept of a convergence function, which has some almost infinite limits.

When that critical point is exceeded, a new cycle will begin.

For example, if something reaches a limit, when it exceeds that limit, it will become "infinitely small", so small that it cannot be seen clearly at the quantum level.

The converse is also true, as long as an infinitely small thing crosses a certain point, it will become infinitely large.

For another example, a place that is infinitely far away will become infinitely close when it exceeds a certain limit point, and even a superposition state called in quantum mechanics will appear.

And the reverse is also true. Things that are infinitely close will also become infinitely far.

But note that whether it is size or distance, it is a subjective comparison conclusion.

When people say something is big or small, they have a reference in their mind. The same goes for distance. It is impossible for you to close your eyes and describe the size of something that cannot be recognized or seen.

Therefore, the so-called limit point is also very subjective. It depends on what determines that standard as the critical point. This is something that will lead to different results depending on the observer.

What needs to be known now is who is observing the transcendent realm?

Deathstroke himself? Or beyond the group of gods? Or is it some existence from a higher level?

If you understand these, you will be able to master the realm of transcendence.

The squirrel girl outside the window was let in. As expected, she didn't care what was going on here or what other people were discussing. Anyway, when she entered the room, she gathered next to the pile of nuts and ate them. I also started freestyle swimming in the nuts, which was very enjoyable.

Sometimes Su Ming envies such people, who are big-hearted enough to live happily without having to think about anything.

It's a pity that if this kind of treatment has to be exchanged for the appearance of a squirrel girl, I'd better forget it. I'm not a funny character. I'm from DC and decided that this road won't work. I've tried it before.

"So, the town you see so far is just shown to you by the transcendent realm in a form that humans can understand."

While Deathstroke was observing the squirrel eating, the little guy was also explaining things beyond the realm to Wanda, and the little mouth never stopped:

"Because humans are three-dimensional creatures, most people can perceive the three-dimensional world. However, it should be different for you. As a spell caster, you should be able to see the fourth dimension."

She tried to explain the situation from a technological point of view, so Wanda only half understood what she said, but the last sentence was correct. She could indeed understand the existence of the fourth dimension.

Most mages can actually do it, because various magical dimensions actually belong to a four-dimensional space. In addition to the three-dimensional xyz axis, there is also a w-axis that is independent of length, width and height, which determines the existence of the four-dimensional space. .

Some people confuse space and time and think that w is a time parameter, but in fact, this view mostly comes from literary and artistic works, such as science fiction.

H. G. Wells put forward this very attractive point of view in "The Time Machine", which has led to more and more literary writers understanding the four-dimensional space. However, the so-called space-time geometry does not conform to Euclid. Systemically, this statement is tantamount to going astray.

However, introducing the concept of time can make it easier for ordinary people to understand the four dimensions, and it can be regarded as a temporary measure.

If Wanda were asked to describe the four-dimensional space, she would use a simpler method to explain, that is, let the soul leave the body and enter the star realm, and then he can see the four-dimensional space himself.

There is a typical feature, that is, the four-dimensional space is invisible to three-dimensional creatures, unless humans find a way to enter the fourth dimension.

"Then what dimension is the beyond realm?"

Wanda asked the little girl. The little guy was very cute. Her golden hair made her look like a doll.

"The fifth dimension." Deathstroke interrupted at this time. He crossed his legs and smoked: "At least it is the fifth dimension. I have met several fifth-dimensional people next door before. They are particularly keen on changing the story of the third dimension. How should I put it? , just for fun."

Bat spirits, troublemakers, yz, etc. are all fifth-dimensional people, and we all know they are fun-loving people. Their ability performance is very similar to that of the Transcendent Gods, and they even seem to be more powerful.

Because Troublemaker once could go to the Marvel world, but Beyond the Protoss couldn't go to DC.

"The Transcendent Gods also seem to be playing with us." Wanda thought thoughtfully, rubbing her fingers: "At least so far, I haven't discovered what they have done to the multiverse. Those so-called 'experiments' have What's the use? It's more like a prank."

"It doesn't matter. The Transcendent Gods think they are strong, but little do they know that they are just pawns of Toaa."

After taking a sip of soda, Su Ming flicked the ashes from his cigarette, looked at the beautiful world outside the window, and said:

"They are experimenting with the multiverse, but how can they themselves not be experimental materials in the eyes of others? That's why I hate the matryoshka-like universe setting the most. Alas, fortunately Marvel only has four layers. If another seven comes, I might go crazy."

"Speaking of which, Master, you seem to have always been very sensitive to the number seven? Why?" Wanda couldn't help but took the little girl into her arms and rubbed her for a while, as if she had petted a pet cat. His eyes narrowed with joy.

"It's not that I have any prejudice against seven, but this number is like a ghost. It haunts me no matter which universe it is in."

When talking about this puzzle, Deathstroke shook his head and had no intention of continuing. Instead, he changed the topic:

"Speaking of which, why haven't Doom and his son and our blood clan master arrived yet? Do you want any of us to bleed some blood?"

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