The Death Knell

Chapter 4267 Always late

"Limiting the deployment range of 'charging piles' is actually for their own good."

Deathstroke stood up and asked the adjutant to turn off the projection. He took Death to prepare to go home for dinner:

"The universe is still a universe full of dangers. Human beings have just entered this level, so they should first limit the scope of their exploration. After they understand the Milky Way, it will not be too late to go to extragalactic galaxies."

In addition to the most basic RV version of the ‘Water Drop’, there are several other models of spaceships for sale this time.

Some are focused on transporting cargo, some are focused on enhancing firepower, and some are focused on scientific research and investigation. Not all spaceships are in the shape of water droplets. Only the black and yellow trademarks on different spacecraft types are completely consistent.

In theory, every type of spacecraft is capable of flying to the end of the universe, but only in theory.

The energy they carry is actually limited. People will not be able to travel outside the galaxy until the next system networking upgrade.

After all, it was the first time for Su Ming to bring a race into a new era. It was better to experiment on a small scale to see if the established system could operate normally before talking about the future.

"You're right, Sheriff." The adjutant's body was also teleported down by her, and he obviously wanted to go to dinner with him: "But I suspect that someone must be seeking death, knowing that the spacecraft does not have enough energy, and taking risks to go to places they shouldn't go. Place, it’s human curiosity.”

"Then I have no control over it. When selling the ship, I asked them to sign a disclaimer. Just use the user instructions we use for publishing online games. The 300,000-word set, with a slight change, agreed to drive the ship and die outside. It would be great if space does not have the responsibility of Wilson Enterprises."

Things are almost done today. The cooperative forces have already set off. From tomorrow onwards, ordinary people will start to buy spaceships, and entering the universe will come later.

So it’s time for Deathstroke to take a break after get off work.

He planned to take Death back to his home, let Gin come back, and everyone would have some home-cooked food and drink some mead.

Although Gin's home-cooked food is definitely barbecue, that's what she wants. Su Ming always wants to eat something. Anyway, he doesn't rely on eating to get energy. What he eats is just the feeling and taste.

"An order has been issued. Three hundred thousand Wilson's supermarkets around the world are in the process of distributing goods. The security team's alert level has been raised to red." The adjutant began to make arrangements, but at this time she thought of something and asked Deathstroke: "Chief, how many other people are there?" Are the people on Pocket Earth part of our plan?”

This is talking about the survivors who survived the bumper car incident in the universe. Didn't Deathstroke arrange them into pocket worlds such as 40k-1? They are actually human resources.

"Let's let it go first. After all, they are all relatives and friends of the superheroes. It is still not safe to let them participate in the first batch of land reclamation. Okay, let's go home and ask Gin to come back from TVA."


Su Ming's small mountain villa is still the same, with a two-story building, twenty rooms, four living rooms and five bathrooms, and a small garden. That's all. Even compared to some young stockbrokers, the home seems simple.

The exterior wall is the color of logs, which he built by hand. It almost blends in with nature in the mountains and forests, and is more like a hunter's family's cabin.

When I came back here, the forest was fogging today, the air was humid, and the gauzy mist was entangled between the trees, making the forest appear deeper and darker.

Gin also arrived at almost the same time. After hugging her adjutant and welcoming Death to her home, she changed out of her work suit, put on her classic Asgard armor, and went to work in the backyard. Today she was going to bake a Karma. The yaks collected from the foot of Taj Mountain require a large fire pit.

As a fairy palace woman, she prefers to cook from scratch, so soon everyone heard the screams of cows coming from the backyard, and dozens of seconds later, they saw Gin carrying a bloody big The ax went out again to cut down wood.

The adjutant said that he had never experienced what it was like to go into the mountains to cut firewood, and he had no experience with death, so they abandoned the death knell and followed Gin into the mountains.

These trees at the entrance of the villa cannot be cut down, as they will destroy the scenery that can be seen from the window, and the wood is not right.

To make the barbecue delicious, you still need to use fruit wood. You have to go into the mountains to find it, but if you have the help of your adjutant, you can come back soon.

Seeing the three ladies walking away chatting and laughing, Deathstroke went to the backyard by himself, found a lounge chair and sat down, took out a bottle of wine, drank it and waited.

Just when he saw the eyes of the dead cow lying not far away gradually losing their moist luster and becoming a little cloudy, he suddenly turned his head and looked at the corner of the house:

"Come out, there are too many of you to escape the smell of strangulation."

The uninvited guests are the Justice League. After listening to Deathstroke, the first person to come out of the blind spot is Superman.

He still had a sunny smile and said in a slightly embarrassed tone: "We should have rushed here when we received your signal, but obviously your speed in solving the problem once again exceeded our expectations."

Yes, they were one of Deathstroke's back-up men to deal with the Transcendent Protoss. Before entering the Transcendent Dimension, Su Ming actually wasn't sure whether he could come back, so he notified the Justice League at that time.

Once he is trapped in it, Batman and Barry should have a way to get him out, which is also a kind of insurance.

In order to avoid being noticed by the 'observers' who transcended the gods or higher levels, he did not directly give instructions to the adjutant. He just drew a bat symbol and surrounded it with a line of words. He knew that the adjutant would understand and use this to contact Harley. Harley He will tell Zhenglian in his own way, such as driving from the Monster Universe back to the DC Universe.

Strictly speaking, they didn't arrive too late. A normal major event should last weeks or even months.

Arriving within ten hours of being notified already showed that Batman was no longer suspicious today, but this still failed to keep up with Deathstroke's efficiency.

The backup plan was now useless, or rather, an invitation to a dinner party.

As for how they were sure that Deathstroke had resolved the crisis, and how were they sure that he had returned to Earth and this home?

There's Barry on the team, right? The induction of one's own 'lightning rod' is so effective.

"The Peacemaker is right when he says that the Justice League is late every time. I've expected it."

Su Ming stood up, shook hands and hugged everyone, dragged Diana into his arms with her head lowered, and nodded towards the bat hiding in the darkness in the corner:

"Please sit down, Clark. Welcome to my home. Everyone, please feel free to treat me as your own home."

Su Ming just complained about Zhenglian's efficiency, then put on a smile and invited everyone to sit by the swimming pool in the backyard.

Although it is always cold to swim in the mountains and it is troublesome to clean the fallen leaves on the water surface, it is not bad to use it as a pond to enjoy the scenery.

Let me go to the basement and move the big table and sofa out. Although it's foggy today, it feels pretty good. Let's have a meal outside and have a bonfire party.


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