The Death Knell

Chapter 4227 Time confusion

The plan to be executed next is also very simple, just use the timeline.

As mentioned before, the timeline of the Transcendent Protoss is linear, and their concept of parallel universes is different from that of humans, so Su Ming plans to start from the aspect of time and give the CCU some new life that he has never seen before.

Such as time reversal, such as being in a different world and so on.

The Transcendent Gods are the only existences at their respective points in time. They usually live in a higher level of transcendent realm, so they naturally view time from different angles.

But it doesn't matter, they don't care about time, so this time Su Ming will go to them with the products of time, which will also give the ccu a complete schizophrenia.

Since occupying TVA, Gin's work has focused more on this. After all, for humans, things like timelines still need to be strictly guarded. Other trade matters are not worth comparing with it. Mention it.

Gin naturally had no doubts about the request of the death knell. This is how women in the fairy palace listen to their men. After all, in the customs and traditions, the man is the head of the family.

"Let's go to the operational isolation room first. You plan to use the timeline to act. Where is the first stop?"

Gin turned around and led the way. She was wearing a black suit today and her legs looked particularly long when she was walking in high heels.

Her platinum-blonde hair was draped softly on her shoulders, trembling with her steps. She turned her face curiously and asked the man where he wanted to go.

"That must be the bumper car incident in the universe not long ago. Find a parallel world and I'll go over and witness the end." The death knell with the same face as CCU said. The state of the soul also has benefits, that is, it is floating and walking. Save effort.

Gin nodded and asked no more questions. Going out for hunting has always been a man's business. Women only need to be responsible for handling the prey at home.

But she still asked another question. As a former Valkyrie, she was familiar with humans in their soul state.

After all, to put it bluntly, the Valkyrie is actually the soul seducer of the Hall of Valor, who wants to attract the souls of fallen warriors from the battlefield to continue serving Odin.

"You are in a soul state now. Can you change back after this? I know that the Hall of Valor is with Hela now, but I don't want to meet my man in the Hall of Valor."

Before charging on the battlefield, Asgardian warriors often say "Goodbye to the Hall of Valor" to their comrades around them to express a belief that death is the last thing they want.

But Gin is no longer the novice who was deceived by Odin. Deathstroke has long told her what the nature of the Hall of Valor is. In Gin's view, the former holy land is a different kind of hell.

"Don't worry, this is only a temporary change. Judging from Deathstroke's vitality and the existence of the symbiosis, his soul will not have any problems even if it is separated from the body for tens of thousands of years." Death answered Gin with a smile, she was in the building She was still holding her parasol, her head turning around and looking around.

The things that can be seen now are not what ordinary people can experience in life, so Death now feels that his trip is the right one. The Deathstroke universe seems to be more fun than the DC universe.

At least there, humans don't have a space city to play in that can manipulate the timeline.

"That's good." Gin stopped and knocked on the door in the corridor. After confirming that no one was in the room, he opened the door and entered: "This is one of the mobile isolation rooms. Here we can use technology to transport you Go up to any time point in any timeline, and I will stay here to help you keep an eye on the surveillance and prevent anyone from entering here by mistake."

The mobile isolation room can actually be regarded as the torpedo tube of a submarine. People enter and exit the timeline through such a huge hall, which can effectively prevent time-travelers from hitching a ride and invading TVA in reverse.

To be honest, Su Ming always felt that this kind of room was decorated like a big KTV room, or a bit like an indoor basketball gym with reinforced walls. The room was empty, but the walls were covered tightly, except for gin. There is nothing else but a jukebox-like device in front of me.

She retrieved a 'video', selected a time point, then selected a parallel world that once existed, and pressed the button to start the device.


The feeling of the soul traveling through time is smoother and more relaxed than when there is a body, without any discomfort. It can be said to be an ideal state of transportation.

No wonder many people say that there are limits to being a human being, and they don’t want to be human anymore.

Su Mingdu felt a little emotional, because when he broke away from the flesh and blood body and walked on the timeline in the form of soul, he saw more things than before, and the feelings were indeed fresh.

However, that has nothing to do with the current task.

The time when he and death arrived was when the fusion of diversity was in progress.

This is a parallel world that Gin picked at random. It doesn't even have a number. The only thing that can be known is that there is another Earth hanging in the sky, just like looking at the reflection in a mirror.

The streets were in chaos, and everyone was screaming and going crazy in the apocalypse. The undercurrent that had been hidden under order in the past now erupted like a volcanic eruption.

Of course, this is New York, USA. After all, in the Marvel Universe, things always happen in New York.

"Is this something that has ever happened in your universe?" Death watched a group of black people participating in zero-dollar shopping killing people on the street. She controlled the urge to attract souls in the past, and instead said: "Your death is still You are so lazy that you let the demons from hell do the work of recovering souls."

"Actually, it's almost the same. It's all a cycle. It's just more food in the process." Su Ming laughed, looked up at the blue celestial body, and turned a blind eye to the tragedy on the street: "Looking at this, there are probably more In seven or eight hours, these two worlds will collide and be annihilated. This is an earth where transcendent gods appear, let’s take this time to look for it.”

Death is inevitable, she has a day off anyway, and the destruction of the world is not something that can be seen every day.

So the two walked out of the alley full of garbage and walked on the chaotic streets. If they looked down from a high altitude, they could see the red composed of flames and blood. These reds formed the main tone of the world, like a river. Rushing, it represents chaos.

In the chaotic river, there are two small stones, one black and one white. They seem to be swimming upstream without making any splash.

The mob on the street seemed unable to see or touch the two people at all, but passed directly through them.

This is a video, a record of the past, not a real parallel world.

Su Ming just needs to act to deceive the CCU, not to take death back to a certain point in the past and do something like reversing the future.

But this is not just a video, it is a ring backup of a certain timeline. As long as Deathstroke is willing, everything around him will become the 'reality at that time' in the next second. However, it is not necessary before finding the mapmaker. Do that.


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