The Death Knell

Chapter 4211 Opening the banquet on the spot

Su Ming was no longer too lazy to answer his cousin, because the eradicators had already begun to take action. They also knew the goods, and their targets were beautiful houses in small towns.

They can shrink their bodies, first turning themselves into human-sized ones, then walking to the door of different rooms with steps that they don't recognize, kicking the door open, and then forming a "recovery team" with three or five robots, rushing in In the darkness behind the door.

Soon, Su Ming outside the town could see that the house was also flashing red, as if the anti-theft equipment had been activated, but even the roof started to flash, which was a bit exaggerated.

Just like dropping ink into water, the color spreads quickly. The electricity thieves are full of motivation and fight for their long-lost rations.

Now Su Ming only hopes that after being sealed for so many years, the methods they used to do their job have not been left behind.

The streets were filled with bald robots. They descended like locusts and launched an all-out attack silently and expressionlessly.

More and more rooms are lighting up with alarms, which means that Transcendents in different super universes have been attacked. Perhaps, there is a critical point? When the number of houses that call the police exceeds a certain number, the CCU in charge will appear in person to solve the problem?

After all, the Transcendent Gods are not dead. When more and more alarms go off, some of the Transcendents who have been staying in their rooms in the past also come out of their rooms.

After they looked toward the street with dazed eyes, they realized what was happening almost immediately, and the battle began instantly.

The Transcendence Gods are obviously stronger, but their attack method is too simple, which is energy bombardment.

Eradicators are much weaker in other aspects, but they are not afraid of energy attacks and can even use transcendent energy as food.

Although their faces were still expressionless, Su Ming could clearly see that they were all rushing towards the Transcendents who were walking onto the street. They seemed to be very eager to be beaten and used their chests to block the cannons for their compatriots.

People who don't know the inside story may be a little moved when they see this scene. But in fact, this is a flock of pigeons grabbing bread in the square.

The Transcendent who walked out of the house changed his appearance, from humanoid to machine. He was a virus. This was the most cost-effective combat mode, allowing him to fight it with all his strength and for a long time.

But the constructors surrounded him calmly, shooting out light from the blue inverted triangle on his chest, seeming to absorb the power of the transcendent.

Within ten seconds, the virus, which had been drained of energy, collapsed. He was killed on the spot, and the metal body began to decompose and sink into the ground.

After eating this unlucky guy, the Eradicators surrounding him separated into five machines and walked into the house that the Transcendent walked out of not long ago. A few seconds later, the house also lit up with a red roof.

"The electricity thief is quite useful." Su Ming said to Bigfoot behind him. He watched the eradicators in different places in the town also use similar methods to eliminate several transcendent gods: "How did you want to create this kind of thing in the first place?" What a joke? Their ability can also be used against you, right?"

"Yes, I have said before that the Eradicators are very dangerous. At that time, oaa noticed that they were out of control, so they decided to seal them." The Celestial Destroyer cannot take action. His current strength is only a single universe level. When you get there, get dressed.

I can only stand next to the death knell and watch, as a warlord.

"It's not a long-term solution for you to be like this. Let's go. Let's pick a super large universe and give you some supplements to see if it can help."

Deathstroke picked a house at random, which was on the other side of the town and had not been taken care of by the Eradicators for the time being. He planned to enter there and help the Celestial Destroyer get some energy.


The process is very simple. You don't need to enter the three-dimensional level. You just walk over and cut off the roof of the house with a sword.

Nebula-like light erupted from the room, like a colorful fountain. Some small planets shot out with colorful lights in a cartoon effect, which was very beautiful, like fireworks.

A virus then jumped out. He did not see the feet of the gods, but saw several humans first, so he made a mechanical electronic sound:

"Stop, intruder, this is beyond the realm!"

Su Ming was too lazy to answer and just tilted his head. Wanda and Squirrel Girl struck at the same time. Even the squirrel was faster. The swipe of its tail also interrupted the witch's spellcasting.

Since Doreen didn't seem to be of much help along the way, she felt that if she didn't participate in this battle, she would be the one who was the one taking the whole fight, so in order to show off, she jumped over and scratched the virus's face.

At this time, for some reason, the sky became dark again, flickering like a fluorescent lamp when it was turned on unsteadily. Everyone subconsciously looked up at the sky, and then looked at the house without a roof...

The virus robot had died, and its body was covered with teeth marks and scratches. It fell in tatters on the roadside. Doreen, on the other hand, slapped her palms carelessly and used her tail under Wanda's puzzled gaze. Wipe the sweat from your fat chin.

No one knows how she defeated the Beyonder.

Su Ming probably knew that this was the classic "squirrel turns off the lights and kills". If it were in the comics, a black grid frame would suddenly appear, and then the next picture would be the scene of the enemy falling to the ground.

There is no process at all, no logic required, only results.

But this scene really happened before my eyes, no matter how many times it happened, it still felt weird.

Well, that is his special ability, and there is no need to delve into the principle. Deathstroke pointed his lightsaber at the roofless house and pointed at the starry sky fountain:

"Brother God, go and drink. It's all energy."

It is much more convenient to directly absorb the energy of a very large universe at a conceptual level than to descend into the third dimension and then travel from planet to planet.

The Celestial Destroyer was not polite. His big face fell from above the clouds. Compared to his body shape, the house was not even a snuff box, but he pressed his face directly against the house, instantly turning it into a snuff box. A pile of ruins.

Then, everyone felt a strong suction, which was short-lived but enough to make it difficult to stand still.

In just one second, he got up again and said:

"Well, I'm excited!"

"To what extent is the recovery likely?" Franklin asked. The boy was more interested in this, mainly the process of energy transformation.

"Probably can crush the multiverse." The god replied matter-of-factly.

Wanda shook her head and looked at the razed ruins: "I ate a huge universe, but only recovered multi-level power. If this is a devouring method, the efficiency of digestion and absorption is a bit low."

"The energy format is different, and there may be losses in the conversion." Su Ming waved his hand to stop the witch from continuing. He only needed the big guy to continue to cause damage. The louder the noise, the better. Restoring his strength was the second priority: "It's okay, come on, come here. , I’ll open another coconut for you.”


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