The Death Knell

Chapter 4245 Dead but not stiff

The gods who were affected by the tentacle cluster were all motionless. The luminous grids on their heads flickered on and off, and their limbs showed subtle irregular twitches, commonly known as 'swinging'.

Su Ming knew that Deadpool's mind was very messed up, and reading his mind often meant committing suicide, so he came up with this plan.

The Celestials don't have the ability to read minds, but that doesn't matter, the Ancients do.

Summon the ancients' dependents through the love craft manuscript, and let them transform Wade's body. Then, through the little guy's ability, Deadpool's deformed limbs can overlap with the gods, creating a spatial intersection.

In the end, Wade used gems to let his mind actively solicit customers.

My cousin turned into a ball of flesh, like the center point of a web of flesh and blood. The ball squirmed with a nauseating frequency, carrying a special rhythm. Translated in Morse code, it seemed like 'Big Brother' Come and play' means.

Deathstroke doesn't know what the outcome will be, so he can only wait.

He landed on the Celestial Destroyer's shoulders and stopped him from grabbing a car and beating the enemy violently.

"Leave this area first, God, and don't let anger affect your judgment."

The Celestial Destroyer does have some signs of losing control. Too many black gods have died at the hands of the Color Faction. He and the former brothers in front of him all have a blood feud.

Although strictly speaking, the Celestial Team has no blood at all.

"I see."

The Destroyer slowly lowered his raised fist, discarded the enemy with his arm torn off in his other hand, and responded to the death knell with difficulty.

He knew that humans were reminding him to save energy, because once the final host appeared, only he could compete with him head-on.

The colossus slowly retreated away from the scope of the flesh net. Of course, he also felt the pollution of the ancient one, but he selectively ignored it.

Compared to the colorful dogs who only follow established procedures, the dark gods with emotions behave more tactfully.

The Ancients are taboo to the firmament, their energy and actions considered pollution. The behavior is unpredictable and there are no rules. Whenever it appears, it is often accompanied by all kinds of weird twists.

They will distort the concepts of space, time, matter, etc. into amorphous shadows and gibbering, slowly making everything go crazy.

The key is that these effects are passive effects that accompany the appearance of the ancient ones, and they themselves are not even aware of what is happening.

Not death, but deformed immortality. The deformation is like a cancer that makes the sky lose control of itself little by little.

Therefore, the gods have established procedures. Once signs of pollution are found anywhere, that single universe needs to be destroyed immediately.

Of course, most of the time they are not aware of it at all, because they have no dreams and cannot feel the spread of pollution at all.

But now that humans on their own side are using the power of the Ancients, just pretend they haven't seen it at all. After all, if you want to defeat the numerous colored dogs, you can use any means, including dark matter technology.

The Celestial Destroyers withdrew from the fighting range and took a break, and Death appeared next to Deathstroke like a ghost. She blinked and looked at the wriggling red flesh ball:

"Old One, the last time I saw this kind of twisted form was probably in the time of King Arthur."

"Not long ago, Merlin wanted to summon the Ancient One to return to the DC universe, but he was killed by me, and the book was snatched from him." Su Ming laughed, and he watched the remaining colorful gods being destroyed by Xiao Fu and the others. Forced into the encirclement, he lengthened the strangulation to provide remote support: "But having said that, I saw a lot of similar things in DC's 'Nightmare'. The Sandman really stuffed all kinds of garbage into it."

"That was Morpheus's choice, and Daniel didn't even know about it." Death obviously didn't like this kind of meat that wouldn't die, so she changed the topic: "What I asked you before, you haven't Answer, when this operation is over, can I go and play on your earth?"

"Of course." Su Ming nodded, and his voice came from behind the mask, like a hoarse and sinister tone of a demon: "You used to play around alone and didn't understand it at all. If there is a chance this time, I will Let me play with you."

"Then it's settled, you can prepare to call it a day. Although I don't know what the final host you have been talking about is, but he is obviously not coming."

Death smoothed his black hair with his pale hands and explained his point of view:

"This team of robots was sent into the Transcendence Realm as chess pieces to explore the path. Now that the entire army has been annihilated, the people behind them will use rat weapons in a short time. They will not come in hastily before they understand the specific situation here. These Large robots are a little clumsy, but not stupid.”

"I know, I just said that I might face the final host."

Su Ming nodded. He took off his mask and looked at a large group of sculpture-like motionless gods. He said nothing more and just continued to wield the strangled weapon that turned into a super long weapon to touch up the remaining colorful gods from a distance.

Of course, he wanted to completely annihilate the team of creative masters who were sent here. Otherwise, if the host really came in the end, his own team would definitely have to go out and contribute.

Unlike these nameless primitive gods in front of us, the final host is a full-fledged almighty cosmic level. Even if we can defeat it, we don't have to pay any price.

It's best to scare the colorful gods for the time being, and let the celestial destroyers and oaa deal with them in the future. There is no need for humans to get involved in this kind of thing.

And don’t forget, today we were tricked by Eternity and Infinity. Who knows what plan they have to expose mankind to the First Sky. There is no answer to this matter. Su Ming does not want to waste his own strength.

The purpose of letting Wanda use the manuscript just now was to keep the atmosphere of the ancients here. If the colorful gods send people here, they can blame it if they smell the smell.

Of course, these thoughts cannot be expressed. After all, I am still standing on the shoulders of the celestial destroyer. When I speak, I must say that the final host may be coming, and everyone must be prepared to fight.

In this way, after hearing this, the celestial body destroyer also feels that humans are always on his side and are very firm and reliable. Isn't this happy?

The identities and personnel of the Dark God and the Color God have been swapped. oaa is now also a Dark God. Su Ming also hopes that the Celestial Destroyer can help introduce them and build a relationship.

Death narrowed her eyes and smiled like a little fox. As a concept of the DC universe, she is not a woman as shallow as Marvel Death. She already understands and understands what Deathstroke is thinking.

But she didn't say anything. She had been promised to take her to experience life.

After a while, the squirming meat ball gradually retracted the extended blood-red tentacles, and returned to the appearance of a bitch and the size of a normal human being.

Deadpool was floating in mid-air. He first touched his face, then slapped his butt a few times with his backhand. He put his fingers under his nostrils and smelled. He seemed to be sure that his condition was normal. He nodded, then fell on the spot and plunged headlong into the air. In the white desert below.

The gods who had been affected by the tentacles before were now looking up at the sky, motionless, probably because of dementia.

The things they came into contact with exceeded the limit of their understanding. Obviously, the program was burned. Su Ming was not sure whether there were projections of the Four Gods of Chaos in Wade's mind, but he still praised Tzeentch in his heart at this time. .

Scams, riddles, language logic traps, the colorful gods as machines, are afraid of smart people playing these things.


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