The Death Knell

Chapter 4249 Changes are coming

After talking about the matter, Monaco also gave Wanda medicine. After seeing that the witch's sleeping face became calm, the three of them left the ward and visited Karma Taj with Death.

For example, the courtyard that displays the scenery of the four seasons at the same time, the playground full of students, the overly heavy door in front of the toilet, etc., are all considered unique landscapes.

The Ancient One deliberately wanted to have a relationship with Death, and as the creator of Kama Taj, she was naturally the most familiar with this place, so it soon became that she was carrying Death around while Deathstroke and Monaco followed behind. Case.

"Are we going to start?" The Prince of Magic touched his mustache. He sighed and said to the death knell: "In the past, traveling in the star sea was still the privilege of spellcasters, but after today, it seems that everyone can go to space. Yes, this may have an impact on the magic world."

In fact, this has little to do with him. Anyway, he spends his free time raising rabbits at home in London, and he doesn't want to go on any space travel.

He was just worried that Deathstroke's policy would cause ripples in the magic world.

Karma Taj can be considered a dominant player in the magic world, with a monopoly on white magic. However, spell casters do not only play white magic. There are also ruthless people among many black magicians.

Although it is definitely not as good as a combination like the Supreme Master Garvey Shandi, if people want to find trouble for Kama Taj, there is no reason why students have to guard against thieves even if they are exercising outside.

"Don't worry, not everyone can go. For the first batch of forerunners, I selected a few forces that are close to me and have strict mouths." Su Ming smiled and patted the old man on the shoulder. Monaco has been around since World War II. He has been following him for many years. Thinking of this, he still felt a little emotional, so he said again: "Lao Mo, do you want a wife or not?"

The Magic Prince has the strength of an archmage, enough to rank among the top twenty on earth. He is over 400 years old this year, but he has no family, which makes him look a bit pitiful.

Although Su Ming does not advocate his own mages to mess around like Deadpool, Kama Taj is not a monk's temple and does not follow the ascetic route.

"What? Are you going to introduce me to an alien?" Monaco laughed even after saying this. He shook his head and patted Deathstroke on the back: "Don't worry about me. I'm a magic prince, so I'm not suitable. I won’t make do with it, and this is the difference between man and beast.”

In the courtyard, the wind blew snowflakes, drifting between the heavy peach branches. The sound of snow falling on the petals seemed to attract Monaco's attention, and he turned to look to the other side.

"I'm afraid that you will never succeed and waste your genetic genes, but you are right, humans are not beasts." Su Ming laughed, shook his head, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself and the mage: "You know what? Strange has a girlfriend."

"I know, she is still the daughter of the demon god Omar, Keli." The moustache mage's expression became very strange, half-smiling but not smiling: "He thought he was so good at keeping secrets, it's a joke, it's just his two actions , which great mage can hide it? We can all find out when little mice steal oil at Kama Taj, not to mention they are stealing people."

After hearing this metaphor, Su Ming also laughed. The Magic Prince was quite serious at first, but after following him for so many years, he has now become a fun-loving person who always makes jokes.

"Actually, I was a little worried about Klee at first. Although it was a deal between me and Omar that she came to study at Karma Taj, she has the blood of the devil after all and is Dormammu's niece. I have always been worried that she would be Darkness takes hold inside.”

The mercenary looked at the courtyard with emotion, and then at Gu Yi and Death, who were walking under the bridge in front. They seemed to have endless things to say, and they were all meaningless chatter.

Monaco, who was smoking, nodded, shook his head, raised his hand and touched his beard, and the old god said:

"But she is no different from a human girl, and now she shows her feelings and falls in love with a human, which proves that she is at least on our side."

"Yes, this is good news, but old man, why don't other demon gods come to school?" Deathstroke's tone was full of ridicule, as if he was regretting the other demon gods. If they all have descendants, It would also be better to hand over Karma Taj as a hostage.

"Why not? Moon and Sun, these two demon gods combined, there are more than thirty children in the family. They dare to come. Do you dare to accept them?"

Monaco started to argue again, and Mustache had this habit of always quarreling every time he saw Deathstroke.

After taking a puff of cigarette and almost choking, Su Ming patted his chest speechlessly and cursed with a smile:

"They also call them children? Every one of Manisur's twenty-eight-year-olds is older than Agamotto. If one person falls out, the whole family will fall out. They also like group fights without martial ethics... I won't mention it anymore. How is Wanda doing? What do you need me to do?"

"No need, she is just mentally exhausted. After taking the toad bone powder secretly prepared by Master Gu Yi, she will recover quickly. But I am not telling you that no matter how strong Wanda is, she is still young after all. Why do you let young people play the role of the Ancient One?" props, that’s too dangerous, it’s simply life-threatening.”

The Prince of Magic also took a puff of cigarette and sighed as he looked at Ancient One who was about to take Death to the backyard for fishing.

Taking out two bottles of beer, Deathstroke handed one to Mustache and slowly shook his head:

"If humans want to survive in this kind of universe, they often have to work hard. Who doesn't take risks when they go on a mission? Wanda is fine, and besides, not all enemies are worthy of using props of that level. "

"However, if you eliminate the Transcendent Gods, the reality we live in will be much safer. This is a good thing."

The mage went back to make up for his words. He took a sip of wine and took another puff of cigarette. He was obviously very satisfied with his current life.

He knew that there might be a race more dangerous than the Transcendent Protoss, but so what? He was confident in Deathstroke.

"That's true, but living in such a world, all kinds of things will always come up, so it's just a moment of leisure." Su Ming stretched out, and also put cigarettes and wine into his mouth: "No, I still have to take Death around and look for someone to do some work."

"He who is capable should work harder," is an old saying from the East." Monaco smiled so hard that his mouth was crooked. He waved to Modu, who had his head exposed behind the gable in the distance, and motioned for the shirtless mage to come over. He also said : "Otherwise, look at Mo Du, why don't you have the idea to find him as a tour guide? Haha."

"Master, what are you talking about? Is there any happy event today?"

Modu flashed over confused, with a smile on his face, and his big hands kept stroking the palm oil-covered chest hair on his chest, making a weak wet sound.

"It's nothing. You go to Suzhou and buy me some good snacks. I'll take them away to the guests later." Deathstroke smiled and arranged the task. Modu was also an archmage, but in addition to being responsible for student teaching, he also became a professional errand staff.

"As you command, Master." With a greasy smile, he teleported away, so skillfully.


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