The Death Knell

Chapter 4279 Brothers and sisters respect each other

"Thank you, girl, we love the prize, and we're also going to buy a big boat."

Holding the clerk's hand, Frigga decisively stated that she wanted to buy the spaceship. When Loki hesitated, she made her decision immediately.

Although she knew that if she asked Deathstroke, she would probably get the spaceship.

Because both his son and his daughter have a good relationship with Deathstroke, and Gin is very close to his sister Gullweger. Now that Asgard has fallen, as a queen, she still has this face.

But unlike Odin, Frigga prefers to live by other people's rules rather than find another way.

Besides, things like favor become thinner and thinner the more you use them, and I am not short of money now.

When she was in Asgard, she didn't know the use of money and had no interest in it.

Because the Immortal Palace is a traditional patriarchal system, everyone eats and wears Odin. As the God King, he enjoys supreme rights and is also responsible for the food, drink and diarrhea of ​​the entire race.

Aren’t all tribal chiefs like this? Parent mode.

People did not have private property, but they were limited to their own weapons, wine, meat, women, and horses.

Everything else, whether it is the house to live in, the tables and chairs at home, the food to eat, or even the firewood for the winter, are all given by Odin.

Asgard also has some foreign exchange reserves, such as Xandar's credit points, the Kree Empire's military merit points, the Skrulls' metal tickets, etc.

But these gadgets were used for settlement when trading with external forces. Frigga only knew that they existed but had never seen them.

Although as a queen, she is qualified to help her man, the God King, take care of the family property, just like Gin helped the death knell butler.

But there were three queens, so Odin simply didn't hand over the authority of the housekeeper, saying that he didn't want to cause a dispute between the sisters, so he had always managed it by himself.

In the past, Thor would take his friends to Vanahem for 'shopping', but the most they would do was exchange the animal skins from hunting for burgers and wine. Frigga knew about this, but didn't think about it carefully. Gullwig gave She had talked about Deathstroke's Capital, but she didn't understand it, so she just watched The Legend of Zhen Huan with her sister.

But after crashing into the earth and becoming a survivor, she deeply understood the importance of money, and understood that humans only recognize this thing.

Relatives, friends, family and comrades, relationships and feelings are there, but compared to actual benefits, feelings often fade a lot.

So she worked very hard during the live broadcast and asked Xifu to perform well.

These two girls have been live broadcasting for so long and still have hundreds of thousands of dollars. Buying a medium-sized spaceship is not a problem.

She had thought about it. After buying a big spaceship, she took her two sons to live broadcast from outer space. Deathstroke would definitely change the human currency system, but as long as she was still messing around on the Supreme Mage's live broadcast platform, then You will definitely not suffer a loss.

Times have changed, and the day when Asgard will rise to the sky again is far away. After all, it is not just about repairing the city, but about when the World Tree can grow back.

Without the World Tree, there are only three or two kittens left in Asgard. Would such a big target enter the universe and be eaten as snacks?

"Sorry, madam, we only have the basic 'Water Drop RV' spaceship here. The armed cargo ship you want needs to be transferred from the headquarters, which takes about ten minutes."

The clerk who spoke was a spider web agent. She naturally knew who the three women in front of her were, but she still pretended not to know them and kept a businesslike smile on her face.

"No problem, ten minutes is pretty quick. Let's start a live broadcast, okay?"

Sif held the small ball, activating it for a while and turning it off for a while.

The transparent barrier just spreads out from the sphere at once, and an invisible film passes through everyone's body, bringing fresh air and suitable temperature.

When the equipment is turned off, the force field will dissipate and the hot and humid environment near the tropical rainforest will be returned to everyone.

The difference is obvious. The three of them are fine, but the ordinary people nearby are miserable.

Living in an environmental force field is like walking into a fragrant air-conditioned room in the summer, but as soon as the phone is turned off, everyone falls out of the air-conditioned room and returns to the countryside under the scorching sun and full of the smell of cow dung. superior.

The difference is huge. It would be okay if you haven't experienced it, but after experiencing such a good environment, you simply can't stay in your hometown for a day.

Originally, some small farming families in the town had no plans to buy a spaceship, but they were attracted by the performance of this technological product and were tempted.

It is unrealistic for every household to buy a spaceship. This is not a rural town in the United States, but Brazil, which does not have the economic strength.

But what if dozens of families come together and ask the landlord in the village to borrow some money to jointly buy a spaceship?

Then with the spaceship, even if it is a little crowded, you can fly to the human colony in space to work, right?

In the past, dozens of Mexicans could squeeze into a van and sneak into the United States to work. They would find their own way to find a job in space. At least the competition for jobs would be smaller.

Whether it’s farming, working, selling drugs, or going to the rainforest to join anti-government guerrillas, it’s all about eating and making money.

"Ten minutes, so slow, there must be no conspiracy..." Loki felt something was wrong, and she whispered to her mother: "When I acted with Deathstroke before, what did he want? Things should be sent over immediately with just one sentence."

As she spoke, she looked around with a sinister look, as if she wanted to find out if Deathstroke was hiding somewhere to peek, or if she wanted to find the pretender with a strange expression in the crowd.

"Deathstroke is not here. His subordinates may not have the authority." Frigga quickly touched Loki's head and helped her fix her hair with a smile: "Don't blame others for no reason. This is not a good habit for a prince. , Besides, you brought us here to receive the grand prize today, and my mother is already very happy."

Once she heard that her mother was happy, Loki stopped complaining. She looked away, smiled and nodded:

"It's nothing. These are all things that I can do. I can win the lottery among billions of people on the earth, all because of my strength. Alas, I just don't know that my unsatisfactory brother is now drunk and collapsed again. Where is it? I miss him so much."

Frigga smiled with satisfaction, hugged the child's head, and smoothed his hair. She was even more moved when she saw Loki still thinking about Thor when good things happened to him.

This kind of scene of deep brotherhood and respect between brothers and sisters is what a mother wants to see!

At this time, reporters gathered around to interview this lucky mother and daughter, because currently, they are the only ones who have received the mysterious grand prize.

The mysterious grand prize is announced here. This is the headline news. The Wilson Group notified them yesterday to rush to this barren backcountry overnight. It really makes sense!

At the same time, the wealthy households in the village have begun to find other supermarket clerks, buy small spaceships that are in stock, and begin the ownership procedures and receive basic flight training.


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