The Death Knell

Chapter 4281 Uncertain Future

People once again embarked on an unknown journey. After all, curiosity can also be used as a driving force. Just relying on the various imaginary benefits, they drove the spaceship into the star sea. The courage behind this was completely concealed in daily actions. among.

In fact, it is not a blind exploration with a blind eye. After all, there are still several outposts in space that can be used.

Alpha Centaur of the Spear Bureau and Gliese of Latvinia had completed the construction last night. While Deathstroke was sleeping, the adjutant was busy with this matter, helping them build permanent structures on the two planets. colony.

It was originally a livable planet, so it was relatively easy to build. At present, we have built a city and supporting facilities that can accommodate one million people, and we will add more later if there are not enough.

In addition to these two new landmarks, people in the universe can also choose to go to Deathstroke's Contrasia and Kepler 113b, which is the Ice and Snow Happy Valley and the Monster Zoo ticket office, and even go to Sparta. It is also marked as a friendly force on the star map.

With these bases, they would at least have a place to stay when exploring the Milky Way, so traveling to these places from Earth was just the beginning. The real exploration would only officially begin when they set sail from those planets again.

People's current situation is equivalent to having nothing but spaceships. After all, earth's currency cannot be universal in the universe.

But it’s not a big problem. Even if it’s barter, or if backward technological products are sold as antiques, there are still aliens who are willing to take them. As for how to communicate, it’s not a problem. Most of the aliens speak English. Well.

Will someone die in this great voyage? Of course there will be, and the number will definitely be indispensable.

The universe is a truly lawless place, with dangers everywhere. There are natural phenomena that humans cannot understand, space creatures living in the universe, a huge number of pirate groups that are difficult to count, and aliens that have a bad relationship with humans. power.

For example, the Skrulls, their home planet is gone and their civilization has regressed, but the survivors never forget to take revenge on humans and Galactus.

These forces are currently beyond the reach of humans who have just entered the universe. If they see them, they will run away immediately. With the performance of the spacecraft, there is still a glimmer of hope, but if they fall into a trap or ambush, it will be absolutely unreasonable.

But as Diana said, as long as you can't see it, you can treat it as if it doesn't exist.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that there is no road in the world. When more people walk, it becomes a road.

Whether the person who created the road died in a haystack on the roadside, or whether he fell into a ditch and died while walking at night is none of the death knell's business.

He chose the direction for everyone and provided the spaceship as initial capital. As for how people will develop in the future, it is all up to them. The self-respecting mage only needs to protect the existence of the earth and the continuation of the race.

"It currently appears that about one-fiftieth of the population will choose to leave Earth today."

The adjutant gave some analytical conclusions based on big data. Her half-body projection also floated aside, watching the scene of the spacecraft leaving the earth with a few others. However, in her eyes, it was more like a certain cell extending out countless cilia.

"Don't worry, once the first batch of people have gained something, more people will follow the big army because of the tangible benefits. As long as Star-Lord doesn't lose his chain, then he can 'dig up the graves of aliens and make a fortune' The leading effect will come soon.”

Su Ming smoked a cigarette leisurely, looked at Loki and others who were being interviewed, and said with a smile:

"The first group of people on the road are dreamers and pioneers, and those who come after are pragmatists and workers. No one can put it more simply. They are all good. I have plenty of time to wait for the results."

"Well, after the excess population leaves the earth, social stability will also increase a lot. Many idle young adults will also go to the universe, and friction between countries will almost disappear."

The beautiful silver-haired girl smiled slightly, although the Sheriff's statement is better understood in terms of the hive theory. The first group of people are soldier bees, and the second group of people are worker bees. The true core of the group will definitely remain on the earth.

But bionics is the ability of humans to imitate other living things, and it has long been proven by experience to be feasible. Races with a hive structure can indeed travel across the star sea. There is no problem for humans to imitate the hive system.

Su Ming nodded slightly. At this time, the cargo ship that Frigga wanted to buy had also fallen from the sky. The falling airflow made the surrounding people unsteady, but everyone was still staring at the hull shining in the sun, as if watching Just like the gods who came to the world.


"I'm going back to Earth 0. Batman's reaction is a bit strange. I'm very concerned about it, but don't go back first. Just stay here and play for a few days. I'll call you if I need anything."

After taking the three ladies around the world and watching the ascension scenes in front of different supermarkets, Deathstroke said goodbye to Master Gu Yi and returned to his home in the mountains and forests with Gin and Diana.

Even here, you can still see meteors streaking in the opposite direction from time to time in the sky, and streaks of light rising into the sky, carrying hope and ambition towards this path, the path of Death Knell's creation.

The next thing will naturally be supervised by the adjutant. The shipboard AI of each spacecraft is actually connected to the Internet in her head. If there is any trouble, she will naturally tell the police chief.

The fishing nets have been given to people. As for catching fish or garbage, Su Ming doesn't care. Nature and the universe have their own answers.

After returning home, they found that Barry and the others were still asleep, and they didn't know how much they drank last night. Tiger woke up, but was pressed tightly by Cyborg and Arthur's weight, unable to move.

After Gin knew that this was the big cat that Deathstroke bought for her as a companion, she happily fished the tiger out and took it to the backyard to train it.

She plans to teach the tiger some tricks, such as picking up Frisbees, using the toilet on its own, and other essential skills for pets.

And she also knew that Diana was very thin-skinned and it was impossible for sisters to be intimate with their own men together, so this could be regarded as deliberately creating a space for solitude.

But it was impossible not to be jealous at all, so when the tiger disobeyed, she would spank the big cat hard and make it scream.

Of course, Su Ming could understand what Gin meant, so he took Xiao Dai back to the bedroom.

While he was talking, he was wiping the woman's sweat with his hands. At this time, he had missed the lunch time. Diana, who was wrapped in sheets, was drowsy and obviously exhausted.

But after listening to Deathstroke's words, she still cheered up:

"Are you going to find out about Zeus?"

She seemed to suddenly become smarter. She was always like this. When she shouldn't be smart, she seemed to have enlightened herself.

"Didn't I tell you, I'm just going to find Batman." Su Ming hugged her, put down his hand to wipe the sweat, and said with a helpless look: "It's really hard for me to get involved in Olympus affairs, I can only treat it as a watch. Gone, alas.”

The heroine was doubtful, but seeing that Deathstroke was sincere, she didn't hit herself with a pan.

So after staring at Deathstroke's one eye carefully, she relaxed after a few seconds, shrank her head into the quilt, and closed her eyes:

"Well, I don't want to go back for the time being, but don't keep teasing Batman, let alone pretend to be him all the time. He is sick, remember?"

"I know, just sleep peacefully. When you wake up, I may have already come back."

Su Ming covered her with the quilt, put a kiss on the snow-white shoulder, and then stood up decisively, and the black and yellow armor instantly climbed onto his body.


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