The Death Knell

Chapter 4243 Eradicated

The zombies started running, and the two people sitting at the entrance of the cave were bumping around like they were riding horses. It was quite fun.

But as a smell gradually approached, Deadpool staggered out of the black forest holding thick hair. The good atmosphere disappeared in an instant, because he complained as soon as he came and rolled his eyes with his little eyes:

"Hmph, cousin, you killed my Logan again. What if if this continues, the audience will mistakenly think that I, the protagonist, am a freeloader?"

Deadpool was not stupid at all. After slashing at the giant's scalp, he keenly noticed that the guy's heartbeat and breathing were gone. Wasn't he dead?

If the dead can still move, it must be his cousin, so he took the guy and came to find Deathstroke.

As for how he found the location of the death knell, it was actually simple. It was the telepathy between brothers, and it was very reasonable.

"Hey, what do you call your Logan? You're disgusting." Su Ming was in a good mood and deliberately teased his cousin.

But Deadpool is definitely an expert at disgusting others. After hearing his cousin’s joking words, he not only didn’t refute, but also deliberately twisted like a little girl, kicking the ground with his toes:

"I... I just like Luo Gen. Cousin, why are you so bad? Why do you say it out loud? I love Luo Gen so much that I want to cut off his flesh piece by piece and eat it. Oh, I'm so shy. , Well~~~~You killed Big Logan and turned you into a zombie, and people won’t listen to you.”


Deathstroke and Cousin were fine with each other being disgusted with each other, but Death was retching.

There was no way, she appeared in human form today, and as long as she was human, it would be difficult for her to be immune to Wade's special effects.

But she was still very happy, with a look of surprise on her face, because she had never known what nausea felt like before, and she finally felt it today.

Stomach acid surged uncontrollably, the spicy smell rushed straight into the nose, and tears flowed out automatically at the same time.

so amazing!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." Deathstroke stood up, patted Deadpool's butt, and took off by his neck: "Let's go, hurry up and take care of these gods. I suspect that the final host may want to Come."


Just after the three of them sat in Wolverine's hair for such a short time, the situation on the battlefield was completely different. As soon as the two of them got out, they saw Franklin beating up a Color God.

The boy's super power really has no upper limit. It is completely representative of "how bold a person is and how productive the land is". As long as he can think of and understand anything, he can create it. He is like a god. Same.

The boy had made himself an armor before, but now, he made himself a symbiote out of thin air, and it was still a high imitation of Strangler.

He can understand the life form of the symbiote. Not long ago, Deathstroke had Strangle connected to his nerves, which gave him the possibility to create a monkey version of the symbiote.

The reason why it is called the monkey version is because his symbiote has no soul and is a dead object. It can be regarded as plasticine, or a deformable weapon.

But even so, this symbiote also has the same ability as the black sword, which is the special killing effect on the gods.

Xiaofu then uses his ability to enlarge his body to the limit of transcending the realm, which is the size of the gods today. Next, he will use his artificial symbiote to kill everyone.

He grew up very fast. Thanks to his extraordinary IQ, he even learned a lot of Deathstroke's fighting skills just by observation, and he can use them now.

This reminded Su Ming of Luther, a man who used his genius and wisdom in learning.

Batman studied kung fu with Mrs. Shiva, and it took more than a month to fully master a set of punches that could restrain Bane.

Luther paid Shiva to be his teacher, and within a month he had learned all the fighting skills she had mastered, except for a few ultimate moves.

Therefore, Baldhead often said that he was the smartest person on earth, and Su Ming didn't object much, because in terms of learning ability, he was indeed better than a bat.

Of course, it's a different story when it comes to fighting. Although Luther is smart, he obviously doesn't have any points in the tactical command skill tree.

"Dum and the Grand Duke have stopped and seem to be watching the fun." Su Ming held his cousin's belt as if he was holding half a fan of pork. He pinched the cigarette butt and put it away: "That's right, Franklin was in the battle. His understanding of the Celestial God Group is also increasing rapidly, and soon, he may be able to create the original Celestial God."

"This kid's ability is really good, but it's a pity that it's not used in the right place." Deadpool raised his head, sighed and shook his head: "If I had his ability, I would first create a world with only supermodels. It is stipulated that I am the only man on that planet, and then...hehe!"

As he spoke, he laughed obscenely again.

"Xiao Fu's ability cannot create souls and is not omnipotent. To be honest, Wanda's chaos magic actually has more potential." Su Ming admired Xiao Fu's fighting ideas. He embodied the copycat symbiote. It really makes up for its shortcomings a lot.

The symbiote combines offense and defense, and has the ability to heal itself, which is perfect for small arms and legs like his.

Moreover, his artificial symbiote also has the characteristics of a black sword. With the blessing of its large size, it is easier to kill the gods.

On the other hand, Scarlet Witch's performance was not particularly outstanding in comparison. Although she could defeat the original god in a single challenge, she was still performing facial arts and suffering from nosebleeds, so it seemed that she was not as easy as Squirrel Girl.

"All the Eradicators are about to die." Deadpool suddenly became very quiet and his tone became more serious: "Brother, is this what you planned?"

"Well, locusts and leeches are scourges and cannot be left alone." Deathstroke's gaze turned further away, to the celestial destroyers. He and the eradicators intercepted the most colorful gods, and Su Ming and his party were actually the ones who missed them.

But the gap in strength is there. The reality gap between the multiverse level and the super universe level is like a chasm. They are all robots with no brains. Even if the Eradicator feeds on energy, it is no match for the Celestials.

When someone punched them, they exploded into pieces on the spot. When they were stepped on, thousands of Eradicators turned into smoke again.

The Eradicator cannot withstand the energy emitted by the enemy. If it is hit by the light beam, it will evaporate without a trace in minutes.

The gods are their makers after all.

In just a short while, Deathstroke's side was in good shape, but the Eradicators on the other side were all dead, and there were vague signs of being surrounded by the Celestial Destroyers.

Deadpool's meaning is very simple. If he wants to help the Celestial Destroyer, then his cousin should take action as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the three-dimensional surrounding net of the colorful gods is closed, it will be difficult to rush in and catch people.


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