The Death Knell

Chapter 4216 Human flesh and gnarled stick

It is a pleasure to work with Doom. Whether it is magic or technology, Dr. Doom is a good player, and he is very smart. You can draw inferences about anything you say to him, and there is a silent understanding.

The most important thing is that although Doom is proud, he never shows it in front of Deathstroke, and even behaves very modestly.

Probably because he felt that he could learn a lot from Deathstroke, or maybe because his wife and children were under Deathstroke's nose, and only Deathstroke could solve the problem of his mother being trapped in hell.

Generally speaking, although Su Ming's relationship with him is not as close as that with Lao Zheng, to be honest, for counterattacks beyond the realm, bringing Dr. Destruction is a powerful force, but bringing Zheng Xian, the Qi Refiner, will definitely not be of much use. .

The Divine Spear is a weapon that can kill the Celestials, but if it is used on the Transcendent Gods, it may not be professionally qualified. Even though Lao Zheng is highly skilled in martial arts, he does not have the means to attack with energy. If we really want to fight, how many viruses can he defeat?

If there was no Doom, then Tony and Monaco would have to replace him. However, the special operations team should try to avoid having too many people.

At this time, the Ivory King at the bottom of the pit was biting Wade's belly with his newly transformed sharp teeth, pulling out his intestines and tearing them apart, grabbing several pieces and throwing them around. Even Doom, who was about to take action, could only Avoid the edge temporarily.

Because Wade has various cancers throughout his digestive tract, his digestion ability is up and down, and the gas is mixed with various undigested things, such as whole corns, electric X-rods, magazines, small Yellow duck and stuff like that.

Now the Ivory King was grabbing his intestines and throwing them around, like the god of war coming to the world, and everyone at the edge of the pit really didn't want to get close to him in a short time.

"How about we wait for a while?" Wanda used the red chaotic energy to cover herself with a magic shield, like an eggshell. She squatted on the edge of the pit with a look of disgust: "There is one more thing. , Why does Deadpool eat everything, and why is there a teapot in his stomach?"

"That's Xia Kaila's fun way to play, you don't understand." Su Ming sighed, and at the same time motioned the calmest Xiao Fu to take action, while chatting with Wanda: "The Succubus Queen is Wade's perfect match. , the couple both like heavy-flavored gameplay, and disembowelling means many possibilities for those with self-healing ability."

The Scarlet Witch showed a black question mark face, and then, after thinking about it, she looked even more disgusted and grinned.

Franklin, on the other hand, is completely different. He grew up in a cancerous universe. He has seen a lot of disgusting things, not to mention the various toys thrown out of Deadpool's belly. He has seen people with people in their stomachs before, and the second person also had something in his stomach. There are people, layers of deformed humans who look like matryoshka dolls.

When the monster died, it was like an onion being smashed, and abnormal flowers bloomed in the flesh.

He is naturally extremely resistant to Deadpool, which is the result of his tragic life experience in the past.

After receiving the signal from Deathstroke, Franklin took the cube of Matter Zero from Doom and then took off to the bottom of the pit.

After getting closer, even if he was thrown around and covered with dirt, he did not dodge and steadily activated the cube in his own way.

The pink cube has six sides, but one corner is missing, but that corner opened up, like Pac-Man, and put in the Ivory King who was entangled with Deadpool.

The opening closes.

Because the two of them were too entangled, Xiao Fu could only cut off Wade's hands and feet during the execution of the mission, lock him in a box with the enemy, and fly up the pit to find Deathstroke to revive him.

Su Ming had no intention of taking over, because the cube was still flowing down the sticky yellow and red cover, and too many dirty things had been thrown up just now.

So in the end, Doom used magic to create a big hand of energy and took over the disgusting thing.

"He is crazy, but there are benefits." Xiao Fu snapped his fingers and his body became clean. He explained: "At this time, the Ivory King fell into a rage and was attacking the enemy that did not exist. Every moment It is releasing energy all the time, and we can use some methods to induce it, change it, and turn it into an energy existence that can be drunk by the gods."

Yes, the cube of matter zero is now three meters long, wide and high. At this time, the Ivory King is still grabbing the two fallen arms of Deadpool, activating energy, rolling and cursing, as if he can really see that there is no existence. The same enemies.

His white energy was filling the cube, illuminating the filth on its outer walls.

"Okay, you can communicate with the celestial body destroyer yourself. We will continue with the previous task and wait for the breeding center to be discovered." Su Ming waved his hand, indicating to Xiao Fu himself to communicate with the gods on how to drink this can of coconut fished out of the manure pit. juice.

Deathstroke himself looked into the pit, where his cousin who had turned into a human stick looked at Wade lying on the ground at the bottom looking up to the sky as if he had been hollowed out, looking like he was about to die.

So he took out the good stuff, shook it in his hand, turned his head and whispered:

"Add five hundred..."

The sound was so weak, like the last breath of a dying person, or like the first ray of cold wind when winter comes.


But Deadpool heard the sound of the money shaking, and his hands and legs healed themselves instantly. He patted his belt and took the money from his cousin's hand. He laughed wildly, stuck out his tongue and started counting.

"Hehehehe, you still have to rely on me to defeat the Ivory King, right? But there's nothing wrong with that. I'm just so strong, so handsome, and so perfect."

The bitch shook the water off his body happily, just like a wild dog shakes off the water on his body. His torn mouth opened in three parts and said:

"Actually, there's no need to settle accounts in such a hurry. We are brothers and I love you. It's as if I still suspect you of defaulting on your debt. This is questioning my character. However, Slade, please be sure to use more money in the future. Insult my character, I mean, prove our brotherhood, suck!"

"Ah, yes, yes, now you should stay away from me and roll around in the white desert." Su Ming covered his nose. Originally, Deadpool smelled quite good when he first came, but after a while, Over time, his odor also 'healed' itself, and it was better than before.

Let alone chatting with him now, even looking at him one more time would be rude to oneself.

Therefore, the Supreme Mage turned around and left. He planned to continue working and continue to take the gods to open the blind box. Perhaps only monotonous and repetitive work could erase this dirty scene from his mind.

People's memories are very good. Even with this kind of pain, every detail can be remembered clearly.

But just when he picked a house not far away and was about to take action, the nearby scenery suddenly changed and a bright light fell from the sky.


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