The Death Knell

Chapter 4239 Battle in Heaven

Can this business be done? Of course it can.

A golden planet the size of the moon weighs about 800 billion tons. Not only can it pay off the debt that surpasses the gods, it will also be much richer.

It is always pleasant to make deals with comrades. Everyone comes together because of their hatred for the Transcendent Protoss, and after the death of their enemies, both parties need new connections to maintain the relationship.

The Nuwari people are not short of money, but they like to make money, so they are naturally willing to take over this business.

In order to avenge the Transcendence Gods, they have not been able to run their business properly for too long. The spacecraft is flying all over the universe just to avenge their enemies.

Now, I can finally let go of everything and pick up my life again.

Su Ming is not short of money either. He may be short of energy, concepts, and reliable manpower. Only things like gold can be easily produced by Xiaofu or Wanda.

This is no longer the era when he and Gin led others to enter the market with Chicago typewriters. People always have to make progress.

Being able to exchange money for energy, combat power, manpower or technology is all worthwhile.

The cooperation between the two parties was very smooth. The big bosses sent the electronic contract in duplicate on the spot. They simply signed it and everything was settled.

Su Ming didn't find anyone to testify. Anyway, the Nuvali people would never break the contract according to their style.

The contract was signed, and the two parties shook hands and hugged again, and then asked the adjutant to teleport the battleship and the golden planet back. The Nuvali people would not be needed for the possible battle that would happen next. They only had to wait for Deathstroke's Space Monster Amusement Park to open. .

On the contrary, production can be gradually resumed in the wilderness. The Nuvali people in the past established 12 areas there, with a series of automated industrial bases including flower collection. With them, life there will be better in the future. Xiaoka no longer has to worry about the bloodthirsty beasts and wild orc races.

Casillas was a talent trained according to Doom's template, specializing in biochemistry and phagocytosis. Such a great mage should not be distracted by chores.

Watching the blue light flash and the golden planet disappear into the sky, Deadpool wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said to Su Ming resentfully:

"Why didn't you give me so much money?"

"The Nuwari people have to go out as a whole family to help me maintain two large zoos for a million years. They provide their own dry food and technology, and they provide the building materials. When calculated equally, per person per day, they are probably not as good as those in India. There are a lot of water delivery workers, and people do business just for fun, for fun."

The black-hearted capitalist Su Ming lit a cigarette, smoked it and then stuffed it into his cousin's mouth. He glanced at him angrily and took another cigarette in his mouth:

"When you were alive, you could make one hundred thousand dollars a day. Isn't that too little? How about you change it?"

Deadpool's brain is not very good, he has cancer, and he is often forgetful, but when it comes to money, he is never confused.

After hearing the details of the contract, he began to feel sorry for those aliens with toad-like bodies and pug-like faces. He shook his head and sighed:

"It took a million years to give me that little money? Dak, Sudak! But I won't trade with them. Do you think I'm stupid? Hehe!"

Seeing him looking like a thief, everyone around him just laughed, saying that Deadpool was being a bitch again, and scolded him for turning his elbows outward, which meant he deserved to be stabbed with a dagger.

Wade danced again, and deliberately imitated Star-Lord's crotch touching movements, emphasizing that it was his cousin Peter who called the number just now, and those words were not his.

Just as everyone was chatting happily, there was a sudden vibration in the Beyond Realm. The houses in the town began to shake from side to side, and the desert outside the town was jumping like grains in a dustpan.

"Ready to fight."

The lightsaber in his hand suddenly lit up, and the black sun behind Deathstroke bloomed in the night sky. The concept he had began to spread in the realm of transcendence, and a kind of cold darkness crawled through every part of the town like tentacles.

The most excited person was the Celestial Destroyer. He had silently ordered the Eradicators to form a formation, and it seemed that he planned to fight to the bitter end.

As for the others, there was no special reaction. For example, Dracula and Squirrel Girl, one drank blood and the other ate pine nuts, as if nothing was wrong.

A few seconds later, many huge figures suddenly appeared from under the street on the other side of the town. They were like ghosts that suddenly appeared. These figures were like a messy nightclub wall, with colorful lights shining on them.

The Colorful Gods Group has indeed arrived. Although the final host has not been seen for the time being, it is obvious that these are also primitive gods. The energy level of each of them is very terrifying.

The cloak was drooling at the sight.

Generally speaking, when two armies confront each other, they often have to exchange some curse words before fighting, such as "common man" and "old thief".

But the two kinds of gods are old enemies. During the seven reincarnations of the sky, they have fought countless times. Maybe they have exhausted all the curses they can say, so after locking the target, the battle broke out immediately.

There was no negotiation, no communication, just the clash of energy and fist-to-metal.

The Celestial Destroyer is worthy of being the God of Destruction among the gods. He rushes towards the enemy with a dense swarm of Eradicators, taking the lead without giving up, even faster than the Death Knell.

It's not that Su Ming is really not as fast as him, but that the Supreme Mage must use his brain and observe the battlefield before taking action.

Do you want to capture the king first before capturing the thief? Or should we pick the soft persimmon first? You have to think carefully about this, and take action to kill the enemy.

There's something to be said for running fast. Surviving until the end is the key.

The Celestial Destroyer was good, he was extremely jealous when he saw his enemy. Deathstroke said before that he would leave his strongest enemy to him, but he seemed to have forgotten this.

"Maybe he has been frustrated for too long in the past. It's okay to let him vent. With our help, as long as the final host does not appear, no other god can defeat the destroyer one-on-one." Su Ming paused for a moment. He threw the Deadpool who was following him towards the enemy with his backhand, while he talked to Strangled.


Strangulation means cutting down the gods. The conceptual lightsaber is not easy to use, so you still have to use it. First kill the one with the weakest energy response and try the depth.

The lightsaber sank into the palm of his hand, and at the same time a large number of tiny tentacles stretched out from his arms. They were twisted together like twists, becoming strong and sharp, becoming a sword.

The shadow of the Black Death Sword can barely be seen, but the host's style is different, and the weapons are also different. What Strangler conjured was a giant sword two meters long and one meter wide.

There are no patterns or hollows, and there is no need for fancy and scary decorations. It is as simple as a chopping board or counter surface. It is a murder weapon in itself.

Because it was a weapon transformed from a symbiote, there was no need to consider the weight at all. Su Ming followed Deadpool's pale yellow trail and launched a charge.

He naturally knew what Strangler was talking about. The direction he threw Deadpool in was the weakest Colored God that he had already picked.


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