The Death Knell

Chapter 4181 A white horse is not a horse

In the past, Su Ming had not changed his plans as many times as he did today. Ever since he decided to deal with the Transcendent Protoss, there had always been various unsatisfactory and unexpected situations.

Sure enough, when it comes to the Almighty Universe, my control over the development of events has declined.

But the problem is not big, this will be improved soon, after the Transcendence Protoss is eliminated.

The Dooms and his son didn't know what they were doing. They might have made some discoveries that delayed their time, while Dracula might have simply lost his way.

The True Ancestor of the Vampire Clan has good survivability, but don't forget that most of the vampires are dead people. They don't know the way, let alone run around in unfamiliar places.

Dracula's understanding of the world seems to be stuck in the Middle Ages. He is not good at technology and can only use a mobile phone to surf the Internet. His blood magic is of no use here because it is impossible to surpass the gods. Blood without tears.

Su Ming brought him here because he was interested in his immortality and wanted to use him as a human shield and develop a friendship with his comrades.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and now I have to do it myself.

Carrying the little guy out of the room, the group decided to go find the Constructor clan first. Those guys who looked like golden tauren should still be causing chaos to the Transcendent God Clan somewhere.

Unfortunately, there are no sewers in this area, and Su Ming cannot tell where the guerrillas who go deep behind enemy lines will be.

We can only look at the performance of Wanda and the little guy.

As for Squirrel Girl...

"Huh? Do you want to eat it? It's really delicious."

Noticing that Deathstroke was looking at her, Doreen was stunned for a moment, her big eyes blinking non-stop, and then suddenly realized, she generously took out the walnuts that she had just bitten into her mouth, held them with her chubby hands, and handed them to the man.

The hard shell is also stained with a lot of the girl's saliva and other nut crumbs, which looks a bit...

"No, anyway, if I ask you to scratch someone later, you will scratch whoever you want, do you understand?" The ruthless death knell rejected the girl's kindness. He had no appetite for the little fat girl's saliva: "Remember, jump from behind Go to the opponent and scratch his face, and I will contain the enemy from the front."

"Yeah, I remember it. It's really interesting here, and the air is really good."

She understood the tactical arrangement, but her attention quickly went astray. While everyone else was observing their surroundings with vigilance, she instead enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

After taking a deep breath, she was still doing a twerk dance on the road, her big tail swaying back and forth, as if she was very happy.

Indeed, the scenery in the transcendent realm is very good, because this is a world that is close to infinite perfection in the eyes of unknown observers. In reality, such a perfect community does not exist at all. Of course, the conditions in all aspects are eye-catching.

But for Su Ming, that's it. Although the conditions here are better than his own mountain villa, there is still a gap when compared with Kama Taj.

What technology can do, magic can do.

"Stop chatting. If we are discovered by other Transcendents, we will be in trouble." The little guy secretly pointed in a direction like a thief: "Let's go in that direction. The last battle broke out in that area. "


Distance doesn't mean much here, it can be infinitely close or infinitely far.

After walking for a few minutes, everyone arrived at the door of a house. Different from the little guy's home, this house was all red and seemed to be flashing, as if it was sending some kind of alarm.

"Luckily, I didn't meet anyone on the road." Wanda laughed and began to look at the house, but she couldn't see anything special from the outside.

If this was a small town, this house would just be prettier, and just because she prefers red is very subjective.

"Normally, Transcendents will not appear on the streets, because streets are the embodiment of the concept of 'path', and they have simpler means of movement." The little guy motioned to Deathstroke to open the door, and she seemed to swallow. Drool: "The house is the conceptual manifestation of a universe area. Just understand it. It is not a real house. Just behind this door, there should be a multiverse, and the front line of the war between the Constructor and the Beyonder is right there."

"I understand, your house is actually my 40k universe... It is indeed the home of the Beyond Protoss. The Constructors don't seem to have taken advantage." Su Ming reached out to open the door, and with his other hand Already holding the lightsaber tightly: "The so-called invasion seems more like setting fire to a house."

"If you give them time and a stable channel, maybe they can actually fight." The little guy shook her head, and she looked at the dark space behind the door: "But now, there are too few of them entering the transcendent realm, so they can only fight guerrilla warfare. ”

"Okay, you still have to see it with your own eyes to know the specific situation." Su Ming walked into the red wooden house.

The beautiful two-story building is just right for a family of four, but no one is home here. Maybe the owner of the room in the past was busy fighting at multiple levels.

The room was empty and without any furniture, but after understanding that the house was just a certain observational phenomenon that was easy for humans to understand, Su Ming didn't force anything.

It is just a form of existence.

Everything you see here may not be true. Human beings lack the ability to directly see the truth of things.

But having said that, if you really had that kind of ability, I'm afraid people would have gone crazy. Sometimes the truth is not important, and subjective cognition is the guideline for human behavior.

The little guy sitting on Deathstroke's shoulder stretched out her hand, and her big eyes instantly turned completely blue, and strong light flowed from them, illuminating the dark room and quickly wrapping up several people.

The next second, everyone entered a special place. They stood on a platform of nothingness. In front of them was a dark void. There were countless colorful 'soap bubbles' floating in the void, and there were many fish trapped in the big bubbles. The kind of small egg-like bubbles.

Su Ming was familiar with this scene. In the multiverse selection interface, every big soap bubble is a multiverse, and every small bubble included in it is a single universe.

Almost at the first glance, Su Ming saw a golden bubble, and he laughed out loud:

"Ah, it's really eye-catching. Golden yellow is the representative color of the Constructors. There are dozens of multiverses here, and they only occupy one? This can't be called arson. It's just lighting a fireplace for someone else's house. "

"When facing the transcendent gods, it is already remarkable to be able to conquer a multiverse with guerrilla warfare." The little guy raised her hand and zoomed in on the golden multiverse system. She held Deathstroke's head and pressed her soft face against his. Face: "Shall we go in now? Or you need to prepare a little more, because I don't know what this multi-dimensional thing is."

"It's just a multiverse." Su Ming shook his head and looked at the beautiful ball: "We went in to ask the constructors for help, not to help them fight. What preparations do we need?"

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